Why do you support Ukraine?

Zelensky has no empire, and no one was talking to you, asswipe!
Any autocratic Head of State, can proclaim his country and himself to be titled empire/emperor - such as Haile Selassie or Bokassa and others. And someone (not me) referring to Zelensky as an Emperor - is therefore a figure of speech, since someone is simply pointing out the resemblence of Zelensky to that of an autocratic leader.

Now go and take a roll of toilet paper and write 1000 times,
- a person with obviously no founded political, historic knowledge and a lack of capability towards using a civilized tone, should refrain from commenting onto Kruska's posts.

Start writing NOW, and post me a photo when you are finished.
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This thread is meant for Americans who support Ukraine or I suppose Canadians or Europeans for that matter. Why do you support Ukraine?

Let me explain my position on the war I am neutral in the Russia Ukraine war. As an American I recognize that we invaded dated Iraq … for anyone here who supports Ukraine when we invaded Iraq in 2003 did you support Iraq? If not then what kind of logic do you have? When we went to war in Vietnam to defend south Vietnam from north Vietnam did you support north Vietnam ? because if you didn’t then why are you supporting Ukraine today?

Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia did not invade the United States of America. As an American I have no reason to be against Russia they did not support Saddam Hussein and Iraq in 2003 and they could have quite easily… but they did not they could’ve sent them tons and tons of F-16 jets or they could’ve sent them rifles they could’ve sent them plenty of tanks who knows chemical weapons they could’ve sent them many things that’s the point but they didn’t.

I suspect many people here support Ukraine because their government is telling them to do so. Because they see pictures on the media outlets including right wing and left wing …showing some Ukrainian refugees and children crying. Going by that same logic literally the same logic because we’re all human beings doesn’t matter what country you’re from unless somebody is a bigot. ….What about the grandmas in Iraq that were crying and screaming because of their dead grandchildren when the Americans invaded?

I can already imagine some of the far left wing and even the neo conservative responses

oh Saddam Hussein’s not the same thing as Zelenskyy”

Well actually Saddam Hussein had a huge amount of support from Iraqi Christians and from women in Iraq. And look at today Iraq is almost controlled by Iran and there’s many people in Iraq many people in the Arab nation that are against Iran they don’t like seeing women forced to cover their hair. But in Iraq and parts of Iraq that’s an issue now. Wasn’t like that in the 1980s or 1990s when by the way America support Iraq in a fight against Iran.

Ukrainian lives matter , CNN tells me this so I support Ukraine, can’t you see what Vladimir Putin is doing to Ukraine. Can’t you see how evil the Russians are. Don’t you see all the pictures of people crying in Ukraine

This is not a logical argument from the neoconservatives and from the left-wing Americans. And here is why …you could look at the photos from the Vietnam war of young Vietnamese babies being killed Vietnamese children crying.

There are individual Americans and individual Russians who have committed war crimes in war…but most Americans and most Russians just like most Ukrainians are good people. This all goes back to one thing you see America has invaded other countries so when Russia invaded Ukraine don’t throw that stone in the glass house.

Finally and here’s something really important to consider. Yes it is true that Russia is not really like Vietnam or Iraq in one singular extraordinary sense. Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world.

Simple: because Ukraine isn't Russia's goal. Poland is. Latvia, Estonia and other eastern European countries are.

NATO allies all.

I support Ukraine because Russia is militarily incompetent. NATO would so easily beat them conventionally that there's a distinct possibility that Russia would use nukes.That's why so many European countries and the US are pouring conventional support to Ukraine.

I support Ukraine because as long as the fighting is in Ukraine and conventional......Russia isn't nuking, Russia isn't attacking NATO allies. Its grinding its young men into chum and putting the nail in its own demographic coffin.
Putin does not accept a further expansion of NATO towards Russian territory. That is not a "false pretense" neither is it a "bullshit reason"
It is absolutely understood that a NATO controlled Ukraine poses an ultimate danger for Russia's national security, in both military and economic terms.

Imagine for a minute that CIS or the Shanghai-group (SG) would accept Mexico's bid to become a member. Mexico also initiates the application towards becoming a BRIC member additionally to being already a NAFTA member. The Mexican government having enacted such a move to show their discontent of US policies towards Mexico. The Mexican armed forces are starting to get trained by CIS and the PLA. Then CIS or SG will incite a government change that clearly does their bidding and not that of the USA. The new President is a young comedian (with zero political experience) who has promised to end corruption and the Cartel violence in Mexico.
CIS and PLA troop numbers, training the Mexican army, rapidly increases and they are starting to supply large weapon shipments. Due to CIS, SG and Mexico claiming that the USA is preparing to attack them, this "cooperation" is even more intensified.

According to your or others believes; - naturally the USA will ultimately respect Mexico being a sovereign state and can do whatever they wish. That this former comedian isn't controlled by CIS and SG is fully accepted, and no doubt about his personal capabilities to rule Mexico exist. He starts to close down opposition parties and media stations that are close to Washington - in order to stop false propaganda from the USA. The USA fully suports such moves and finds them to be of a democratic mindset. That a huge chunk of the US supply chain is based in Mexico also doesn't worry them a bit. The possibility that CIS and SG will later start to deploy nukes in Mexico and cut off the supply chain is regarded to be an absurd if not a preposterous idea, by the US government - right?

Now transfer such a possible scenario onto a deceleration of independence by Texas, due to a complete breakdown of economic and government institutions of the USA in 1990. Also 40-50% of the Texas population hate/dislike Washington D.C. for it's 170? years of discrimination towards Hispanics. At the same time a dozen other southern states break of from the USA. The remaining USA now calls itself the American Federation of States (AFS), and the former US state of Texas now calls itself simply Texas. The AFS still possesses the world's largest or second largest nuclear arsenal.
Everyone who studied or is familiar with the AFS's previous history (aka Russia's and US history) is aware that these large countries were founded solely upon conquests, huge land purchases and thus subjection of previous inhabitants of other countries, and even partial extermination of it's original population. They can be termed as countries beset throughout it's 250 years history (Russia around 350 years) by non-stop aggressive politics. The AFS also starts to re-participate towards the control of the remaining world since 2000 under their new president Vonald Bidin.

Now would it be advisable to clearly compromise with the AFS since 1991 or latest since 2000, to agree towards a neutral-buffer zone along its southern border, or should CIF, SG and BRIC take control of it's breakaway states whilst it is to weak to do anything about it? A serious problem could be that ca. 20-30% of the Texas population still feel to be Americans and are not really favoring the idea of belonging to a new country that propagates to be a Hispanic country with a supposed own national identity. There are also problems in a new independent country called Orlean - were American separatists are demanding independence from a French/Hispanic controlled government. Off course the AFS is very keen towards helping them out.

One can hardly turn back historic events - but for NATO/USA to continue it's expansion towards, e.g. Ukraine, Georgia etc. is simply begging for a war, inciting a war.

WMD - I was one off those who knew that this was a fake accusation. However it seems very likely/realistic to me that Saddam was on the way of obtaining such weapons. Just as Iran is presently on it's way.
Why Bush jun. couldn't simply forward his reasons to attack Iraq as being a (preemptive strike/attack) due to the factual in-transparency of WMD control in Iraq - don't ask me. IMO Bush simply attacked too early in order to find the proof for his claim.

Why Republicans and others now view the Ukraine war differently from Iraq, might be simply due to the fact, that the 2nd Iraq war posed no military threat towards the US mainland at all. The Ukraine-Russia war clearly does.
Also during Trump's tenure - the democrats and libs constantly pointed out the difficulties besetting the USA itself. They promised that upon being elected that all this will change to the better. From what I can see (I am not an American) nothing has really changed in that regard, but the US government is spending hundreds of Billions, sooner or later Trillions in Ukraine.

Not this idiocy again. Dear God. Why me?

NATO had become little more than a Coffee Club. President Trump ordered the withdrawal of tens of thousands of troops from Europe. None of the NATO members were up to full strength. Not one.

Trump railed time and time again how NATO member we’re not spending enough on their own defense.

The troops that were there were not spending nearly enough time training. No money for training.

The idea that this under strength and poorly trained group of nations was a threat is laughable.

There was a threat. But it was economic. Not military. NATO and EU membership tended to go hand in hand. And Ukraine wanted EU membership. That was the Genesis of the crap. When Ukraine decided to align with the Western nations for greater economic opportunity.

Nations which had already done so had shown an increase in economic development and productivity. Putin could not tolerate that happening on his doorstep.
Any autocratic Head of State, can proclaim his country and himself to be titled empire/emperor - such as Haile Selassie or Bokassa and others. And someone (not me) referring to Zelensky as an Emperor - is therefore a figure of speech, since someone is simply pointing out the resemblence of Zelensky to that of an autocratic leader.

Now go and take a roll of toilet paper and write 1000 times,
- a person with obviously no founded political, historic knowledge and a lack of capability towards using a civilized tone, should refrain from commenting onto Kruska's posts.

Start writing NOW, and post me a photo when you are finished.
Why are you such a moron?
Not this idiocy again. Dear God. Why me?

NATO had become little more than a Coffee Club. President Trump ordered the withdrawal of tens of thousands of troops from Europe. None of the NATO members were up to full strength. Not one.

Trump railed time and time again how NATO member we’re not spending enough on their own defense.

The troops that were there were not spending nearly enough time training. No money for training.

The idea that this under strength and poorly trained group of nations was a threat is laughable.

There was a threat. But it was economic. Not military. NATO and EU membership tended to go hand in hand. And Ukraine wanted EU membership. That was the Genesis of the crap. When Ukraine decided to align with the Western nations for greater economic opportunity.

Nations which had already done so had shown an increase in economic development and productivity. Putin could not tolerate that happening on his doorstep.
The removal of toopd
Not this idiocy again. Dear God. Why me?

NATO had become little more than a Coffee Club. President Trump ordered the withdrawal of tens of thousands of troops from Europe. None of the NATO members were up to full strength. Not one.

Trump railed time and time again how NATO member we’re not spending enough on their own defense.

The troops that were there were not spending nearly enough time training. No money for training.

The idea that this under strength and poorly trained group of nations was a threat is laughable.

There was a threat. But it was economic. Not military. NATO and EU membership tended to go hand in hand. And Ukraine wanted EU membership. That was the Genesis of the crap. When Ukraine decided to align with the Western nations for greater economic opportunity.

Nations which had already done so had shown an increase in economic development and productivity. Putin could not tolerate that happening on his doorstep.
If one - especially Russia, talks about NATO it is understood that the USA is meant foremost.

Ukraine applied for NATO membership 4 years before applying towards EU membership. As you stated EU and NATO membership usually go hand in hand.
As e.g. Turkey's is a NATO member but not an EU member.
You are confirming in your own post that there was an economic threat toward Russia - thanks
That is what I keep stating in all my posts - that any confrontation and war is about$$$ - nothing else.

Yes Slovakia is no military threat to Russia, neither is e.g. Portugal and so on - that is why NATO was founded, together we are strong. Especially in view of the USA being the actual main-player. I had also stated that the US just as many other governments consider their military as a simple add-on to pursue economic leverage or global domination.

You can think of NATO as to whatever you want - it does not change the fact that the US military will be stationed in Ukraine upon the latter becoming a member. Posing the ultimate danger/threat towards Russia. And Russia would therefore also have no chance to prevail in any economic drive towards Ukraine or Eastern Europe.

Actually you post confirms everything I stated so far - your personal or Trumps opinion onto the European NATO - has absolutely nothing to do with the Ukraine war.

Yet you post starts off with: Not this idiocy again. Dear God. Why me?
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This thread is meant for Americans who support Ukraine or I suppose Canadians or Europeans for that matter. Why do you support Ukraine?

Let me explain my position on the war I am neutral in the Russia Ukraine war. As an American I recognize that we invaded dated Iraq … for anyone here who supports Ukraine when we invaded Iraq in 2003 did you support Iraq? If not then what kind of logic do you have? When we went to war in Vietnam to defend south Vietnam from north Vietnam did you support north Vietnam ? because if you didn’t then why are you supporting Ukraine today?

Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia did not invade the United States of America. As an American I have no reason to be against Russia they did not support Saddam Hussein and Iraq in 2003 and they could have quite easily… but they did not they could’ve sent them tons and tons of F-16 jets or they could’ve sent them rifles they could’ve sent them plenty of tanks who knows chemical weapons they could’ve sent them many things that’s the point but they didn’t.

I suspect many people here support Ukraine because their government is telling them to do so. Because they see pictures on the media outlets including right wing and left wing …showing some Ukrainian refugees and children crying. Going by that same logic literally the same logic because we’re all human beings doesn’t matter what country you’re from unless somebody is a bigot. ….What about the grandmas in Iraq that were crying and screaming because of their dead grandchildren when the Americans invaded?

Putting a lot of your psuedo-intellectual babbling aside, Russia's invasion of the Ukraine is not the same as the UN sanctioned invasion of Iraq.

But we all agree now that war was probably a mistake because we had other peaceful means to resolve the situation and didn't take them.

I will go so far as to say that Russia has some valid issues with Ukraine. Ukraine was not living up to the Minsk accords to resolve the status of Ethnic Russians, Russia had valid concerns about taxation of pipelines running through Ukraine to the west, and Ukraine joining NATO was threatening.

None of which gave Putin the right to violate international law and try to impose his own government on Ukraine. If Russia did not have a veto in the UN, the UN would have condemned his invasion.

The reason why the war will continue is not because "the government" is telling people to keep fighting, it is that any peace settlement that doesn't involve returning Ukraine to her 2014 borders would be unacceptable to the Ukrainian people. At least for now.
If one - especially Russia, talks about NATO it is understood that the USA is meant foremost.

Ukraine applied for NATO membership 4 years before applying towards EU membership. As you stated EU and NATO membership usually go hand in hand.
As e.g. Turkey's is a NATO member but not an EU member.
You are confirming in your own post that there was an economic threat toward Russia - thanks
That is what I keep stating in all my posts - that any confrontation and war is about$$$ - nothing else.

Yes Slovakia is no military threat to Russia, neither is e.g. Portugal and so on - that is why NATO was founded, together we are strong. Especially in view of the USA being the actual main-player. I had also stated that the US just as many other governments consider their military as a simple add-on to pursue economic leverage or global domination.

You can think of NATO as to whatever you want - it does not change the fact that the US military will be stationed in Ukraine upon the latter becoming a member. Posing the ultimate danger/threat towards Russia. And Russia would therefore also have no chance to prevail in any economic drive towards Ukraine or Eastern Europe.

Actually you post confirms everything I stated so far - your personal or Trumps opinion onto the European NATO - has absolutely nothing to do with the Ukraine war.

Yet you post starts off with: Not this idiocy again. Dear God. Why me?

Yeah. The threat was that Putins economy would be exposed as second rate.

Russia is determined to be the Big Brother of the old Soviet Satellites. The one granting out favors if the suckers beg sufficiently well. Ukraine is a market for Soviet Era weapons. And technology. Russia will let them sell the grain they grow, for a price that Russia gets a little of.

Russia is a Mafias dream. Using coercive tactics to keep the smaller nations in line.

The Ukrainian people decided they wanted to become allied with the west economically. The people saw greater opportunity looking west than they did looking East.

If you want an accurate analogy of the situation. The Mafia is fighting with shop owners over who will control the neighborhood. The neighborhood is supporting the shop keepers over the thugs from Moscow.
What??! "contribution" ?? you are beginning to startle me.

Stalin attacked Finland, he attacked Poland and had his Baltic States issue.

He was attacked by Nazi Germany and therefore logically defended his Soviet-Union. The UK and especially the USA "contributed" with huge supply shipments to support his military defense capabilities towards the Wehrmacht. These contributions essentially prevented Moscow from falling and Stalin resetting his administration behind the Ural.
Due to Moscow's irresponsible military doctrines the Soviet Army suffered horrendous losses. Due to the racist policy of Nazi-Germany millions of Soviet citizens were murdered or killed in this war - Stalin's own crimes and orders towards his own population at the same time caused additional millions of dead Soviet civilians.

The Soviet-Union never "contributed" - it simply fought for it's own survival and later for additional territorial gains. The UK fully contributed - because they stuck to their allegiance with Poland and thus were willing to go to war against Nazi-Germany. France fully contributed by declaring war onto Nazi-Germany, just their military and strategy sucked.

The US involvement in Africa and Europe from end 1942 onward - gave Stalin the chance hold onto the remaining Soviet territory. The huge blunder by Hitler in regards to Stalingrad and Kursk in 1943 enabled the Soviets to go into the offensive. This offensive again received a huge momentum upon the landing of the Allies in Italy, Normandy and southern France. Tito's offensive caused additional backup for the Soviets.

What reason did Stalin have to continue his offensives beyond the borders of the Soviet-Union? The involvement of the USA only provided him the basis to carry out his own planed expansion towards the West. He willingly lost millions of soldiers whilst "liberating" - occupying other countries who had been on his own agenda since the 30'ies. He could have simply worked out an armistice with Hitler upon regaining former Soviet territory - and demand reparations or whatever from Hitler.

Upon that simply watching as the USA would have overrun the Wehrmacht in the West and dropping nukes onto Germany in August 1945. But in such a scenario he couldn't have gotten his hands onto Eastern-Europe. Just for the prestigious Battle for Berlin he was willing to sacrifice more soldiers than he had lost in the previous 6 month. He didn't do anything to help the Polish resistance in 1944 but simply watched them getting slaughtered.

Just as if the US would have stooped shortly of liberating Paris - whilst watching the Wehrmacht annihilating French resistance.

Your statement in regards to supporting (more or less unconditionally) a US government's military action (war) that was obviously wrong to you - doesn't add up towards common sense. To support a governments wrong doings, especially a war, is WRONG. If one can do something about a governments wrong doings - would be a totally different issue.
It’s just a matter of having a disagreement my friend. You’re talking with an American. I am not from Europe. But I also have friends from Russia like I said a 75-year-old man and his son whom I have known as coworkers. though I worked with them about six years ago.

Right away I will tell you that it is interesting that there are some people in Russia and in Europe who wish we had the Soviet union back because at least then there was a lot less corruption. The criticisms toward the Russian federation is that it’s sort of like a mafia type of country. That organized crime flourishes in Russia a lot more than it ever did in the Soviet Union.

And please understand my main point is that I believe that the Cold War could’ve been avoided if Franklin Roosevelt lived on past April 1945. And I recognize the cold war happened and that the Soviet union was the enemy of America and America was the enemy of the Soviet union during the Cold War. So all of those things that happened like the wall between eastern Germany and western Germany and the cold war was all very unfortunate. But that’s why I have Franklin Roosevelt in my avatar and for my screen name because almost for certain he would’ve prevented the cold war. And so my appreciation for the Soviet union is it really about the Soviet union before the Cold War.

And standing behind me would be all of England, all of America the great majority of China and much of France during the 1940s ….we were all together as allies.

World War II was probably my favorite topic of history. It is what it is and I refuse to criticize the Soviet union I would utterly refuse that. God bless the Soviet heroes for victory in World War II.

It was the Soviets the Americans , British and Chinese Who made the biggest difference of all during World War II. And I would also say we should bring up the Yugoslavian Partisans as well.

without tens of millions of Soviet troops dying in the fight for freedom it would’ve been difficult to win World War II. And not enough Is said about the Soviet contribution of World War II by neoconservatives today for example.

I’m tired of hearing from neoconservatives and establishment hack politicians in America about “the brutality of the Soviet union or whatever” The same people who get America involved in endless wars where trillions of dollars are spent and where millions of lives are lost. There was upwards of 1 million dead Iraqi people due to the American invasion and the subsequent aftermath with the insurgencies.

I would like to consider myself to be a responsible American recognizing history. Trying to learn from our mistakes and learn from our successes.

Well it wasn’t Stalin that attacked it was the Soviet union that took a part in World War II. likewise it was not George W. Bush who attacked Iraq it was the United States of America. So your concerns about Finland and what not there’s an answer to that not for me but from the United States military and the US war department check this out this is straight from the United States war department. The film “Mission to Moscow “!is a dramatized retelling of the facts of World War II. neoconservatives will try and mock it but it means nothing because standing behind me are the great men and women of the World War II era.

That video above has all of the answers to your concerns whether it is about Finland or the Soviet one time packed with the third Reich which was used by time no different than the British working out a deal under Neville Chamberlain with the third Reich. And all these years later a lot of people in England are starting to see the light that it was actually Neville Chamberlain who helped save England because he bought them time my frienThat video above has all of the answers to your concerns whether it is about Finland or the Soviet one time packed with the third Reich which was used by time no different than the British working out a deal under Neville Chamberlain with the third Reich. And all these years later a lot of people in England are starting to see the light that it was actually Neville Chamberlain who helped save England because he bought them time..


I’m not here to really talk about Joseph Stalin I don’t think I brought him up once. But I do see some sort of a trend here the United States went from 13 colonies to 50 states through warfare through militaristic methods also through negotiation. So I see a clear-cut hypocrisy when people talk about the expansion of the Soviet union and how it was somehow evil or something like that. Again for all those who criticize the Soviet union there are people who are living today in Russia or people living in former Soviet states who had a fine memory of the Soviet Union I’ve already posted the videos. Video testimonial of people living in Russia today who say that the Soviet time for better and that’s honestly what my 75 year old friend from Uzbekistan sad. A white Muslim man a very honorable man he would shake your hand I’m sure you would like the guy.

Asked for communism in general. I’m not a communist. I’m a Catholic in the first place and an American. I don’t want communism for America. But I certainly recognize that communism is a better alternative to Islamic supremacist him like that we see out of the Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

Where would a woman rather live in a brutal dictatorial Islamic theocratic country like Iran or Afghanistan or let’s say on authoritarian country like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or Communist Afghanistan?

going back to your concerns about the Soviet union. My favorite president was of course FDR and I think the greatest time in American history was World War II. I’m not just going to forget that the Soviet union where our allies. I’ve seen countless video testimonial and I’ve read countless hours of material that is different from the information you get. So I have a different outlook compared to what you’re saying about the Soviet union my friend.

Of course post 1945 is a different story. The United States was involved in all sorts of countries in South America, in the Middle East of course we were involved in the Vietnam war and the Korean war there are people in Vietnam and Korea to the state who hate Americans. You talk about people who might hate communism this thing goes both ways.

There are people who hate America and there are people who hate Russia. The people of Iraq, the people of Korea, the people of Afghanistan, they don’t just forget that they were attacked by America. And yes the people of Afghanistan many of them don’t forget that they were attacked by the Soviet union. I’m not going to throw stones in glass houses.

I thank the United States, the Soviet union, the British empire and China for saving the free world
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Putin does not accept a further expansion of NATO towards Russian territory. That is not a "false pretense" neither is it a "bullshit reason"
It is absolutely understood that a NATO controlled Ukraine poses an ultimate danger for Russia's national security, in both military and economic terms.

Imagine for a minute that CIS or the Shanghai-group (SG) would accept Mexico's bid to become a member. Mexico also initiates the application towards becoming a BRIC member additionally to being already a NAFTA member. The Mexican government having enacted such a move to show their discontent of US policies towards Mexico. The Mexican armed forces are starting to get trained by CIS and the PLA. Then CIS or SG will incite a government change that clearly does their bidding and not that of the USA. The new President is a young comedian (with zero political experience) who has promised to end corruption and the Cartel violence in Mexico.
CIS and PLA troop numbers, training the Mexican army, rapidly increases and they are starting to supply large weapon shipments. Due to CIS, SG and Mexico claiming that the USA is preparing to attack them, this "cooperation" is even more intensified.

According to your or others believes; - naturally the USA will ultimately respect Mexico being a sovereign state and can do whatever they wish. That this former comedian isn't controlled by CIS and SG is fully accepted, and no doubt about his personal capabilities to rule Mexico exist. He starts to close down opposition parties and media stations that are close to Washington - in order to stop false propaganda from the USA. The USA fully suports such moves and finds them to be of a democratic mindset. That a huge chunk of the US supply chain is based in Mexico also doesn't worry them a bit. The possibility that CIS and SG will later start to deploy nukes in Mexico and cut off the supply chain is regarded to be an absurd if not a preposterous idea, by the US government - right?

Now transfer such a possible scenario onto a deceleration of independence by Texas, due to a complete breakdown of economic and government institutions of the USA in 1990. Also 40-50% of the Texas population hate/dislike Washington D.C. for it's 170? years of discrimination towards Hispanics. At the same time a dozen other southern states break of from the USA. The remaining USA now calls itself the American Federation of States (AFS), and the former US state of Texas now calls itself simply Texas. The AFS still possesses the world's largest or second largest nuclear arsenal.
Everyone who studied or is familiar with the AFS's previous history (aka Russia's and US history) is aware that these large countries were founded solely upon conquests, huge land purchases and thus subjection of previous inhabitants of other countries, and even partial extermination of it's original population. They can be termed as countries beset throughout it's 250 years history (Russia around 350 years) by non-stop aggressive politics. The AFS also starts to re-participate towards the control of the remaining world since 2000 under their new president Vonald Bidin.

Now would it be advisable to clearly compromise with the AFS since 1991 or latest since 2000, to agree towards a neutral-buffer zone along its southern border, or should CIF, SG and BRIC take control of it's breakaway states whilst it is to weak to do anything about it? A serious problem could be that ca. 20-30% of the Texas population still feel to be Americans and are not really favoring the idea of belonging to a new country that propagates to be a Hispanic country with a supposed own national identity. There are also problems in a new independent country called Orlean - were American separatists are demanding independence from a French/Hispanic controlled government. Off course the AFS is very keen towards helping them out.

One can hardly turn back historic events - but for NATO/USA to continue it's expansion towards, e.g. Ukraine, Georgia etc. is simply begging for a war, inciting a war.

WMD - I was one off those who knew that this was a fake accusation. However it seems very likely/realistic to me that Saddam was on the way of obtaining such weapons. Just as Iran is presently on it's way.
Why Bush jun. couldn't simply forward his reasons to attack Iraq as being a (preemptive strike/attack) due to the factual in-transparency of WMD control in Iraq - don't ask me. IMO Bush simply attacked too early in order to find the proof for his claim.

Why Republicans and others now view the Ukraine war differently from Iraq, might be simply due to the fact, that the 2nd Iraq war posed no military threat towards the US mainland at all. The Ukraine-Russia war clearly does.
Also during Trump's tenure - the democrats and libs constantly pointed out the difficulties besetting the USA itself. They promised that upon being elected that all this will change to the better. From what I can see (I am not an American) nothing has really changed in that regard, but the US government is spending hundreds of Billions, sooner or later Trillions in Ukraine.
All of them words when you could have saved yourself the time and just say you support fascists..

Shut yo goofy ass up
It’s just a matter of having a disagreement my friend. You’re talking with an American. I am not from Europe. But I also have friends from Russia like I said a 75-year-old man and his son whom I have known as coworkers. though I worked with them about six years ago.

Right away I will tell you that it is interesting that there are some people in Russia and in Europe who wish we had the Soviet union back because at least then there was a lot less corruption. The criticisms toward the Russian federation is that it’s sort of like a mafia type of country. That organized crime flourishes in Russia a lot more than it ever did in the Soviet Union.

And please understand my main point is that I believe that the Cold War could’ve been avoided if Franklin Roosevelt lived on past April 1945. And I recognize the cold war happened and that the Soviet union was the enemy of America and America was the enemy of the Soviet union during the Cold War. So all of those things that happened like the wall between eastern Germany and western Germany and the cold war was all very unfortunate. But that’s why I have Franklin Roosevelt in my avatar and for my screen name because almost for certain he would’ve prevented the cold war. And so my appreciation for the Soviet union is it really about the Soviet union before the Cold War.

And standing behind me would be all of England, all of America the great majority of China and much of France during the 1940s ….we were all together as allies.

World War II was probably my favorite topic of history. It is what it is and I refuse to criticize the Soviet union I would utterly refuse that. God bless the Soviet heroes for victory in World War II.

It was the Soviets the Americans , British and Chinese Who made the biggest difference of all during World War II. And I would also say we should bring up the Yugoslavian Partisans as well.

without tens of millions of Soviet troops dying in the fight for freedom it would’ve been difficult to win World War II. And not enough Is said about the Soviet contribution of World War II by neoconservatives today for example.

I’m tired of hearing from neoconservatives and establishment hack politicians in America about “the brutality of the Soviet union or whatever” The same people who get America involved in endless wars where trillions of dollars are spent and where millions of lives are lost. There was upwards of 1 million dead Iraqi people due to the American invasion and the subsequent aftermath with the insurgencies.

I would like to consider myself to be a responsible American recognizing history. Trying to learn from our mistakes and learn from our successes.

Well it wasn’t Stalin that attacked it was the Soviet union that took a part in World War II. likewise it was not George W. Bush who attacked Iraq it was the United States of America. So your concerns about Finland and what not there’s an answer to that not for me but from the United States military and the US war department check this out this is straight from the United States war department. The film “Mission to Moscow “!is a dramatized retelling of the facts of World War II. neoconservatives will try and mock it but it means nothing because standing behind me are the great men and women of the World War II era.

That video above has all of the answers to your concerns whether it is about Finland or the Soviet one time packed with the third Reich which was used by time no different than the British working out a deal under Neville Chamberlain with the third Reich. And all these years later a lot of people in England are starting to see the light that it was actually Neville Chamberlain who helped save England because he bought them time my frienThat video above has all of the answers to your concerns whether it is about Finland or the Soviet one time packed with the third Reich which was used by time no different than the British working out a deal under Neville Chamberlain with the third Reich. And all these years later a lot of people in England are starting to see the light that it was actually Neville Chamberlain who helped save England because he bought them time..


I’m not here to really talk about Joseph Stalin I don’t think I brought him up once. But I do see some sort of a trend here the United States went from 13 colonies to 50 states through warfare through militaristic methods also through negotiation. So I see a clear-cut hypocrisy when people talk about the expansion of the Soviet union and how it was somehow evil or something like that. Again for all those who criticize the Soviet union there are people who are living today in Russia or people living in former Soviet states who had a fine memory of the Soviet Union I’ve already posted the videos. Video testimonial of people living in Russia today who say that the Soviet time for better and that’s honestly what my 75 year old friend from Uzbekistan sad. A white Muslim man a very honorable man he would shake your hand I’m sure you would like the guy.

Asked for communism in general. I’m not a communist. I’m a Catholic in the first place and an American. I don’t want communism for America. But I certainly recognize that communism is a better alternative to Islamic supremacist him like that we see out of the Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

Where would a woman rather live in a brutal dictatorial Islamic theocratic country like Iran or Afghanistan or let’s say on authoritarian country like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or Communist Afghanistan?

going back to your concerns about the Soviet union. My favorite president was of course FDR and I think the greatest time in American history was World War II. I’m not just going to forget that the Soviet union where our allies. I’ve seen countless video testimonial and I’ve read countless hours of material that is different from the information you get. So I have a different outlook compared to what you’re saying about the Soviet union my friend.

Of course post 1945 is a different story. The United States was involved in all sorts of countries in South America, in the Middle East of course we were involved in the Vietnam war and the Korean war there are people in Vietnam and Korea to the state who hate Americans. You talk about people who might hate communism this thing goes both ways.

There are people who hate America and there are people who hate Russia. The people of Iraq, the people of Korea, the people of Afghanistan, they don’t just forget that they were attacked by America. And yes the people of Afghanistan many of them don’t forget that they were attacked by the Soviet union. I’m not going to throw stones in glass houses.

I thank the United States, the Soviet union, the British empire and China for saving the free world

Well - the basis of the grounds you place your conviction onto, are quite questionable to me.
Everyone has his own reasons/reasoning's - and if an opinion or differentiating opinion is forwarded in a civilized manner, I got absolutely no problem with that.

So we simply agree to disagree in regards to that "contribution" matter and Stalin's factual agendas and actions. Same would apply towards FDR. I am not well informed in regards to his "achievements" towards internal USA issues.

But in Contra to a Winston Churchill, FDR only got decisively involved in WW2 - due to Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy and Nazi-Germany having declared war onto the USA.
Factually the US was simply foremost interested in tapping into those "new and stabilized" economies.
Before the war declarations onto the USA, he and the US government couldn't care less about Stalinist, Nazi or Fascist dictatorship and it's repressive policy - and neither about those 20+million dead Chinese civilians.
The latter applies to all Western powers or countries. And it is important to be aware of that, in order to understand today's China's position and view's towards the West.

Are you aware that whilst Mao was fighting the Japanese since 1937, the ROC only declared war onto Imperial Japan, Nazi-Germany and Fascist Italy on 9th December 1941.?
The ROC clearly only reacted in conjunction with the USA - meaning loads of $$ coming into someones pockets. And the Check's were signed by FDR. It is also no secret that the majority of military actions by the ROC were directed towards Mao and not the Japanese.
FDR was clearly aware that the USA will defeat Imperial Japan - and that as such a power vacuum (a future huge market) would arise in China. And he simply based his bet solely onto the ROC, just as Truman did - which proved to be a very false perception.

As I stated before - it's simply and always only about the money the USA can make - aka achieving global economic domination. And during or the time before WW2 it was Nazi-Germany, other Fascist countries and Imperial Japan that were threatening or opposing US global economic dominance. The moment WW2 in Europe had ended - Stalin took over the geographic and economic vacuum and started his crusade against US dominance.

Japanese economic opposition was killed off extremely effective by Bush papa. Japan hasn't economically recovered till today - and Hey - without a war!! involving US military
Same goes for Germany in the 90's - via the US instigating a holocaust based campaign towards Germany's leading industry conglomerates.

Now - a revived but economically still weak Russia since 2000 and a still emerging power called China took over from a dissolved Soviet-Union to halt and oppose US dominance.

Just as the Ukraine conflict was additionally incited by the USA and it's supporters within the EU - the same goes now for Taiwan.

There are however major differences between Taiwan and Ukraine.

Ukraine was and still is a poverty stricken country and it's population was made to, or simply believes that being a NATO and EU member is going to make them all rich.
Taiwan is already rich - it's economic well-being however is in majority controlled by China. (exactly what the USA simply can't abide) There is no hatred between Mainland and Taiwanese Chinese. There is actually a general acceptance between the two. (aside from some students and "inspired" followers who demonstrate at times for democracy and LGBTQ rights).
In contra to the Ukraine population the vast majority on Taiwan is simply not willing to risk their good livelihood for an independence attempt that would automatically mean war - since China logically can't tolerate US military right in front of it's mainland. So the US government (no matter which one) is simply inciting a presently ruling Taiwanese party that holds less then 35% support amongst it's population. The comedian on the other hand at the time of the government change held AFAIK around 70%+. and the Ukraine is a fully recognized sovereign state - which Taiwan is not. Not even officially recognized by the USA.

That overall, American views and perceptions of the same occurrences/issues, (especially amongst the radicalised factions amongst republicans and democrats) vary quite a bit from those beheld by e.g. Europeans and Asians is fully granted. ;)
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Well - the basis of the grounds you place your conviction onto, are quite questionable to me.
Everyone has his own reasons/reasoning's - and if an opinion or differentiating opinion is forwarded in a civilized manner, I got absolutely no problem with that.

So we simply agree to disagree in regards to that "contribution" matter and Stalin's factual agendas and actions. Same would apply towards FDR. I am not well informed in regards to his "achievements" towards internal USA issues.

But in Contra to a Winston Churchill, FDR only got decisively involved in WW2 - due to Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy and Nazi-Germany having declared war onto the USA.
Factually the US was simply foremost interested in tapping into those "new and stabilized" economies.
Before the war declarations onto the USA, he and the US government couldn't care less about Stalinist, Nazi or Fascist dictatorship and it's repressive policy - and neither about those 20+million dead Chinese civilians.
The latter applies to all Western powers or countries. And it is important to be aware of that, in order to understand today's China's position and view's towards the West.

Are you aware that whilst Mao was fighting the Japanese since 1937, the ROC only declared war onto Imperial Japan, Nazi-Germany and Fascist Italy on 9th December 1941.?
The ROC clearly only reacted in conjunction with the USA - meaning loads of $$ coming into someones pockets. And the Check's were signed by FDR. It is also no secret that the majority of military actions by the ROC were directed towards Mao and not the Japanese.
FDR was clearly aware that the USA will defeat Imperial Japan - and that as such a power vacuum (a future huge market) would arise in China. And he simply based his bet solely onto the ROC, just as Truman did - which proved to be a very false perception.

As I stated before - it's simply and always only about the money the USA can make - aka achieving global economic domination. And during or the time before WW2 it was Nazi-Germany, other Fascist countries and Imperial Japan that were threatening or opposing US global economic dominance. The moment WW2 in Europe had ended - Stalin took over the geographic and economic vacuum and started his crusade against US dominance.

Now - a revived but economically still weak Russia since 2000 and a still emerging power called China took over from a dissolved Soviet-Union to halt and oppose US dominance.

Just as the Ukraine conflict was additionally incited by the USA and it's supporters within the EU - the same goes now for Taiwan.

There are however major differences between Taiwan and Ukraine.

Ukraine was and still is a poverty stricken country and it's population was made to, or simply believes that being a NATO and EU member is going to make them all rich.
Taiwan is already rich - it's economic well-being however is in majority controlled by China. (exactly what the USA simply can't abide) There is no hatred between Mainland and Taiwanese Chinese. There is actually a general acceptance between the two. (aside from some students and "inspired" followers who demonstrate at times for democracy and LGBTQ rights).
In contra to the Ukraine population the vast majority on Taiwan is simply not willing to risk their good livelihood for an independence attempt that would automatically mean war - since China logically can't tolerate US military right in front of it's mainland. So the US government (no matter which one) is simply inciting a presently ruling Taiwanese party that holds less then 35% support amongst it's population. The comedian on the other hand at the time of the government change held AFAIK around 70%+. and the Ukraine is a fully recognized sovereign state - which Taiwan is not. Not even officially recognized by the USA.

That overall, American views and perceptions of the same occurrences/issues, vary quite a bit from those beheld by e.g. Europeans and Asians is fully granted. ;)
What color is the sky on the planet where you live?
This thread is meant for Americans who support Ukraine or I suppose Canadians or Europeans for that matter. Why do you support Ukraine?

Let me explain my position on the war I am neutral in the Russia Ukraine war. As an American I recognize that we invaded dated Iraq … for anyone here who supports Ukraine when we invaded Iraq in 2003 did you support Iraq? If not then what kind of logic do you have? When we went to war in Vietnam to defend south Vietnam from north Vietnam did you support north Vietnam ? because if you didn’t then why are you supporting Ukraine today?

Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia did not invade the United States of America. As an American I have no reason to be against Russia they did not support Saddam Hussein and Iraq in 2003 and they could have quite easily… but they did not they could’ve sent them tons and tons of F-16 jets or they could’ve sent them rifles they could’ve sent them plenty of tanks who knows chemical weapons they could’ve sent them many things that’s the point but they didn’t.

I suspect many people here support Ukraine because their government is telling them to do so. Because they see pictures on the media outlets including right wing and left wing …showing some Ukrainian refugees and children crying. Going by that same logic literally the same logic because we’re all human beings doesn’t matter what country you’re from unless somebody is a bigot. ….What about the grandmas in Iraq that were crying and screaming because of their dead grandchildren when the Americans invaded?

I can already imagine some of the far left wing and even the neo conservative responses

oh Saddam Hussein’s not the same thing as Zelenskyy”

Well actually Saddam Hussein had a huge amount of support from Iraqi Christians and from women in Iraq. And look at today Iraq is almost controlled by Iran and there’s many people in Iraq many people in the Arab nation that are against Iran they don’t like seeing women forced to cover their hair. But in Iraq and parts of Iraq that’s an issue now. Wasn’t like that in the 1980s or 1990s when by the way America support Iraq in a fight against Iran.

Ukrainian lives matter , CNN tells me this so I support Ukraine, can’t you see what Vladimir Putin is doing to Ukraine. Can’t you see how evil the Russians are. Don’t you see all the pictures of people crying in Ukraine

This is not a logical argument from the neoconservatives and from the left-wing Americans. And here is why …you could look at the photos from the Vietnam war of young Vietnamese babies being killed Vietnamese children crying.

There are individual Americans and individual Russians who have committed war crimes in war…but most Americans and most Russians just like most Ukrainians are good people. This all goes back to one thing you see America has invaded other countries so when Russia invaded Ukraine don’t throw that stone in the glass house.

Finally and here’s something really important to consider. Yes it is true that Russia is not really like Vietnam or Iraq in one singular extraordinary sense. Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world.
I'm not reading the whole thread, but I will answer the OP. I absolutely support Ukraine at every turn, and the two answers why are pretty simple.

1. They are a fledgling democracy being attacked by an aggressive, expansionist dictator next door. We must support democracy.

2. I've studied World War II enough to recognize the dangers of appeasement and isolationism.
Ok. Help me out. Tell me which provocation we should ignore? Ukraine? Fine. Where do we draw the line? Where do we say we object to this? What nations do we decide to help?

Should we ignore the Chinese actions? Ignore their provocation? Where does that stop?

As Children we learned that the sooner you stand up to a Bully the better it goes. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes. Tell me why the rules as adults are different than this basic truth.
What is the vital US national interest in Ukraine? Should the US send in the 82d Airborne and 3d armored division?
What is the vital US national interest in Ukraine? Should the US send in the 82d Airborne and 3d armored division?

The vital interest is the same one we went to war over during the First Gulf War, that national sovereignty should be respected.
The ONLY reason why this isn't an international effort like the invasion of Kuwait is that Russia has a veto in the UN.

Also, the 3rd Armored Division was disbanded in 1992

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