Why don't black Americans swim?

You know the answers just as i know the answers Samson..so why dont you just SAY it.

Ok, I will.

Slave owners told blacks that all bodies of water had sharks that would eat them if they went swimming.

This made escape back across the Atlantic more difficult.

And what does you answer have anything to do with your questions about basketball?

What part of slavery ended a century ago haven't you gotten.

Um..oops....thought it was obvious: basketball is not played in the water.

Actually, slavery ended after the Civil War Ended in 1865, 145 years ago.

Are you saying, that once slavery ended, slave owners should have taught slaves to swim?:eek:

Gee, I wonder why they didn't???:oops:
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Ok, I will.

Slave owners told blacks that all bodies of water had sharks that would eat them if they went swimming.

This made escape back across the Atlantic more difficult.

And what does you answer have anything to do with your questions about basketball?

What part of slavery ended a century ago haven't you gotten.

Um..oops....thought it was obvious: basketball is not played in the water.

Actually, slavery ended after the Civil War Ended in 1865, 145 years ago.

Are you saying, that once slavery ended, slave owners should have taught slaves to swim?:eek:

Gee, I wonder why they didn't???:oops:

um gee, could it be because
1- they are no longer slaves
2- again, lazy parents.

you having a bad weekend samson?
And what does you answer have anything to do with your questions about basketball?

What part of slavery ended a century ago haven't you gotten.

Um..oops....thought it was obvious: basketball is not played in the water.

Actually, slavery ended after the Civil War Ended in 1865, 145 years ago.

Are you saying, that once slavery ended, slave owners should have taught slaves to swim?:eek:

Gee, I wonder why they didn't???:oops:

um gee, could it be because
1- they are no longer slaves
2- again, lazy parents.

you having a bad weekend samson?

We can agree they are no longer slaves. See how much common ground we've already established?:tongue:

But, if the cause is "lazy parents" then why are they playing BASKETBALL??? I suppose I should explain in more detail:

How do they learn how to play Basketball despite "Lazy Parents," but they cannot learn how to SWIM despite lazy parents?
Why don't black Americans swim?

I don't know.

Why are Jews not handy around the house?
When I went to Basic Training in '72 I was shocked by two things. People that couldn't read and write, and blacks not able to swim.
Interesting article. I learned to swim at age 3, so can't imagine not knowing how to swim. Yet, many American children don't learn, with Black Americans with a huge percentage of non-swimmers. According to the article, in the UK swimming is a part of the curriculum of their educational system. But, in the U.S. it's up to the parents.

most city schools don't have swimming pools.
When I went to Basic Training in '72 I was shocked by two things. People that couldn't read and write, and blacks not able to swim.

They don't snow ski either.:(

Damn slaveowners should have taught them that too before they were set free.:evil:
Its an interesting question. We have a rather large minority population at my school but not one black kid on the swim team.

There is a state of the art urban school up the road with a gorgeous pool and only six kids on the team.

Boy Scouts teach swimming. Its a wonderful program for inner city kids who may even have lazy parents. Just sayin..
for many americans the subject of race is a cause for humor or triviality. it is a subject that is dead serious and unless we as americans begin to develop a scientific understanding of this all important subject we are subject to annihilation,not by government action or by stupidity but by nature herself who will decree the death of the white race in america and round the world.
for many americans the subject of race is a cause for humor or triviality. it is a subject that is dead serious and unless we as americans begin to develop a scientific understanding of this all important subject we are subject to annihilation,not by government action or by stupidity but by nature herself who will decree the death of the white race in america and round the world.

Ah. I believe you're looking for 52nd Street and the gang. Just this way, beyond the locked doors............
Threads like this are so dumb. Why don't you just go ahead and start a thread entitled "Why can so few white dudes dunk a basketball?"

I grew up in Southern California about 20 minutes from the beach and there were and still are plenty of black people who swim. It's not like they are afraid of the water. Some cultures simply do different things than others.
When i was in boot camp for the Navy, there were 9 black guys in my company, and not a single one could swim. They looked fucking terrified as they stood up there on the high dive with the company commanders below screaming at them to jump in the water. Not one did it on the first day. It took a few of them several days to pass this test. It was weird to me, because growing up, me and all my friends knew how to swim. I thought the swimming test was a joke. Even the test to qualify for the Navy SEAL boot camp (buds) is a joke if you ask me.
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for many americans the subject of race is a cause for humor or triviality. it is a subject that is dead serious and unless we as americans begin to develop a scientific understanding of this all important subject we are subject to annihilation,not by government action or by stupidity but by nature herself who will decree the death of the white race in america and round the world.

Ah. I believe you're looking for 52nd Street and the gang. Just this way, beyond the locked doors............

stay in the ghetto , please stay in the ghetto.
WTF? Lazy? Who is a lazier parent than the broad who drops her kidlets off at a public pool when it opens and never bothers to pick them up again until closing time? Kidlets without lunches, running around like crazied beasties, driving the lifeguards nutz......

O wait. That was me. He he he.

People like you should never be allowed to have children.
Um..oops....thought it was obvious: basketball is not played in the water.

Actually, slavery ended after the Civil War Ended in 1865, 145 years ago.

Are you saying, that once slavery ended, slave owners should have taught slaves to swim?:eek:

Gee, I wonder why they didn't???:oops:

um gee, could it be because
1- they are no longer slaves
2- again, lazy parents.

you having a bad weekend samson?

We can agree they are no longer slaves. See how much common ground we've already established?:tongue:

But, if the cause is "lazy parents" then why are they playing BASKETBALL??? I suppose I should explain in more detail:

How do they learn how to play Basketball despite "Lazy Parents," but they cannot learn how to SWIM despite lazy parents?

Are you playing dumb today samson?

If parents want their kids to learn something they either teach them themselves, find someone else who can teach them or enroll them in a class.

Neither of my parents could swim. My father was in the navy and in my opinion could not swim. My mother was just flat afraid of the water. They took me to classes to learn how to swim.

Basketball is something you learn at school, or playing with your friends. AND yes i KNOW at one time in this country it was MANDATORY to know how to swim to graduate high school.

The bottom line however is. If parents want their children to learn how to swim it is THEIR responsibility to water prof their kids.
