Zone1 Why does the Bible seem so misogynistic?

The smiley indicates what I think too: you think you are above being under authority. That's the first and most deadly sin. Pride.

So be it. Go your way.
I study the scriptures because I am under God's authority. I'm finding all sorts of things that others don't know. Having fun too. ;)
I think he is saying that there is always something new to learn, that not everything has been revealed, and that someone (like me) may actually have uncovered knowledge previously unknown. For example, Christians and others still believe that the ark was some sort of "ship". The fact that the Bible describes it as a large boxlike structure, covered with tar, that looks like a building completely escapes them.

Things get rooted in people's minds over time and are very difficult to root out. Because of this they are unable to move ahead.

Oooohhhhhh right, got it. People have studied the Bible for some 1500 years but YOU, Random Message Board Guy, are privy to some information not a single soul has unearthed yet.

Sure, yeah sure lol
Oooohhhhhh right, got it. People have studied the Bible for some 1500 years but YOU, Random Message Board Guy, are privy to some information not a single soul has unearthed yet.

Sure, yeah sure lol
God said study his word, don't just look at the pages. When you study you learn things that others don't know. Don't take for granted that everything in the Bible is understood, even by so-called scholars.

2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Study it for yourself. Report back. :)

God said study his word, don't just look at the pages. When you study you learn things that others don't know. Don't take for granted that everything in the Bible is understood, even by so-called scholars.

2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

why do you assume I haven't studied?
From the Genesis to Proverbs to Paul statements critical of women abound. Thoughts?
I suppose if you're looking you can find a lot of Bible verses critical of women. But if you're looking you will find a lot more Bible verses critical of men.

As a woman who is a lifelong strong feminist when it comes to respect for and worth of women, I do not find the Bible the least bit misogynistic, most especially the New Testament. It does reflect the cultures that existed over the many centuries covered by the Biblical record, but in no place does it suggest men and women are biologically the same or that there are more than two genders. I rather appreciate that.
I'm finding all sorts of things that others don't know.
That in itself should give one pause. Jumping to one's own conclusions about all sorts of things is not the same as knowing. Asking the intent of the original author to his original audience is a better research.
That in itself should give one pause. Jumping to one's own conclusions about all sorts of things is not the same as knowing. Asking the intent of the original author to his original audience is a better research.
Jesus was "sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" where he would "build (his) church". Who does mainstream Christianity think that is? Answer. Anyone except who it says it is. This is truth hiding in plain sight. What does your study about this reveal?
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Jesus was "sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" where he would "build (his) church". Who does mainstream Christianity think that is? Answer. Anyone except who it says it is. This is truth hiding in plain sight. What does your study about this reveal?
What happened to the Tribes of Israel? The Tribe of Judah was in the South. What happened to the other eleven who were in the North? For that matter, what happened to many in the Tribe of Judah?
What happened to the Tribes of Israel? The Tribe of Judah was in the South. What happened to the other eleven who were in the North? For that matter, what happened to many in the Tribe of Judah?
There were 10 in the north, three in the south.
The north was scattered (northward mainly) by and after the Assyrian captivity. However, the poorest remained in Samaria. It was to those that Jesus began his ministry. The disciples also went north to minister to the dispersed of the northern tribes.
Many Jews were also scattered after the Babylonian captivity. Not all return to Judea under Ezra and Nehemiah.
From the Genesis to Proverbs to Paul statements critical of women abound. Thoughts?
Women have been almost universally oppressed, certainly since the beginning of recorded history and likely since the first hominids. I'm certain the authors fully believed they were simply describing things as they were and, in that regard, as they were supposed to be. The better question, of course, is why were god and Jesus so mysogynistic.
Women have been almost universally oppressed, certainly since the beginning of recorded history and likely since the first hominids. I'm certain the authors fully believed they were simply describing things as they were and, in that regard, as they were supposed to be. The better question, of course, is why were god and Jesus so mysogynistic.
All the women in your family and ancestry have been oppressed? What kind of snowflakes are/were they? I do a lot of genealogy, and in my own family lines, I have yet to find a woman who has been oppressed and many who would knock descendant upside-the-head to suggest they could have been oppressed by a mere male.

Looking into the future...women in this day were oppressed because so many were single mothers, mothers and career women, etc. They had to do it all! All through the ages, females were singing, I am woman, hear me roar....!
If they wanted a Book of Batshit Crazy they would have gotten a woman to write one. ;)

Insulting and denigrating women is why Republicans are losing this election. 8 million more women voters than men.

Men and women are equals as single people. Once married, he is the "head" (in the church anyway). That doesn't make the wife the "tail", it just means that she isn't the head. Proverbs 31 reveals that wives have huge opportunities as well as responsibilities.

God told Eve that she (and thus women since) would "eat dirt" and "have kids". Paul states that women's redeeming value is in motherhood.

God did not tell Eve she would "eat dirt" or have children because of her sin. Eve was given pain in childbirth for her sin.

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you".

I have no use for Paul or ANY of his teachings regarding sex. Paul never walked with Jesus nor spoke to him. He was a nasty man before his conversion and his entirely human prejudices are found in all of his writings.
From the Genesis to Proverbs to Paul statements critical of women abound. Thoughts?

Because that's how the majority of the world has been for thousands and thousands of years because we lacked technology and had societies.

Even 300 years ago it was that way in most of the world. Trying to say the bible is that way specifically is ignoring most of our own history as well.

In a world where every day is a tough and grueling day where constant physical stress and work were required to live, no electricity, no cars, no indoor toilets or anything life was not easy for almost everyone.

So men being the stronger, tougher, more aggressive, more able bodied to work, fight and hunt were the ones to lead and women were the mothers, the caretakers, the helpers.

And back then that was the symbiotic relationship needed to propagate the species. It's a normal and natural state of being that still exists in the animal kingdom for the most part now.

Modern society in a civilized society has changed because of our advances in technology that makes our lives much easier, that's why you see little of that dynamic right now in say america.

Just tossing off a closed ended comment with little to no thought isn't proper thinking. To grow you need to look at reality, the past, others points of view and think outside the box instead of being a slave to impulse reactions.
Women have been almost universally oppressed, certainly since the beginning of recorded history and likely since the first hominids. I'm certain the authors fully believed they were simply describing things as they were and, in that regard, as they were supposed to be. The better question, of course, is why were god and Jesus so mysogynistic.
That indeed is the question.

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