Why Do Whites Think They Can Tell Us What The Problems in Black America Are?

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Canon Shooter
Let me ask you, Stymie: If all you're ever going to do is is accuse people of lying, and telling people that you don't believe the information you've requested when it's presented to you, what purpose do you serve? You're a waste of air.

If Citobank came out implemented this


Then I'd take them serious.

That is the reconstitution of the American economic order.

These entities (Companies) have to do 20% business with black businesses.

White companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business.

Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But they'll never do that for a black business. Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

So corporations that want to do business in a city, part of their requirements to get their business licence is at least 20% of their contracts must goto black businesses that are either purely black sole proprietorships or are corporations that are 75% black owned as a condition.

And if white people can't find black contractor ? Then they're going to have to implement the CHINA LAW.

When the white supremacist came into China they thought that they could run the same game they do on blacks and other non whites but China said "Wait a minute. Hold your brakes white man. You're not gonna come over here and take it over. You're going to have to enter into contracts with Chinese automotive companies and that's mandatory and you'll share it 50-50 with our own home grown Chinese companies. Your not gonna come here and rape the economy and leave us with nothing "

So if a white contractor can find a black contractor. He's gonna be told

"Say hello to your new 50-50 black partner Mr white man. Every morning. You're gonna go all over the books with him, all over the plans, all over the numbers, all over the blueprints, all over the procedure"

And at the end everybody is gonna know how set up this freeway, this building when it is done.

And if he doesn't like it he's told. "OK. Mr White Supremacist contractor. Would you like 50% of the contract ? Or 0% of the contract ?"

He'll start acting right.

If this happened you would see economic earthquakes in 12 months.

Contacts that go 100% to white businesses needs to be stopped.

When it comes to building the schools, the parks, who get's the contract ? Not black people and if there no black vendors then programs need to be set up to make sure there are in the future otherwise you don't get the contract (The China Law)

Black people built the USA but if black kids are growing up seeing white people building this, building that and they see no one in their family building that's gonna condition the brain into thinking "That's what white people do, that's not for us"

New York that's a city with 20% blk population but all you see is whites doing the side walk work and street work and they keep that for themselves.


When small business have stable contracts with larger companies this enables the smaller business to make long term plans. They can get access to lines of credit.
Cotton was a prime export and it made money for this country. And blacks did more than pick cotton. Blacks built what are now called Ivy league universities. And railroads. You really are ignorant of American history.
Yes, free blacks who got paid for their labor, just like the more numerous Irish and Chinese laborers did. Unless I'm mistaken all the Ivy League colleges are in northern states where slavery wasn't legal. The best the south had was William and Mary and VMI which was a second tier military college behind West Point.
Actually they haven't done very much yet and given the fact that 16 trillion was lost before they started you hanging on to this shows your mental lack.
Not a dime was lost, that's pie in the sky voodoo economics from a prejudiced source.
The white man needs to shut the fuck up and take responsibility for what his racism has done.

The Black man should shut up and stop blaming whites for their problems and take responsibility for their own lives. How come you guys never talk about black on black or black on white?
Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. Reparations in the form of CASH PAYMENTS.

Everybody else has got their slice of their cake

Yeah, but little bitches like you whined so much we said "fuck them, they get nothing."

Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned.

We like them better than you...

So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves

No, it shouldn't...

The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore repatriations is a modest demand.

I am 100% in favor of repatriating your negro ass back to Kenya...

Reparations Package should start off at 40 Trillion.

Fuck you. You get nothing. You're incapable of acknowledging what companies have done for your community? Fuck you. You'll get shit and you'll be happy about it...

That would be $Imillion going to every Foundational Black American who’s lineage traces back to the American slave trade that was enforced by the government Those payments can be dispersed in increments of $16k a month for 5 years


Meanwile North Carolina gave $846 million in taxpayer funds to white owned and run Apple (worth $2.3 trillion) to build a mainly white campus there. White owned and run Amazon (worth $1.7T) got $3.8B in subsidies across the U.S. When people get free money, it's "welfare." When white corporations do, it's "incentives."

Maybe if negroes like you weren't so fucking lazy, they could start a company that North Carolina would want to lure...

But Cash payments are not enough. We have had 7 generation of black people being terrorized and cash payments is not enough.

That's right, Buckwheat, it'll never be enough.

So fuck you...

This is the reparations package that needs to be implemented should also include 3 things and more

1. Permanent representative seats everywhere

That means black people don't have run for office against white and non black people. We are automatically given a certain seats in the US senate, in the US congress and we are given certain of number state representative seats and two US supreme court justices and that must be for eternity.

You've already got Thomas. If you don't like the racial make-up of the court, blame Obama. He could've nominated a black justice when he nominated Sotomayor.

And wrap your nappy little head around the fact that nothing is for eternity...

We still vote for who we want there. But we don't have to fight white and non black people to get to congress.

Of course you wouldn't, because that would be a level playing field, and you're scared shitless at the prospect of that...

We don't have to fight to get the state legislator. So we have seats in the senate, in the supreme court, seats in the house and we get a certain amount presidential cabinet positions
You want to dictate who a President chooses for his inner circle?

You really are a mental fuck up, aren't you?

2. That 350 grand must be every 10 years foundational black American are given out.

We get 350 grand every ten years. According to white economic experts the wealth gap between white and black Americans is so wide that it could not be closed in the next 100 years.


Oh, sweetjesuspleaseholdyourbreath...

3. Black should have TOTAL control over all black music and all black publishing for ever.


That means we control the Motown, Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney, Biggie, Pac catalogues. All of it.

And what about white artists on the Motown label?

Yeah, so no. Another reasoning fail on your part.

Besides, what if the holders of the rights to Whitney Houston's catalog chooses to sell those rights, and a white guy comes up with the most money? Why would you deprive the estate of a black woman the ability to make money by selling those rights?

Because all black music is controlled white people (Mainly Jews) that is
  • Sony BMG
  • Warner Music Group
  • EMI
  • Universal Music Group
They run the record industry. Yeah sure, hip-hop artist like Jay Z, Drake, Kanye have their own record labels but they are owned and financed by one of the big four.
Five of the Executive Board members at Sony are black. The CEO, Rob Stringer, is (if I recall) Protestant, not Jewish.

Tony Wadsworth, the CEO of BMI, is Protestant, not Jewish.

I couldn't find info on the others, but it's clear your mindless rantings are false...
How come you guys never talk about black on black or black on white?

How come you never talk about white on white crime ?

What do you have to say on your people doing this ?

How come you guys never talk about black on black or black on white?

How come you never talk about white on white crime ?

What do you have to say on your people doing this ?

We do address White on White. You people never do anything about Chicago and black on black or black on White. You guys only care about your people when a White cop kills one of your own.
Yeah, a bank would never invest in negro causes.

You know, except for this: Citi Launches More Than $1 Billion in Strategic Initiatives to Help Close the Racial Wealth Gap

You should shut the fuck up instead of spewing your nonsensical bullshit. You're nothing but a whiny, lying negro...
He lies about banks not contributing.

Let's try not being disingenous chump. They announced that last year. It just started. And the things blacks face take more than a billion dollars to fix since the study by Citi shows that blacks have lost at least 16 trillion since the beginning of this century.

So spare us your opinion saltine.
You brought up blacks not having donations from banks as if it were today, then you bitch about it when it IS current.
White boy, you descended from people too lazy to work on free land. We ate owed and if you talked to any African with some sense, they'll blast on your white colonizing asses for what you did to Africa. You racists live in imaginary land. You don't know any africans.
More blaming a white person for something he didn’t do.

I agree with you on this one. Anne Boeyln played by a black women is stupid but I have no facts for this but I'd lay a good bet that the person who hired her for the film wasn't black.

As Bob Dylan same thing. Dylan is white but I find it funny many whites says Jewish people are not white. Don't they ? But because a black man played him now he's (Dylan who is Jewish) is part of the white club again

But you're outraged when blacks play white characters but when Hollywood white washes characters and has (almost) since its inception that's no problem

Because did you know in Willy Wonka's and the "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" that originally the author, Roald Dahl made Charlie "a little black boy" ? And he also made the Oopma lumpas African pygmies ?

But when it went to screen made them white


How about the Lone Ranger: Johnny Depp portraying Tonto, a Native America man ?


Or in "Aloha" Emma Stone portraying an Asian American ?


Or "Breakfast at Tiffany's" Mickey Rooney as an Asian Landlord ?


Or in "Dragon Seed" Katharine Hepburn as a Chinese woman ?


Or "Othello" Laurence Olivier in blackface to play Shakespeare's Moor.



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I answered you. I said all of it. You said you supported all riots.
I don't know what riot you are talking about.

But yes I agree with ALL RACE RIOTS.

Burn it all down as far I'm concerned.

Huntington Beach in Cali is overwhelmingly White. Every summer the city host the U.S. Open of Surfing. Unlike the Ferguson and Baltimore Riots, the Huntington Beach Riot did not get much attention from the mainstream media.

These young White folks were upset because an annual tournament ended. There were fights on the streets, especially among young White females, and burglary from young White males. The local news reporters and officials didn’t refer to these White rioters and looters as thugs.



So lighting a whole bus on fire and destroying people’s cars, fighting and shooting guns randomly because a baseball team won the World Series is acceptable, but rioting because of blatant income inequality, lack of opportunity and disregard for black life is not acceptable?

Only a white supremacist can rationalize something like that.

That’s the fundamental difference. Black people generally don’t riot for sport and play. Black don't riot for the right to kill or harm white people.

White people do.
We do address White on White. ?

So why is crime is almost always white.

Just in the last couple of days. Why are you allowing your people to do this ?


Not to mention white people pin crimes on black people all day.


Why is the sexual abuse of kids allowed in white society ? When we you white people come together and stop this ?



We don't have organized crime in blk society

Asian people don't apologize for the Chinese triads and Japanese Yakuza.

Latino's don't apologize for the Latin american drug cartels and criminal organizations like La Eme.

White people don't apologize for the Russian mafia gangs like Vory V Zakone brotherhood

White people don't apologize for italian organized crime (Napolitan Camorra, Sicilian Cosa Nostra Mafia, Calbrian Ndragheta and Puglian Sacra, US Cosa Nostra)

These groups form a underworld of violent crime that beats any blk street gangs in power, prestige and money.

These crime groups are responsible for the flow of drugs into USA and Europe. They are also players in the financial fraud scene. They smuggle weapons and supply the street criminals with weapons and drugs. And of course, they are the ones who operate together with corrupt officials and politicians. This is why you don't see them in crime stats.

You have to understand the economics of this real big crime.

There are no funds in the black ghetto areas which could pay up the tons of drugs they import annually into USA. It is the huge white middle and upper classes that consume casually the majority of the narcotics. They have the capital for it. That is the economical fact. This is good to remember. The same goes for Europe too.

But white people don't apologize for that ?

Then, there are the Wall street jugglers who are also criminals and who are the main reason why the average white Americans are in the deep shit, loose their homes, insurances etc. They affect to the security of the white middle class many many times more than any black street mugger or dope smoking gangabanger.

Not that I say that street crime is nothing. It has to be taken seriously too, but one has to remember the causes of it. Also one has to remember that black street gangs can not operate openly in the suburbia where as the white organized criminals live there in peace.

But you up here crying because the odd blk person tried to rob a 7-11


I'm not gonna apologize for some black crackhead robber. That's got nothing to do with me. I don't wanna be robbed either ....sh*t !!

.Crime is just gonna happen. There is no race of people that is crime free. We don't commit crime no more than anyone else we just get over reported. You sort the economics. You sort the crime. Simple. Crime is just gonna happen in any capitalist society. Get over it.
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We do address White on White. ?

So why is crime is almost always white.

Just in the last couple of days. Why are you allowing your people to do this ?

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Not to mention white people pin crimes on black people all day.

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Why is the sexual abuse of kids allowed in white society ? When we you white people come together and stop this ?

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We don't have organized crime in blk society

Asian people don't apologize for the Chinese triads and Japanese Yakuza.

Latino's don't apologize for the Latin american drug cartels and criminal organizations like La Eme.

White people don't apologize for the Russian mafia gangs like Vory V Zakone brotherhood

White people don't apologize for italian organized crime (Napolitan Camorra, Sicilian Cosa Nostra Mafia, Calbrian Ndragheta and Puglian Sacra, US Cosa Nostra)

These groups form a underworld of violent crime that beats any blk street gangs in power, prestige and money.

These crime groups are responsible for the flow of drugs into USA and Europe. They are also players in the financial fraud scene. They smuggle weapons and supply the street criminals with weapons and drugs. And of course, they are the ones who operate together with corrupt officials and politicians. This is why you don't see them in crime stats.

You have to understand the economics of this real big crime.

There are no funds in the black ghetto areas which could pay up the tons of drugs they import annually into USA. It is the huge white middle and upper classes that consume casually the majority of the narcotics. They have the capital for it. That is the economical fact. This is good to remember. The same goes for Europe too.

But white people don't apologize for that ?

Then, there are the Wall street jugglers who are also criminals and who are the main reason why the average white Americans are in the deep shit, loose their homes, insurances etc. They affect to the security of the white middle class many many times more than any black street mugger or dope smoking gangabanger.

Not that I say that street crime is nothing. It has to be taken seriously too, but one has to remember the causes of it. Also one has to remember that black street gangs can not operate openly in the suburbia where as the white organized criminals live there in peace.

But you up here crying because the odd blk person tried to rob a 7-11


I'm not gonna apologize for some black crackhead robber. That's got nothing to do with me. I don't wanna be robbed either ....sh*t !!

.Crime is just gonna happen. There is no race of people that is crime free. We don't commit crime no more than anyone else we just get over reported. You sort the economics. You sort the crime. Simple. Crime is just gonna happen in any capitalist society. Get over it.
We don't riot when any white person gets arrested. We don't burn down stuff, and loot And don't your people bang their cousins because they never know their dads?

Most white towns are safe! Most black towns are crime capitals!
I mean really? What in the hell makes a group of people with a history of enslavement , genocide and apartheid in order to achieve what they have belive they have been so sucessful that they can lecture others. Without enslavement, genocide and aparthied, whites in America would have very little, if anything.

People in this forum have the opinion that blacks should do things like whites and if we do so, we can make it in America. So then what we need to do is orchestate a bloody coup, confiscate all property owned by whites, jail all whites who oppose the coup, write a new constitution that declare citizenship and it's protection only for non whites, make whites chattel for the forseeable future, make it illegal for whites to reald, own property or access information and create laws where if whites get out of line they can be beaten and killed.

Because this is how whites have done it.

In another forum, I stated that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. One of the whites there decided to say this:

“The root cause of the problems faced by most blacks today are people like you who misidentify or ignore the real problems they face to further their own personal agendas.”

This is another of the long, long line of idiotic comments made by right wing whites. White racism was determined to be the problem 53 years ago by the Kerner Commission.

"What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it."

"White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of World War II."

But the excuse will be made about how that was 50 years ago, and that stupid ass song will be sung titled, "That was in the Past."

On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community in 2018 with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” the study concluded that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but there were still disadvantages blacks faced that were based on race.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op-ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News titled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made their recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

So 3 years ago the same conclusion was made. "The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism."

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”


“Racial inequality in the United States today may, ultimately, be based on slavery, but it is also based on the failure of the country to take effective steps since slavery to undermine the structural racial inequality that slavery put in place. From the latter part of the nineteenth century through the first half of the twentieth century, the Jim Crow system continued to keep Blacks “in their place,” and even during and after the civil rights era no policies were adopted to dismantle the racial hierarchy that already existed.”

HOUSING DISCRIMINATION AS A BASIS FOR BLACK REPARATIONS, Jonathan Kaplan and Andrew Valls, Public Affairs Quarterly

Volume 21, Number 3, July 2007

McKinsey and Co.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”


Cost Of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination, Bank Says

Nationwide protests have cast a spotlight on racism and inequality in the United States. Now a major bank has put a price tag on how much the economy has lost as a result of discrimination against African Americans: $16 trillion.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup.

Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

Why this is just a bunch of liberal jibberish to to blacks in order to keep them voting democrat. Those aren't the problems, what we conservatives tell you is the real problem. Why if you just had a father in the home none of this would happen.

Black Workers Still Earn Less than Their White Counterparts

As employers in the U.S. tackle issues around racism, fresh attention is being given to the racial wage gap and why black men and women, in particular, still earn substantially less than their white counterparts.
Nearly 56 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, "we find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality," noted Jackson Gruver, a data analyst at compensation data and software firm PayScale.

Last year, PayScale analyzed differences in earnings between white men and men of color using data from a sample of 1.8 million employees surveyed between January 2017 and February 2019.

Among the findings, Gruver reported: "Even as black or African-American men climb the corporate ladder, they still make less than equally qualified white men. They are the only racial/ethnic group that does not achieve pay parity with white men at some level."

The study found that black men had the largest "uncontrolled pay gap" relative to white men, when comparing the average earnings of black men and white men in the U.S.

On average, black men earned 87 cents for every dollar a white man earned. Hispanic workers had the next largest gap, earning 91 cents for every dollar earned by white men.

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To put that in perspective, the median salary of a white man in our sample is $72,900; the controlled median pay for black or African-American men is thus $71,500," Gruver said. "This suggests a $1,400 difference in pay that is likely attributable to race."

So daddy lives at home and the family still makes less than whites. Because:

NWLC calculations, based on the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey for 2016, revealed that when comparing all men and women who work full time, year-round in the U.S., women were paid just 80 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts. But the wage gap was even larger when looking specifically at black women who work full time, year-round—they were paid only 63 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men.

Stephen Miller, Black Workers Still Earn Less than Their White Counterparts, www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/compensation/pages/racial-wage-gaps-persistence-poses-challenge.aspx

So a white working couple will make 90 cents on every dollar while a black working couple makes 75 cents. To allow you to understand this reality a white female worker makes 80 cents on every dollar a white man makes. White females are demanding equal pay and rightfully so.

And you black folk really need to start taking education seriously.

Black unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment regardless of educational attainment

The black unemployment rate is nearly or more than twice the white unemployment rate regardless of educational attainment. It is, and always has been, about twice the white unemployment rate; however, the depth of this racial inequality in the labor market rarely makes the headlines.

Over the last 12 months, the average unemployment rate for black college graduates has been 4.1 percent—nearly two times the average unemployment rate for white college graduates (2.4 percent) and equivalent to the unemployment rate of whites with an associate’s degree or who have not completed college (4.0 percent). The largest disparity is seen among those with less than a high school diploma: while whites with less than a high school diploma have an unemployment rate of 6.9 percent, the black unemployment rate is 16.6 percent—over two times the white average.

The broader significance of this disparity suggests a race penalty whereby blacks at each level of education have unemployment rates that are the same as or higher than less educated whites.

Valerie Wilson, Black unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment regardless of educational attainment, www.epi.org/publication/black-unemployment-educational-attainment/

African Americans are paid less than whites at every education level

While the economy continues to improve and wages are finally beginning to inch up for most Americans, African Americans are still being paid less than whites at every education level. As you can see from the chart below, while a college education results in higher wages—both for whites and blacks—it does not eliminate the black-white wage gap. African Americans are still earning less than whites at every level of educational attainment. A recent EPI report, Black-white wage gaps expand with rising wage inequality, shows that this gap persists even after controlling for years of experience, region of the country, and whether one lives in an urban or rural area. In fact, since 1979, the gaps between black and white workers have grown the most among workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher—the most educated workers.

Valerie Wilson, African Americans are paid less than whites at every education level, www.epi.org/publication/african-americans-are-paid-less-than-whites-at-every-education-level/

But to say white racism is the cause of things no matter how much proof we show your white asses, you have some kind of idiotic ass excuse, like we are blaming whites for our failures or;

We misdiagnose and ignore the "real" problem to fit an imaginary agenda racists in tha white community invented so they can deny how THEY are the root cause of the problem.

You right wing scrubs are always talking about responsibility.

Take some instead of running your mouths.
I will say what no skin color will say. Make, as in money? God made what is. We use whatever. The money people make will be nothing, when the things that God made are no more. What then did you make? You made nothing fooling yourself into thinking you made something. Devils like being self deceived.
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