Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Personally, I love Glenn Beck.
He does a better piss-take of Glenn Beck than anyone.

I bet if I hooked you up to a lie-detector you'd light up like a xmas tree...
Do you have a lot of progressive/liberals in New Zealand,:confused:

I'm not a betting person, but he is hilarious.
The funniest - or scariest - thing is that anyone could actually take him seriously.

We aren't so combative with our politics here.
Most people wouldn't be able to tell you what label they are.

I guess every country has a few problems, but to hear it from al jazeera...:(
Racism: Tolerated and trivialised in New Zealand - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
I bet if I hooked you up to a lie-detector you'd light up like a xmas tree...
Do you have a lot of progressive/liberals in New Zealand,:confused:

I'm not a betting person, but he is hilarious.
The funniest - or scariest - thing is that anyone could actually take him seriously.

We aren't so combative with our politics here.
Most people wouldn't be able to tell you what label they are.

I guess every country has a few problems, but to hear it from al jazeera...:(
Racism: Tolerated and trivialised in New Zealand - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Yep, every multicultural country has its racial problems.
I consider Al Jazeera among the premier world news agencies.
I'm not a betting person, but he is hilarious.
The funniest - or scariest - thing is that anyone could actually take him seriously.

We aren't so combative with our politics here.
Most people wouldn't be able to tell you what label they are.

I guess every country has a few problems, but to hear it from al jazeera...:(
Racism: Tolerated and trivialised in New Zealand - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Yep, every multicultural country has its racial problems.
I consider Al Jazeera among the premier world news agencies.

Most here don't... Full Article
DHS Insider: It’s about to get ugly

Monday, Jun 10, 2013

Over the weekend, Glenn read a shocking story out of Canada where a DHS insider warned that things were about to get very ugly very anyone exposing this administration either as a whistleblower or as a dissenting voice in the media.

Doug Hagmann with the Canadian Free Press explained his encounter with a DHS insider:

“If anyone thinks that what’s going on right now with all of this surveillance of American citizens is to fight some sort of foreign enemy, they’re delusional. If people think that this ‘scandal’ can’t get any worse, it will, hour by hour, day by day. This has the ability to bring down our national leadership, the administration and other senior elected officials working in collusion with this administration, both Republican and Democrats. People within the NSA, the Department of Justice, and others, they know who they are, need to come forth with the documentation of ‘policy and practice’ in their possession, disclose what they know, fight what’s going on, and just do their job. I have never seen anything like this, ever. The present administration is going after leakers, media sources, anyone and everyone who is even suspected of ‘betrayal.’ That’s what they call it, ‘betrayal.’ Can you believe the size of their cahones? This administration considers anyone telling the truth about Benghazi, the IRS, hell, you name the issue, ‘betrayal,’” he said.

“We know all this already,” I stated. He looked at me, giving me a look like I’ve never seen, and actually pushed his finger into my chest. “You don’t know jack,” he said, “this is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources, whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list. If you’re not working for MSNBC or CNN, you’re probably on that list. If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re on that list. It’s a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list,” he stated.

After reading this story, Glenn forwarded it on to TheBlaze news team to verify it and see how it matched up with the information they were getting from their sources. What he received in response from the team at TheBlaze was one of the most chilling things he has ever read.


DHS Insider: It?s about to get ugly ? Glenn Beck
NYT illegal immigration propaganda

Wednesday, Jun 12, 2013 at 4:01 PM EDT

The New York Times showed their hand on the illegal immigration debate by running a propaganda picture on the front page, above the fold. It was rather implausible picture featuring a young woman on one side of a fence crying as she reaches out to her mom on the other side of the fence. Glenn gave the photo the mockery it deserved on radio today.

“If this isn’t the biggest propaganda photo I have ever seen,” Glenn said.

Glenn joked that it was pretty unbelievable to see this photo captured at this moment in time, right when there was a New York Times reporter available and the White House was embroiled in a scandal.

“This president is still in there working for the American people, or the non-documented American people,” Glenn said.


Check out the photo below:



NYT illegal immigration propaganda ? Glenn Beck
And..................because he made a listing on some idiot list that really doesn't have much impact on the lives of 90 percent of America, this means what?

I still think Glenn Beck is an idiot, and I wish him well, but I'd really like it if he was pelted by rotten tomatoes on a weekly basis.

Really.................I think it would be funny to see him pelted once a week until he decides to either (a) become balanced and look at both sides of the issue rather than be such a rabid right winger or (b) decided he's made enough money and retire from the public view.

Either or..................I'm okay with both.
And..................because he made a listing on some idiot list that really doesn't have much impact on the lives of 90 percent of America, this means what?

I still think Glenn Beck is an idiot, and I wish him well, but I'd really like it if he was pelted by rotten tomatoes on a weekly basis.

Really.................I think it would be funny to see him pelted once a week until he decides to either (a) become balanced and look at both sides of the issue rather than be such a rabid right winger or (b) decided he's made enough money and retire from the public view.

Either or..................I'm okay with both.

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And..................because he made a listing on some idiot list that really doesn't have much impact on the lives of 90 percent of America, this means what?

I still think Glenn Beck is an idiot, and I wish him well, but I'd really like it if he was pelted by rotten tomatoes on a weekly basis.

Really.................I think it would be funny to see him pelted once a week until he decides to either (a) become balanced and look at both sides of the issue rather than be such a rabid right winger or (b) decided he's made enough money and retire from the public view.

Either or..................I'm okay with both.

A balanced view leads pople to the right, my friend.
And..................because he made a listing on some idiot list that really doesn't have much impact on the lives of 90 percent of America, this means what?

I still think Glenn Beck is an idiot, and I wish him well, but I'd really like it if he was pelted by rotten tomatoes on a weekly basis.

Really.................I think it would be funny to see him pelted once a week until he decides to either (a) become balanced and look at both sides of the issue rather than be such a rabid right winger or (b) decided he's made enough money and retire from the public view.

Either or..................I'm okay with both.

A balanced view leads pople to the right, my friend.

Are you really that stupid?

A balanced view leads people to the center. WTF do you think "balance" means?

If you keep going towards the right, eventually, you're gonna tip over.

But................that's why the tea baggers are leading the GOP over the cliff and will eventually make them go the way of the Whigs.
And..................because he made a listing on some idiot list that really doesn't have much impact on the lives of 90 percent of America, this means what?

I still think Glenn Beck is an idiot, and I wish him well, but I'd really like it if he was pelted by rotten tomatoes on a weekly basis.

Really.................I think it would be funny to see him pelted once a week until he decides to either (a) become balanced and look at both sides of the issue rather than be such a rabid right winger or (b) decided he's made enough money and retire from the public view.

Either or..................I'm okay with both.

A balanced view leads pople to the right, my friend.

Are you really that stupid?

A balanced view leads people to the center. WTF do you think "balance" means?

If you keep going towards the right, eventually, you're gonna tip over.

But................that's why the tea baggers are leading the GOP over the cliff and will eventually make them go the way of the Whigs.

I think a balanced view is one that's in harmony with reality.

This right/left political spectrum is an artificial construct. It's center isn't indicative of reality or the truth.

I think that's why you don't like Glenn. He realizes that the left/right stuff is an artificial box. He calls out both sides when they are wrong which they can be quite often.

The truth and reality lies with the principles espoused by those on the right. Unfortunately those on the right don't always live them.

And quite frankly, we need to tip over this stupid artificial left/right construct. While the heck are we basing our political viewpoints basd on a spectrum created during the French Revolution to divide people for political power? Why do we accept this left/right dichotemy?

Seek the truth. Focus on reality. That's what matters. That's where Balance is.
A balanced view leads pople to the right, my friend.

Are you really that stupid?

A balanced view leads people to the center. WTF do you think "balance" means?

If you keep going towards the right, eventually, you're gonna tip over.

But................that's why the tea baggers are leading the GOP over the cliff and will eventually make them go the way of the Whigs.

I think a balanced view is one that's in harmony with reality.

This right/left political spectrum is an artificial construct. It's center isn't indicative of reality or the truth.

I think that's why you don't like Glenn. He realizes that the left/right stuff is an artificial box. He calls out both sides when they are wrong which they can be quite often.

The truth and reality lies with the principles espoused by those on the right. Unfortunately those on the right don't always live them.

And quite frankly, we need to tip over this stupid artificial left/right construct. While the heck are we basing our political viewpoints basd on a spectrum created during the French Revolution to divide people for political power? Why do we accept this left/right dichotemy?

Seek the truth. Focus on reality. That's what matters. That's where Balance is.

You're right.................a balanced view is that which is in harmony with reality. But if that's the case, why did Congress vote against universal background checks, when almost 85 percent of the country was for it? I thought we were a government of the people, by the people.

And sorry..................but I've watched Beck since the days that he was on CNN. He's anything other than balanced, because he's a fringe right winger (which means he's all the way on the edge of the right). BTW.........................can you provide a link that show's he'd gone after those on the right? I bet you can't.

And.....................if truth and reality was where it is espoused by those on the right, then where is the balance? Shouldn't it come from the center?
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On the radio, Beck is funny, controversial, and interesting.

On the tv, he was loony and dangerous.


Glenn: We are turning into monsters

Thursday, Jun 27, 2013

After much delay and hype, Paula Deen finally appeared on NBC’s TODAY show yesterday for a very emotional interview with Matt Lauer. Glenn has defended Deen since the Food Network failed to renew her contract because while he does not pretend to know how she feels in her heart, he does not like the attitude or the actions he has seen from the public.

“Paula Deen yesterday was on the TODAY show and, you know, I have to tell ya… who are we turning into? I mean, we are really turning into monsters, at least I think,” Glenn said. “We are turning into a group of people that the world should fear. We are turning into a group of people that hunt other people. If you happen to disagree, you happen to step out of line, you’ve made a mistake at any point in your life you’re done.”

Interestingly, one of the other partnerships Deen has lost is with Harrah’s Casino, which Pat found particularly remarkable.

“She has been destroyed,” Pat said. “I mean, it’s pretty bad when Harrah’s casino, a place that specializes in ruining people’s lives, thousands and thousands of lives per day because she said one word… closes down four of her restaurants.”


Glenn: We are turning into monsters ? Glenn Beck
Trayvon Martin case falling apart

Tuesday, Jul 9, 2013 at 3:01 PM EDT

We are nearly two weeks into the George Zimmerman trial, and it is beginning to look like legally, this case shouldn’t have even made it this far. Regardless of what one thinks of Zimmerman, there is less and less evidence that warrants convicting him of second-degree murder. Earlier this week, we learned Trayvon’s dad testified that he did not think it was his son’s voice on the critical 9-1-1 call.

“So Zimmerman looks unbelievably innocent,” Glenn said on radio this week. “Trayvon Martin’s dad even answers ‘no’ to the question of whether that’s his son screaming for help. Even Trayvon’s dad is saying, ‘Nope, that’s not my son.’”


“Yeah, you had the usual suspects: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson doing the same thing they always do, trying to convict people before they knew any of the facts. Trying to convict because they perceived him as a white guy,” Pat continued. “And that’s what they do. They go to where a white person is in hot water, either rightly or wrongly, and they try to convict them before the trial even occurs. That’s what they did with the Duke lacrosse team, that’s what they did in the Tawana Brawley case. That’s what they did here.”


Trayvon Martin case falling apart ? Glenn Beck

WATCH: Dana Loesch slams Zimmerman protesters for their ‘progressive utopian dream’

Wednesday, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:51 AM EDT

Conservative radio host Dana Loesch guest-hosted last night’s Glenn Beck Program, and she opened the show with an impassioned monologue criticizing those who protest on behalf of Trayvon Martin while ignoring the overwhelming violence gripping the “progressive utopian dream” of Chicago on a daily basis.

“So let’s look at the facts,” Dana said. “Youth are the biggest target in Chicago – black youth. In 2012, Chicago had 100 more murders then in New York City, 215 more than Los Angeles, and according to the Chicago Reporter and other statistics, from 2008 to 2012, half of Chicago’s nearly 2,500 homicide victims were killed before they reached their 25th birthdays.”

That number alone is staggering, but it doesn’t even begin to capture the extent of the problem. The Bureau for Justice Statistics reports anywhere from 8,000 to 9,000 black Americans are killed every year, and 93% of those murders are committed by other black Americans.

So where are the riots, the feigned outrage, and protestors decrying those statistics?


WATCH: Dana Loesch slams Zimmerman protesters for their ?progressive utopian dream? ? Glenn Beck
Larry Elder Goes Off on Piers Morgan During Explosive Race Debate: ‘You’re Making Black People Feel as if They Are Under Siege…It’s an Outrage!’

Jul. 17, 2013 10:34pm Jason Howerton


CNN host Piers Morgan on Wednesday made good on his offer to have conservative personality Larry Elder on his show to debate the George Zimmerman trial, Rachel Jeantel and race relations in the United States. The exchange was just as confrontational and explosive as you might expect.

Elder told Morgan that his interview with Zimmerman trial witness Rachel Jeantel was terrible as he “condescendingly” tried to convince her that she was a “victim.”

“This is a young lady who didn’t apply herself, a 19 year old who is still in high school. Instead of saying, ‘Young lady, take this as an opportunity to take stock of your life,’ you treated her like she was a victim. And that’s how you’re doing this whole thing about race and racism,” Elder said.


“I’m just bothered by how you are handling all this,” he said. “You think you are doing something for black people but you’re not. You’re making black people feel as if they are under siege and it’s not true, it’s an outrage!”

Morgan later asked Elder if he felt that Jeantel was “stupid,” to which Elder reminded the CNN host that he used the word “stupid.”

However, Elder did tell Morgan he thought he was “stupid” for trying to convince black people that racism is still a huge issue in present day America.


Larry Elder Goes Off on Piers Morgan During Explosive Race Debate: ?You?re Making Black People Feel as if They Are Under Siege?It?s an Outrage!? | Video | TheBlaze.com

Is This the Female Progressive Activist Linked to Latest Anthony Weiner Sex Chats?

Jul. 24, 2013 1:02am Jason Howerton

BuzzFeed has linked a progressive activist from Indiana to the latest sex chat scandal involving Anthony Weiner.

The woman, who is in her early 20s, calls herself “Sydney Leathers” online and “sidneyelainexo” has been identified as the woman whose online profile is linked to the latest — and explicit — Weiner sex chat.

Sydney Leathers reportedly wrote that Weiner “can continue sending d*ck pics every single say for the rest of his life as long as he continues to legislate like he does.”

Further, her Facebook profile picture “closely matches one blurred on the website The Dirty,” according to BuzzFeed.




In a Facebook post dated June 6, 2011, she wrote that “Rep. Weiner can continue sending d*ck pics every single say for the rest of his life as long as he continues to legislate like he does.”

Is This the Female Progressive Activist Linked to Latest Anthony Weiner Sex Chats? | TheBlaze.com

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