Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

I'm more curious how biden supporters tolerate bidens lies and corruption thats been going on for decades??

Internet discussion board user who goes by a name that has the word "Truly" in it, but refuses to be honest about his own elected leader's and party's lies.

What's that smell? Does anyone else smell bullshit in this thread?
this whole thread is a "BUT TRUMP" card,,

It's a "whataboutBiden" thread. As it always in, when someone points out even a legit flaw of Trumps. Trump supporters seriously think Trump is some sort of superhero. A god of some sorts. Like he's going to save the country. Even though he didn't do shit in his first two years, except hand the House over to the democrats.

Everything about Trump screams liberal. From spending to trade deals. His Platinum Plan. His assault on our 2A. And all the constant lies.
It really is amazing how so many can still believe anything he says. When Biden lies, we all catch on quick. And are quick to call Biden out on it. But when Trump lies, his supporters simply ignore it and blame the left.
Wrong. I can't stand Biden. Him and Trump are both too liberal for me. And they both lie too much. But you keep trying to put me in Biden's corner.

What ever helps you to keep believing Trump.

You are an idiot purist.
Probably worse with all the unicorns floating around you.
It's a "whataboutBiden" thread. As it always in, when someone points out even a legit flaw of Trumps. Trump supporters seriously think Trump is some sort of superhero. A god of some sorts. Like he's going to save the country. Even though he didn't do shit in his first two years, except hand the House over to the democrats.

Everything about Trump screams liberal. From spending to trade deals. His Platinum Plan. His assault on our 2A. And all the constant lies.
It really is amazing how so many can still believe anything he says. When Biden lies, we all catch on quick. And are quick to call Biden out on it. But when Trump lies, his supporters simply ignore it and blame the left.
anything you think trump has done biden has been doing that and more for 50 yrs now,,,
Trump has been truthful, but the leftwing has LIED about him. Steele Dossier -made up from thin air; Collusion with Russia - made up from thin air. E Jean Carroll rape - made up from thin air. And President Trump was probably the only president in 100 years who promised to govern as a conservative and kept every one of his campaign promises. As a devout Catholic, I am grateful this great man has been allowed to help America. He is unparalleled in ability. The reason he has so many millions of supporters is because he already had a superlative record as president. At first, maybe it was his personality, but now it's because he has delivered the goods AND his personality. Even leftwingers who hate him have to begrudgingly admit he was a highly accomplished president.
I'll never forget that walk-through with 0bama after Trump was elected. Trump looked like HE was the president. He did all the talking and totally commanded the room. 0bama was reduced to looking down at his shoes. He actually looked like a go-fer for Trump.
That’s some serious denial you got going there
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Every supporter of every politician -especially ones who have strong emotional attachments- tolerate their lies.

Clintoon, the Bushes, Oboingo, Trump....I doesn't matter....Not a news flash.

So what else is new?
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”

If you drew a Venn Diagram of blob supporters and those who are fans of professional wrestling; you'd see one circle. They believe wresting is real and if something does happen with real life implications that pops that balloon of make-believe; they simply pretend it didn't happen.
When it comes to the supporters of a politican and believing their lies how are the supporters of Biden, Obama, Clinton both Bill and Hillary or any other politican Democrat or Republican any different than Trump supporters? The reality is on election day in November of 2024 no matter who the nominees are their supporters will swallow their lies like they are shoveling down ice cream and vote for them with a smile on their face and a song in their heart. The old saying there is no difference between the two parties also applies to the supporters of the parties.
See post 14.

Oh, in other words, you have no answer for Biden's lies but a meme because Trump may get a few things wrong or exaggerate, but unlike Biden, was a good leader, put the welfare of his people and nation first, and didn't lie about the important things that really mattered.

UNLESS you can prove me wrong by producing an actual video of Trump actually LYING about something later proven that he knew different!

Biden lies about everything! NOT ONE WORD coming out of his mouth is ever truthful.

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