Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

President Trump tends to exaggerate at times.
But no lies.

It's the same thing, really.

But let's just say you're right. How could you possibly believe that Trump was going to

1. Zero out the national debt
2. Lock Hillary up or even have her investigated
3. Get the right and the left to come together on anything
4. Build these big new cities.
5. Eliminate the trade deficit with China
6. Cut spending
7. Make Mexico pay for the wall.
8. Build the wall
9. The Covid shot was "the greatest medical miracle of all time
10. DeSantis is an establishment candidate
11. He didn't get paid for being the president

It's been reported that Trump lied over 30,000 times. It was a left wing rag that reported that. So I wouldn't believe 2/3rd of it. But that still leaves 10,000 times he's lied. Some were just exaggerations, for sure. Some were just off the cuff statements to give the left something to squawk about. But many of them were just down right lies, meant for his uneducated supporters to believe and spread for him.
When it comes to the supporters of a politican and believing their lies how are the supporters of Biden, Obama, Clinton both Bill and Hillary or any other politican Democrat or Republican any different than Trump supporters? The reality is on election day in November of 2024 no matter who the nominees are their supporters will swallow their lies like they are shoveling down ice cream and vote for them with a smile on their face and a song in their heart. The old saying there is no difference between the two parties also applies to the supporters of the parties.

I agree, they're not different. But there is one difference. Trump supporters are doing the same exact retarded thing that the Obama, Biden and Hillary supporters did. Believe their obvious lies and/or not hold them accountable when the statements turned out to be lies.

That's the point of the OP. Both sides to the same thing when it comes to lying. And their supporters do the same thing when they overlook those lies.
It's the same thing, really.

But let's just say you're right. How could you possibly believe that Trump was going to

1. Zero out the national debt
2. Lock Hillary up or even have her investigated
3. Get the right and the left to come together on anything
4. Build these big new cities.
5. Eliminate the trade deficit with China
6. Cut spending
7. Make Mexico pay for the wall.
8. Build the wall
9. The Covid shot was "the greatest medical miracle of all time
10. DeSantis is an establishment candidate
11. He didn't get paid for being the president

It's been reported that Trump lied over 30,000 times. It was a left wing rag that reported that. So I wouldn't believe 2/3rd of it. But that still leaves 10,000 times he's lied. Some were just exaggerations, for sure. Some were just off the cuff statements to give the left something to squawk about. But many of them were just down right lies, meant for his uneducated supporters to believe and spread for him.

The unicorns do, or do not,
Leave a horrible mess?
Let's remember that those are the people that ate horse paste.
theres already hundreds of them,, the dems are to scared to talk about it,,

all they can do is start childish threads like this thinking trump supporters give a shit what they think,,

I'm not a leftist, dude. I'm a fiscal conservative. Not a republican. Not a democrat. I'm not even a libertarian. I don't support any political party. And the only candidates or politicians I do support are actual fiscal conservatives.

Trump isn't even close to being one of those. In fact, IMO, Trump is left of center. (when you get right down to his actual record. Debt ceiling increases, platinum plan, bump stock ban, trade deal with China etc etc etc)
I agree, they're not different. But there is one difference. Trump supporters are doing the same exact retarded thing that the Obama, Biden and Hillary supporters did. Believe their obvious lies and/or not hold them accountable when the statements turned out to be lies.

That's the point of the OP. Both sides to the same thing when it comes to lying. And their supporters do the same thing when they overlook those lies.
Both sides do it but you make a thread about Trump and his fanboys.

What's really your point?
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Name me a politician that doesn't lie.
Article, and thread, both irrelevant.
I'm not a leftist, dude. I'm a fiscal conservative. Not a republican. Not a democrat. I'm not even a libertarian. I don't support any political party. And the only candidates or politicians I do support are actual fiscal conservatives.

Trump isn't even close to being one of those. In fact, IMO, Trump is left of center. (when you get right down to his actual record. Debt ceiling increases, platinum plan, bump stock ban, trade deal with China etc etc etc)
keep in mind I am not a trump supporter and didnt vote for him and agree with what you say,,

trump doesnt come close to meeting my standard to get my vote,

I do how ever like a few of the things he was trying to get done like bringing manufacturing back, securing the border and no new wars are a few biggies,,

I can only imagine how a man like him gets anything done with all the people working against him,

one things for sure I have no doubt he does love this country,,

as for this thread,,

I cant for the life of me figure out why people would complain about trump and say nothing about biden after all the stuff we know hes done,
I agree, they're not different. But there is one difference. Trump supporters are doing the same exact retarded thing that the Obama, Biden and Hillary supporters did. Believe their obvious lies and/or not hold them accountable when the statements turned out to be lies.

That's the point of the OP. Both sides to the same thing when it comes to lying. And their supporters do the same thing when they overlook those lies.
If you agree they are no different then it would have made more sense to start a thread about why do supporters of politicans support them and believe their lies and not hold them accountable. Doing one that singles out only Trump supporters makes it appear you don't believe this and think it's only Trump supporters that do it. Just a little something to consider in future threads if you wish to.
It's the same thing, really.

But let's just say you're right. How could you possibly believe that Trump was going to

1. Zero out the national debt
2. Lock Hillary up or even have her investigated
3. Get the right and the left to come together on anything
4. Build these big new cities.
5. Eliminate the trade deficit with China
6. Cut spending
7. Make Mexico pay for the wall.
8. Build the wall
9. The Covid shot was "the greatest medical miracle of all time
10. DeSantis is an establishment candidate
11. He didn't get paid for being the president

It's been reported that Trump lied over 30,000 times. It was a left wing rag that reported that. So I wouldn't believe 2/3rd of it. But that still leaves 10,000 times he's lied. Some were just exaggerations, for sure. Some were just off the cuff statements to give the left something to squawk about. But many of them were just down right lies, meant for his uneducated supporters to believe and spread for him.
go to the whitehouse have some coke and queer beer with the Buymes and then you will forget your obsession with trump....ps, its nobodys fault you live in a democrat run city and someone stole your trumpybear
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Trump's a bad liar. He fibs over small things in a joking manner. We all do that. They've made an industry from taking a snippet of his words out of context and splicing together soundbytes to create massive fake news stories, (Charlottesville is a perfect example, they were chomping on the bit trying to paint him as a white supremacist before he even got on the podium) because Trump doesn't speak like a lawyer-politician and they shamelessly & disingenuously take advantage of that. Now they're trying to put him in jail for 200 years over something said sarcastically. The propaganda effect of millions of "experts" and journalists to maintain their gravy train status quo is where the LIES come from. They are good liars because they lie in unison. That's why low-IQ lemmings like OP believe it, hook line and sinker. It feels good to agree with the powers that be. Trump is just an individual. Trump making jokes and then you linking another silly article blowing Trump out of proportion is a frivolous waste of time, like making a mountain out of a mole hill. Your propaganda is built on a house of cards and falls over at the slightest gust of wind. That's why they ban commenting on all these news sites. They want one-way communication. Like I'm gonna tolerate a navelgazing monologue from another insulated, compromised, LYING journalist. That includes right-wingnuts (pjmedia, redstate...) as well.
Trump's a bad liar. He fibs over small things in a joking manner. We all do that. They've made an industry from taking a snippet of his words out of context and splicing together soundbytes to create massive fake news stories, (Charlottesville is a perfect example, they were chomping on the bit trying to paint him as a white supremacist before he even got on the podium) because Trump doesn't speak like a lawyer-politician and they shamelessly & disingenuously take advantage of that. Now they're trying to put him in jail for 200 years over something said sarcastically. The propaganda effect of millions of "experts" and journalists to maintain their gravy train status quo is where the LIES come from. They are good liars because they lie in unison. That's why low-IQ lemmings like OP believe it, hook line and sinker. It feels good to agree with the powers that be. Trump is just an individual. Trump making jokes and then you linking another silly article blowing Trump out of proportion is a frivolous waste of time, like making a mountain out of a mole hill. Your propaganda is built on a house of cards and falls over at the slightest gust of wind. That's why they ban commenting on all these news sites. They want one-way communication. Like I'm gonna tolerate a navelgazing monologue from another insulated, compromised, LYING journalist. That includes right-wingnuts (pjmedia, redstate...) as well.

I don't disagree with that. But while focusing on those other things, you're trying to change the subject of Trumps actual big lies. Some very important ones. One's from his 2016 campaign he told to get people to support him. Important lies he told as president. And ones he's telling now.

Why doesn't his supporters hold him in account for doing that? Is the truth not good enough? Do we not deserve better or the truth?

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