Why do we pin all our probems on the west?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Tell it like it is lady...

Saudi Singer on Egyptian TV Criticizes Radical Islam
Shams Bandar asks a bold question.
February 15, 2016
Larry Elder



Bandar: "I have been accused of that for a long time now. It's nothing new. Foreign citizenship. ... It's not that I'm happy with the way things are, but let's not deceive ourselves. Why tell ourselves lies? The Syrians are scattered in the world's oceans, dying by the millions on a daily basis. ... Iraqis are dying by the millions. ... All the Arab countries have closed their borders to them. What can these wretched people do with their Arab citizenship? How does a suffering Syrian benefit from his Arab citizenship, when his children and family have been killed and his life has been destroyed? His own Arab brethren do not let him in. What if he were a British citizen? Wouldn't the British embassy send a ship to get their citizens out? Why are we lying? Why aren't we telling the truth? I'm not forcing people to get foreign citizenship."

Host: "But it is these countries that caused the catastrophes of the (Arab) peoples. I wouldn't portray these countries as lifesavers."

Bandar: "They are not lifesavers.

But in Britain or America ... note that I am against the policies of their governments. I always say so. But show me where it says in their constitutions that you can chop people's hands off, stone people, execute them in the streets, or do all the things done by ISIS and the Islamist movements, which are harmful to Islam. Do you see in the American constitution and law any of the things perpetrated by our Muslims? Can we say that they do these things in the West, too? Why would they, when their constitutions are all about the respect for humanity? Let's not get into what they do in secret, because I have no proof of that."

Host: "What about their barbaric, bloody, aggressive conduct?"

Bandar: "I see no evidence of that. All I see is laws, legislation, and constitution. Can anyone convince me that in America or Europe, they do what ISIS is doing to the Syrians, to the Yazidis, or to the Iraqis? Why do we pin all our problems on the West? For 1,400 years we have been slaughtering one another, just because one of us prays one way and another prays a different way. America wasn't around 1,400 years ago. It wasn't around even 300 years ago. We have been fighting and shedding blood for 1,400 years, and now we are blaming America and Britain?!"


It is therefore all the more remarkable when we hear loud and brave voices like Pakistan's Malala Yousafzai, the schoolgirl shot in the head by the Taliban because she stood up for the right of girls to be educated. Yousafzai survived, won the Nobel Peace Prize and continues to speak out for the rights of Islamic women.

We pray for the safety of courageous truth-telling warriors like Yousafzai and Bandar.

Saudi Singer on Egyptian TV Criticizes Radical Islam
5 years ago I went searching for answers. When I found them, I remembered my primary school teachers degrading Australia's ties with Britain. They said we had no culture and were clser to asia. By high school, modern history was about china (no ancient history). I liked chang kai chek! Boom boom. I say I did though.

my mum said when she was in school they still learned abut angles, saxons, jutes and danes.

it took me to be older than 30 to unravel this stuff. I'm reasobly at peace with it but I can't forgive SJWs. And I don't appreciate mess.
But in Britain or America ... note that I am against the policies of their governments. I always say so. But show me where it says in their constitutions that you can chop people's hands off, stone people, execute them in the streets,

neither it says you can false flag terror attack your own people so they got killed to justify invasion in Iraq.

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