Why do peaceful Muslims object to American troops killing terrorists?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
How many times have we been accused of bashing all Muslims because we speak out against radical Muslims? Obama is constantly reminding us not to judge them all by the actions of the radicals.

In Missouri, some Muslims students are objecting to the campus showing the film, "American Sniper" and are offended by it. Some claim they are in danger.

Why the hell would they take issue with seeing terrorists killed by American troops?

What is clear is that typical Muslims do not separate themselves from the radicals, so how the hell are the rest of us supposed to do that? Why don't they just stand up and let everyone know that they fully support the war on terror and make it clear to the world that they do not stand with the radicals? That is what needs to happen. Instead they want everyone to stop saying anything about terrorists because most terrorists are Muslim. If they object to seeing terrorists get their just rewards, then I don't give a shit about their feelings. It seems as though too many average Muslims can't stand seeing terrorists defeated and that speaks volumes on where they stand.

We should not humor or tolerate those who sympathize with terrorists.

Muslim Students Demand that University Cancel Showings of ‘American Sniper’

Could also have something to do with the sickening vitriol from the mouths of the people who want bomb and kill them all. Despite terrorists making up far less than 1/10 of 1% of their population.
I think you are confusing that 1/10 of 1% with the number of muslims who don't hate Jews.
Why do peaceful Muslims object to American troops killing terrorists?

Why do Christians think gays are comparable to axe murderers?

Pastor Under Fire For Comparing Gays To Axe Murderers Watch the video - Yahoo News

You are deflecting. Typical response from the left. Just bash a small percent of Christians.

Maybe if more Muslims would come out and say they love America and hate terrorists, they would be treated more like fellow citizens and not terrorist sympathizers.

It's shit like this that makes people fear them. If you remain silent or defend the radicals, it shows you are with them.

There is no excuse for sympathizing with those whose main purpose is to kill as many infidels as possible.
Why do peaceful Muslims object to American troops killing terrorists?

Why do Christians think gays are comparable to axe murderers?

Pastor Under Fire For Comparing Gays To Axe Murderers Watch the video - Yahoo News

You are deflecting. Typical response from the left. Just bash a small percent of Christians.

Maybe if more Muslims would come out and say they love America and hate terrorists, they would be treated more like fellow citizens and not terrorist sympathizers.

It's shit like this that makes people fear them. If you remain silent or defend the radicals, it shows you are with them.

There is no excuse for sympathizing with those whose main purpose is to kill as many infidels as possible.

What percent of the American Muslim population did you cite in your idiotic OP?
Maybe some American Muslims object to the way Muslims are so frequently portrayed in a negative light in US movies...

...much like the rightwingers launch into paroxysms of outrage every time a conservative gets negatively portrayed.
Why the hell would they take issue with seeing terrorists killed by American troops?

Perhaps they feel that America has no business there, and that the Middle East countries should take care of Middle East problems.

And so far they are doing a shitty job of it.
It's tough when the most powerful militaries in the world keep invading and meddling in their politics. Nothing empowers their extremists more.
Why do peaceful Muslims object to American troops killing terrorists?

Why do Christians think gays are comparable to axe murderers?

Pastor Under Fire For Comparing Gays To Axe Murderers Watch the video - Yahoo News

You are deflecting. Typical response from the left. Just bash a small percent of Christians.

Maybe if more Muslims would come out and say they love America and hate terrorists, they would be treated more like fellow citizens and not terrorist sympathizers.

It's shit like this that makes people fear them. If you remain silent or defend the radicals, it shows you are with them.

There is no excuse for sympathizing with those whose main purpose is to kill as many infidels as possible.
Look at you ignoring every reason posted on this thread.

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