Why do you think this NY Times Op-Ed was written?

There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.

Oh, Stormy, you don't want serious thought. Y ou want people to agree with you.

My guess. The Republicans are panicking. they are looking at the polls that show they are looking at losing the house, the Senate is within striking distance, and the majority of governorships.

So they want to assure the dumb Suburban Von Papen Republicans who voted for Trump in 2016 that he is being handled.

You see, even under normal circumstances, a midterm is where you have the other part get control of Congress to limit the president, even when he isn't a crazy person.

After two years of cowering before the Gun Nuts and Religious Nuts who support Trump, the GOP has shown they won't reel him in. So those Suburban Von Papen Republicans are saying, "Hey, keep voting for Peter Roskam, even though we know he's a coward."

Of course, as long as we have Neville Chamberlain Democrats like you who appease Trump, I'm not having high hopes.

Unfortunately, we won't take a serious look at the 25th or impeachment until Trump does something truly disastrous and crashes the economy. Shame on us.

Democracy is broken, and we broke it.

Transaltion: we wanted one party rule, we lost. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wahhhhhhhhhhhh Wahhhhhhhhhhhh WahhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The op-ed claimed that the President is unhinged and dangerous. If that's really the case, the cabinet is duty-bound to remove him from office. If that's not the case, if they just don't like him and want to remove him for political reasons, they need to shut the fuck up and stop undermining the Presidency.

That pretty much says it all. There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything. Running to the New York Times and bashing the President while hiding, is less than forthright, and stinks of corruption. I may or may not agree with what Edward Snowden did, but at least he stuck his neck out doing it. If someone wants the chips to fall where they may, they need to annie up. If someone else thinks the Administration needs to go "all in" to call their bluff, well, in any case they don't shit about poker. :21:
Getting back to the 'why', I also suspect there's a psychological angle to this. The entire spectacle seems tailored to push Trump over the edge, to get him to completely flip out and make his removal an obvious choice.
Pence would never have a prayer of winning anything if he did that.Any hopes Republicans had of Democrats mass voting for a popular Republican they still don’t agree with died with the humiliating defeat of McCain.
Pence doesn't have to win anything. If trump gets impeached or is otherwise removed from office, Pence takes over. That's what I'm saying. Far fetched? Perhaps but stranger things have happened.
So they want Pence to serve less than 2 years as president before Democrats easily win over a completely fractured Republican Party in 2020?

There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
All the reasons listed in this thread, plus one more:
Are people trying to push Trump to the breaking point? Make him meltdown entirely? I don't think there's any hard evidence for the 25th, yet.

Bingo. Media is going sensory overload on Orange Virus' ass on the daily with bad karma. They're testing for weaknesses to try and break him. It just might work.
If this person really exists and is outed, the left will take care of him. It is likely he would be a hero to those on the left, and immediately get a high level position at CNN or MSNBC.

Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However, it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.
Correction, the left will do whatever it takes to take Trump out. Including writing this op/ed and attributing it to someone in the administration.
It's tough to imagine the name won't come out at some point.

So the motivations will probably be pretty obvious.
I don't know why people feel we will find out who this is. I don't.
cause it's warfare against trump. as far as i'm concerned it's warfare against our constitution. i don't give a rats ass if you love or hate the president, they won by our system we've all lived by since 1776 and i for one would love to see it continue. however that may be, rome fell.

kingdoms fall.

maybe when both sides swear their fellow countryman is the enemy and then justify it with whatever hate is handy, it's our turn to fall also. especially when we have to look for reasons to hate someone and then justify those stupid reasons.

so yea. it's whatever it takes to take out trump. this is something as far as i know our country has never seen so past references only go so far. now you must ask yourself *why* one side would risk all and take away their own pretenses of hypocrisy if this were just another president. if RUSSIA is involved, they've sure not shown it yet.

so what else would make people risk all? only if you have everything to lose. but the fight itself is going to make us all lose everything if we don't get smart and cut it out.

no one wins this war. we need to stop fighting it.

Elections do have consequences. I think the consequence of this last one is America's spirit got broken.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
You assume this "person" is real.
There is no more evidence of that than there is of alien moon bases on the dark side of the moon.
Well, that's why I bolded "Let's assume that this whole thing is true".

Hopefully this whole thing gets outed soon. But not TOO soon, because this part is kinda fun.
Even our local news, which sticks almost entirely to state affairs, mentioned the anonymous op ed this a.m. in the daily 60 second roundup of "news from around the world" segment. The Kavanaugh hearings didn't get a mention, but this fun guessing game designed to drive the Pres crazy is at the top of the list. Interesting.
If this person really exists and is outed, the left will take care of him. It is likely he would be a hero to those on the left, and immediately get a high level position at CNN or MSNBC.

Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However, it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.
Correction, the left will do whatever it takes to take Trump out. Including writing this op/ed and attributing it to someone in the administration.
It's tough to imagine the name won't come out at some point.

So the motivations will probably be pretty obvious.
I don't know why people feel we will find out who this is. I don't.
Well, the media is doing everything it can to find out, people do love to talk here and there, and it may get to a point at which someone squeals to save their own behind.

Who knows, really. It's just pretty tough to keep a secret this big.
If this person really exists and is outed, the left will take care of him. It is likely he would be a hero to those on the left, and immediately get a high level position at CNN or MSNBC.

Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However, it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.
Correction, the left will do whatever it takes to take Trump out. Including writing this op/ed and attributing it to someone in the administration.
It's tough to imagine the name won't come out at some point.

So the motivations will probably be pretty obvious.
I don't know why people feel we will find out who this is. I don't.

Old Lady is the author of the fake Op-Ed in the NYT.


Holy shit, it must be true!
Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However, it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.
Correction, the left will do whatever it takes to take Trump out. Including writing this op/ed and attributing it to someone in the administration.
It's tough to imagine the name won't come out at some point.

So the motivations will probably be pretty obvious.
I don't know why people feel we will find out who this is. I don't.
Well, the media is doing everything it can to find out, people do love to talk here and there, and it may get to a point at which someone squeals to save their own behind.

Who knows, really. It's just pretty tough to keep a secret this big.
Well, I know it didn't work for Kilroy!!!!

Only if the President asked her to, in order to catch the NYT 's in an embarrassing "gotcha"
That makes zero sense on any level. If Ivanka wrote it, and the NYT knows it, then every word the NYT has said would be accurate, and both Trump and his groin spawn would look like morons.
Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However, it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.
Correction, the left will do whatever it takes to take Trump out. Including writing this op/ed and attributing it to someone in the administration.
It's tough to imagine the name won't come out at some point.

So the motivations will probably be pretty obvious.
I don't know why people feel we will find out who this is. I don't.

Old Lady is the author of the fake Op-Ed in the NYT.


Holy shit, it must be true!
This thread is operating under the premise that the nYT reporting and the op-ed are real. Please find another thread to whine in about the truth of these things
I got a special twist on this....

I think the op-ed is from Mike Pence (Mr. lodestar) and Donald Trump himself. This radical combo gains from diverting attention from the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation.
Should he get confirmed and the op-ed taken in as credible:
  • Extra protection to Trump from judiciary.
  • Evangelicals (Pence) get closer to the reality of RoeVWade reversals.
  • The entire staff is forced into officially denying the reality described by the op-ed (and Woodward's book)
  • Management by fear is solidified.
  • The potential of dictatorship closer to reality.
Lodestar/Trump combo makes sense.
I think the OP-Ed was written to distract from other current events.

Like the WH is doing the needed research, at the present time,
to declassify the 4 FISA warrants.

That a Grand Jury has been seated a few weeks ago to investigate
Andrew McCabe, and is currently hearing from witnesses.

That the Kavanaugh Hearings are underway.

We all know Kavanaugh is gonna be seated. If the FISA warrants
were abused by the DOJ and FBI and if McCabe is indicted, which
may lead to others being indicted, the Dems have to have something
to counter with. No matter how weak it is.
I think the op-ed is from Mike Pence (Mr. lodestar) and Donald Trump himself.

That was my first thought when I read it; of course there isn't any evidence to support that conclusion but it's exactly the kind of thing Daffy Don would do to put himself into the role of the victim and distract from everything else that's going on, it's not like he hasn't done similar things in the past.:dunno:
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
It can't be real. I think it's clear that journalists are going to be releasing opinion pieces from roughly 300 different publications to influence the election. They tipped it off a couple of weeks ago. This is just a story that supposedly reinforces a false narrative that Trump is nuts. The Democrats keep repeating this lie in every speech, every hearing, every time they can get cameras to focus on them. They're trying to act like they're saving us from a dangerous dictator. The problem with that is Trump is trying to protect us from THEM.

This op-ed crossed the line. If true, it shows an actual espionage operation is ongoing inside the WH.
It also proved, if true, that there is a Deep-state willing to do anything to stop him.
So on one hand you have people spying on Trump, despite the Deep-State claiming that they aren't.
All of the leaks are either BS or there is some janitor listening in on Trump meetings.

Here's the rub.....if there was any truth to Russian Collusion, a spy or a mole would have been able to prove it by now.
Any Democrat that tries to take advantage of this fake story is pretty stupid, because it only proves that Trump was right all along.
Whoever it is, they're guilty of sedition/treason. If this person really exists, then they are not only undermining the lawful operation of the government, but this person is subject to not only firing, but a long prison term. Course Liz Warren has already foolishly jumped on it. Everyone else, so far, has tried to stay clear of it, because they know how dangerous this situation can become if true.
I think it's fair to wonder if it's real. It's definitely fishy in some ways.

At the same time, we've completely lost our shit, and I don't think I'd be surprised by any name, if it were real.

But given Trump's behaviors since the day he came down the escalator - behaviors proudly cheered on by his followers - any of this is possible.
I don’t think his behavior warrants a spy in the WH. Do you?


This person was hired by Trump.
Flashback: Obama prosecuted staff leakers, gave lie-detector tests, ‘paranoid’

who hired the ones obama went after then?

"According to reports at the time from even New York Times journalists, no administration was tougher on leakers and punishing to the media than Obama’s, a saga reinforced by reporters who have called Trump’s team more forthcoming."

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