Take a Memo:
"We're going to slap an exit tax on corporations moving their headquarters overseas!"
*mindless socialist cheers*
Now, she is supposed to be a smart woman from what we've been told. How the hell does she think this is ever going to work in a free society like the United States? First of all, she's not going to be the Dictator. Any tax legislation has to be originated and passed by the House of Representatives. Best case scenario, Democrats might be able to take control of the Senate but the House will likely remain Republican. So how is she going to get the needed super-majority required for a new tax? That's just the FIRST hurdle but it's a pretty big one if you ask me.
So let's say the Congress loses it's ever-loving mind and passes such a tax... How does she plan to enforce it? She has no authority or jurisdiction in other countries. What an American business does elsewhere is between them and the host government, not Hillary Clinton. Is she planning to build a wall to keep people from leaving the US? What about all the corporations who are already located overseas? They've already exited so you can't retroactively apply a tax to them, it's unconstitutional. That only leaves a small handful of companies who haven't yet exited and I assure you, they can certainly find loopholes to avoid her silly idea.
You can't tax people for leaving. It's just a patently ridiculous idea that has no chance of success, even IF it can get passed by Congress... which it won't. This illustrates how out of touch this woman is with economics and the problems we have with economic growth.... it shouldn't be a surprise, this entire liberal administration is clueless when it comes to the economy.
The better alternative would be to offer incentives to repatriate overseas corporate wealth. Eliminate corporate taxes or reduce them to something competitive with the rest of the free world. Encourage corporations to remain here in the US and create jobs here. Stop attacking them and trying to impose your fascist will on them, that's only going to drive them away more.
This woman is not competent to lead and this is a prime example.
*mindless socialist cheers*
Now, she is supposed to be a smart woman from what we've been told. How the hell does she think this is ever going to work in a free society like the United States? First of all, she's not going to be the Dictator. Any tax legislation has to be originated and passed by the House of Representatives. Best case scenario, Democrats might be able to take control of the Senate but the House will likely remain Republican. So how is she going to get the needed super-majority required for a new tax? That's just the FIRST hurdle but it's a pretty big one if you ask me.
So let's say the Congress loses it's ever-loving mind and passes such a tax... How does she plan to enforce it? She has no authority or jurisdiction in other countries. What an American business does elsewhere is between them and the host government, not Hillary Clinton. Is she planning to build a wall to keep people from leaving the US? What about all the corporations who are already located overseas? They've already exited so you can't retroactively apply a tax to them, it's unconstitutional. That only leaves a small handful of companies who haven't yet exited and I assure you, they can certainly find loopholes to avoid her silly idea.
You can't tax people for leaving. It's just a patently ridiculous idea that has no chance of success, even IF it can get passed by Congress... which it won't. This illustrates how out of touch this woman is with economics and the problems we have with economic growth.... it shouldn't be a surprise, this entire liberal administration is clueless when it comes to the economy.
The better alternative would be to offer incentives to repatriate overseas corporate wealth. Eliminate corporate taxes or reduce them to something competitive with the rest of the free world. Encourage corporations to remain here in the US and create jobs here. Stop attacking them and trying to impose your fascist will on them, that's only going to drive them away more.
This woman is not competent to lead and this is a prime example.