Why do the Libs get their asses kicked???

Why can't the Libs win a debate?

  • Low IQ

  • They are so used to welfare you have to do everything for them

  • Denial... What is reality?

  • Desperation... They are grasping at straws.

  • Just say the hell with it, cut off theirvwelfare and drugs.

  • BUSHHHH!!!

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The Deficit Explained And Fiscal Conservatism Debunked (In Two Graphs)



Note that the last five times we’ve had budget surpluses (four of them were Clinton budgets), revenue was near 20% of GDP. So that is a good guideline for the minimum size of govt Americans actually want in the modern age. But the Clinton surpluses were squandered in the Bush years when revenue dropped to below 15% of GDP and spending soared to 25%.


Daily Kos???

You mean Pravda,don't you???

What a joke!!!


When it seems to happen, it's two reasons. Republicans have no problem with lying and America isn't interested in Politics. Look at the last election, a few stooges gave the GOP the majority and look at what they were told. Ebola is coming to get you, Isis will be in your back yard and tiny children running from danger will steal your job, if you even have one. The day after the election, all there terrors seemed to dry up.
When it seems to happen, it's two reasons. Republicans have no problem with lying and America isn't interested in Politics. Look at the last election, a few stooges gave the GOP the majority and look at what they were told. Ebola is coming to get you, Isis will be in your back yard and tiny children running from danger will steal your job, if you even have one. The day after the election, all there terrors seemed to dry up.
Obozo IMPORTED Ebola into America.
Less then 3% of those ILLEGALS are wee children and he sends the WHITE CHRISTIAN ones back.
And lying? You really want to go there retard?
21 Truths That Prove Republicans Have Been Wrong About Everything

1. In the 1960s, Republicans wrongly claimed that passage of Medicare would be the end of capitalism.

2. In 1993, when Bill Clinton raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.5%, Republicans predicted a recession, increased unemployment and a growing budget deficit.

They weren't just wrong; the results were exactly the opposite of everything they predicted
. After that tax increase went into effect, the country experienced the seven best years of economic growth in history.

3. In 2001, when George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy, Republicans predicted record job growth, increased budget surplus and nationwide prosperity.

4. In 1993, when the Brady Law and the Assault Weapons Ban were passed, Republicans predicted increasing rates of crime and murder.

Thankfully just the opposite happened

21 Truths That Prove Republicans Have Been Wrong About Everything

1) Conservatives opposed the American Revolution

Conservatives vehemently warned us that it was unnatural to rebel against our Sovereign Lord, King George III, and that doing so would plunge the colonies into disorder. They assured us, as the father of Conservatism, Edmund Burke echoed, that social stability would only come from the small group of wealthy aristocrats ruling over the poor majority. Conservatives reiterated that it was the duty of the poor to obey their “betters.” Their rewards, after all, will come in Heaven.

2) Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves

I know, I know. Here’s where the sophomoric CONS, lacking the ability for complex thought, will whine that Lincoln, a Republican, freed the slaves. But as Southern historian Al Benson, Jr. wrote in his article, “The Republican Party, There are NO conservative roots there,”

“It is interesting to note that, in 1860, the Democrats were the real conservatives, while the Republicans were the left-leaning radicals.”

The Republican Party of the 1860’s, as evidenced by their platform, was a progressive party that rose in opposition to the entrenched power structure. It called for protective tariffs, Besides emancipating the slaves, Lincoln was in favor of progressive taxation. The Revenue Act of 1862 levied a 3% tax on people making between $600 and $10,000 a year, and a 5% for those making over $10,000.

As Andrew Belonsky wrote for Death and Taxes,

“Lincoln believed that rich Americans should pay more than their less wealthy friends and neighbors.”

But, because they are CONS and want to rig the system in their favor, they only considered slaves “people” for purposes of counting them in order to increase the slave-state representation in Congress.

Conservatives warned that freeing the slaves, believe it or not, was an affront to liberty as well as an evil government plot to force hardworking business owners to release their property. After all, as the Bible tells us, and as Rush Limbaugh later reminded us, “some people are just born to be slaves.”

3) Conservatives opposed women’s suffrage

Conservatives warned us that women just didn’t have the mind, much less the disposition, for politics. They would, of course, get all hysterical – and if they’re having their periods! Well, look out, men! As Limbaugh cautioned again, uppity women might put testicles in a lock box and upset the “natural” hierarchy.

Even today, in 2012, CONS (such as, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, tea party activist, Fox News contributor, and founder of an organization where Sean Hannity serves as an advisory board member) lament that the worst thing that ever happened to America was that women were given the right to vote.

4) Conservatives opposed minimum wage and child labor laws, the 8-hour work day, weekends, sick leave… etc.

Conservatives warned us that the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which established a national minimum wage, guaranteed ‘time-and-a-half’ for overtime in certain jobs and banned child labor, was going to collapse the economy. But President Franklin Roosevelt countered at the time, “Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, …tell you…that a wage of $11 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry.” What a surprise! He was right and conservatives were wrong.

70 years later, CONS are still trying to undo the minimum wage and get those kids out of the classroom and back into the factories of Republican campaign contributors.

5) Conservatives opposed humane treatment of animals

Conservatives: ALWAYS on the Wrong Side of History | Republican Dirty Tricks
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Why can't Libs win a debate on the issues, without going to Bush, or providing credible links to prove their point?

ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? EVER? How about 40 years for the GOP?
Opposition to slavery. Civil Rights. Women's Rights.

Sorry Bubs, CONservatives fought ALL those things, but YES PROGRESSIVE REPUBS HELPED THE LEFT WITH THOSE THINGS!

Why can't Libs win a debate on the issues, without going to Bush, or providing credible links to prove their point?

ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? EVER? How about 40 years for the GOP?
Opposition to slavery. Civil Rights. Women's Rights.

2) Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves

I know, I know. Here’s where the sophomoric CONS, lacking the ability for complex thought, will whine that Lincoln, a Republican, freed the slaves. But as Southern historian Al Benson, Jr. wrote in his article, “The Republican Party, There are NO conservative roots there,”

“It is interesting to note that, in 1860, the Democrats were the real conservatives, while the Republicans were the left-leaning radicals.”

The Republican Party of the 1860’s, as evidenced by their platform, was a progressive party that rose in opposition to the entrenched power structure. It called for protective tariffs, Besides emancipating the slaves, Lincoln was in favor of progressive taxation. The Revenue Act of 1862 levied a 3% tax on people making between $600 and $10,000 a year, and a 5% for those making over $10,000.

As Andrew Belonsky wrote for Death and Taxes,

“Lincoln believed that rich Americans should pay more than their less wealthy friends and neighbors.”

But, because they are CONS and want to rig the system in their favor, they only considered slaves “people” for purposes of counting them in order to increase the slave-state representation in Congress.

Conservatives warned that freeing the slaves, believe it or not, was an affront to liberty – as well as an evil government plot to force hardworking business owners to release their property. After all, as the Bible tells us, and as Rush Limbaugh later reminded us, “some people are just born to be slaves.”

3) Conservatives opposed women’s suffrage

Why can't Libs win a debate on the issues, without going to Bush, or providing credible links to prove their point?

ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? EVER? How about 40 years for the GOP?
Opposition to slavery. Civil Rights. Women's Rights.

2) Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves

I know, I know. Here’s where the sophomoric CONS, lacking the ability for complex thought, will whine that Lincoln, a Republican, freed the slaves. But as Southern historian Al Benson, Jr. wrote in his article, “The Republican Party, There are NO conservative roots there,”

“It is interesting to note that, in 1860, the Democrats were the real conservatives, while the Republicans were the left-leaning radicals.”

The Republican Party of the 1860’s, as evidenced by their platform, was a progressive party that rose in opposition to the entrenched power structure. It called for protective tariffs, Besides emancipating the slaves, Lincoln was in favor of progressive taxation. The Revenue Act of 1862 levied a 3% tax on people making between $600 and $10,000 a year, and a 5% for those making over $10,000.

As Andrew Belonsky wrote for Death and Taxes,

“Lincoln believed that rich Americans should pay more than their less wealthy friends and neighbors.”

But, because they are CONS and want to rig the system in their favor, they only considered slaves “people” for purposes of counting them in order to increase the slave-state representation in Congress.

Conservatives warned that freeing the slaves, believe it or not, was an affront to liberty – as well as an evil government plot to force hardworking business owners to release their property. After all, as the Bible tells us, and as Rush Limbaugh later reminded us, “some people are just born to be slaves.”

3) Conservatives opposed women’s suffrage

Real damn interesting...

Democrats are suddenly Republicans...

Men are women...

Hell, the head of the NAACP and Black Lives Matter are WHITE!!!

Any other fiction you want to feed us???
Why can't Libs win a debate on the issues, without going to Bush, or providing credible links to prove their point?

ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? EVER? How about 40 years for the GOP?
Opposition to slavery. Civil Rights. Women's Rights.

2) Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves

I know, I know. Here’s where the sophomoric CONS, lacking the ability for complex thought, will whine that Lincoln, a Republican, freed the slaves. But as Southern historian Al Benson, Jr. wrote in his article, “The Republican Party, There are NO conservative roots there,”

“It is interesting to note that, in 1860, the Democrats were the real conservatives, while the Republicans were the left-leaning radicals.”

The Republican Party of the 1860’s, as evidenced by their platform, was a progressive party that rose in opposition to the entrenched power structure. It called for protective tariffs, Besides emancipating the slaves, Lincoln was in favor of progressive taxation. The Revenue Act of 1862 levied a 3% tax on people making between $600 and $10,000 a year, and a 5% for those making over $10,000.

As Andrew Belonsky wrote for Death and Taxes,

“Lincoln believed that rich Americans should pay more than their less wealthy friends and neighbors.”

But, because they are CONS and want to rig the system in their favor, they only considered slaves “people” for purposes of counting them in order to increase the slave-state representation in Congress.

Conservatives warned that freeing the slaves, believe it or not, was an affront to liberty – as well as an evil government plot to force hardworking business owners to release their property. After all, as the Bible tells us, and as Rush Limbaugh later reminded us, “some people are just born to be slaves.”

3) Conservatives opposed women’s suffrage

Real damn interesting...

Democrats are suddenly Republicans...

Men are women...

Hell, the head of the NAACP and Black Lives Matter are WHITE!!!

Any other fiction you want to feed us???

Got it, you prefer the right wings imaginary history where they substitute party for ideology, even though parties switched several times in the last 100+ years

I get it, Abe was attacked by the LIBERAL SOUTHERN CONservative States of AmeriKKKa?

The Southerners of BOTH parties didn't fight Civil Rights, that left wing fringe movement?

Why can't Libs win a debate on the issues, without going to Bush, or providing credible links to prove their point?

ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? EVER? How about 40 years for the GOP?
Opposition to slavery. Civil Rights. Women's Rights.

Sorry Bubs, CONservatives fought ALL those things, but YES PROGRESSIVE REPUBS HELPED THE LEFT WITH THOSE THINGS!

Sorry Bubs, you're full of shit. History is not on your side, racist. Democrats have always been the party of racism and they still are. The facts are not on your side, jerkoff.
Six Studies That Show Everything Republicans Believe is Wrong

1. The Minimum Wage Doesn't Kill Jobs.

The Republican story on the minimum wage takes the inordinately complex interactions of the market and makes them absurdly simple. Raise the price of labor through a minimum wage, they claim, and employers will hire fewer workers. But that's not how it works. In the early Nineties, David Card and Alan Krueger found "no evidence that the rise in New Jersey's minimum wage reduced employment at fast-food restaurants in the state." Since then, international, national and state-level studies have replicated these findings – most recently in a study by [URL='http://www.irle.berkeley.edu/workingpapers/157-07.pdf']three Berkeley economists
. Catherine Ruetschlin, a policy analyst at Demos, has argued that a higher minimum wage would actually "boost the national economy" by giving workers more money to spend on goods and services. The most comprehensive meta-study of the minimum wage examined 64 studies and found "little or no evidence" that a higher minimum wage reduces employment. There is however, evidence that a higher minimum wage lifts people out of poverty. Raise away!

2. The Stimulus Created Millions of Jobs.

In the aftermath of the 2007 recession, President Obama invested in a massive stimulus. The Republican belief that markets are always good and government is always bad led them to argue that diverting resources to the public sector this way would have disastrous results. They were wrong: The stimulus worked, with the most reliable studies finding that it created millions of jobs. The fact that government stimulus works – long denied by Republicans (at least, when Democrats are in office) – is a consensus among economists, with only 4 percent arguing that unemployment would have been lower without the stimulus and only 12 percent arguing that the costs outweigh the benefits.

3. Taxing The Rich Doesn't Hurt Economic Growth.[/URL]



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