Why do liberals criticize Romneys lack of military experience, but not Obamas???

The thread title says it all.

Have at it.

Basically it's just your paint by the numbers partisan B.S. For those who brought up Romney and the draft did you vote for the World War Two veteran George H.W. Bush or the man who ducked war Bill Clinton? How about Clinton's reelection did you stick with him again and vote Clinton or go with the other World War Two veteran Bob Doyle?
Again, "based on his past" or do you have actual, honest to God proof that he said bad things about the military. I think it was a simple enough question.

because you guys spend an awful lot of time obsessing about Obama.

And no time at all even scrutinizing Romney.

Shut the fuck up.

I never said Obamination was born in Kenya.

Oh, based on his past, it's pretty clear he didn't think much about the military.

Shouldn't you be sleeping in some breakroom about right now?

Romney probably never trashed the military like a liberal does, so he gets a pass not serving. I gurantee Obamination has trashed the military during college, etc.

Okay, can you provide a link proving he did. Or is this something you are really sure about like he was born in Kenya?
The thread title says it all.

Have at it.

This is nothing new--they didn't criticize Bill Clinton either. It's just Republicans that get blasted for not entering the military---:cuckoo:

As they should be when they don't.

The GOP is the party of bloated military budgets and foreign interventions. So when these guys take exemptions from military service like a cyst on the ass (Limbaugh) or being a fake Missionary (Romney) or student deferrments (Cheney) while advocating other people (usually poor) go off and fight the wars, they should be roundly booed when they do it.

Incidently, I've vigorously defended George W. Bush from all the conspiracy nuts who've rehashed Dan Rather talking points. Bush served. so did his father. So Did Reagan. So did McCain.
Obama has never been a warmonger.
Romney has never seen a war he didn't like so long as poor people were doing the fighting.

Wtf? He campaigned on enhancing the warmongering in Afghanistan, the war in Libya and our support of Al Qaeda there as out of nowhere, he's done drone strikes in what a half dozen countries? And now we have troops in Uganda, where I'm sure COINCIDENTALLY oil was found there and there will soon be billions and billions of dollars of oil extracted from the area.

He campaigned on fighting the war effectively. Not quite the same thing as advocating a war.

Libya he acted under UN Auspices. Same in Uganda. (I guess you think child armies are okay, then?)

Now, wait, are the Republicans suddenly becoming "doves"? Really? Or like Deficits, are they only against wars when the other guy is fighting the ones they started?

He enhanced the warmongering in Afghanistan, I'm not gonna use cutesy MSM fluff words like "fight effectively."

It's not my responsibility as a US taxpayer to check the birth certificates of soldiers in Uganda. I don't like our politicians taking orders from the UN, especially when those orders are to warmonger, even more especially when those orders are to side with Al Qaeda. And let's not pretend we're doing anything in Uganda because of our gov'ts oh so wonderful sense of morality, they found big oil there. There's billions to be had, same as Iraq. Nobody gave a damn about the child soldiers in Uganda for decades, now that there's oil, we "care." You're too smart to fall for that bs.

I'm not a neocon, I hate the rep party. I'm one of the rare principled people on this board who is against when both parties warmonger.

It's sad to see that the closer and closer we get to election time the more and more you support Obama. You're allowed to not support Obama and still hate Romney. I get the feeling that you're worried about if you speak out against Obama, you'll obtain the perception of supporting Romney.
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The liberals criticize Romney for any and every single thing they can find that may cast a bad light on the man. They have "dirt patrols" going in every corner of Obama's political machine searching for shit to sling into the discussion.

This is because Obama has a dismal fuckin' record of performance. He has NOTHING TO RUN ON!!!

Dickweed liberals think that plastering the opponent with meaningless criticism makes their man look better.

Barack Hussein Obama is a goddamned, piece of shit, Marxist asshole and a true enemy of the Constitution. He is trying to ruin this country and turn it into a mediocre European-style EQUAL with the socialist failure nations.
Hey, I just got negged for this post so I figured I'd bump it to the top and piss the communists a bit more.
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The liberals criticize Romney for any and every single thing they can find that may cast a bad light on the man. They have "dirt patrols" going in every corner of Obama's political machine searching for shit to sling into the discussion.

This is because Obama has a dismal fuckin' record of performance. He has NOTHING TO RUN ON!!!

Dickweed liberals think that plastering the opponent with meaningless criticism makes their man look better.

Barack Hussein Obama is a goddamned, piece of shit, Marxist asshole and a true enemy of the Constitution. He is trying to ruin this country and turn it into a mediocre European-style EQUAL with the socialist failure nations.
Hey, I just got negged for this post so I figured I'd bump it to the top and piss the communists a bit more.

Taken care of brother...:)
The liberals criticize Romney for any and every single thing they can find that may cast a bad light on the man. They have "dirt patrols" going in every corner of Obama's political machine searching for shit to sling into the discussion.

This is because Obama has a dismal fuckin' record of performance. He has NOTHING TO RUN ON!!!

Dickweed liberals think that plastering the opponent with meaningless criticism makes their man look better.

Barack Hussein Obama is a goddamned, piece of shit, Marxist asshole and a true enemy of the Constitution. He is trying to ruin this country and turn it into a mediocre European-style EQUAL with the socialist failure nations.
Hey, I just got negged for this post so I figured I'd bump it to the top and piss the communists a bit more.

it would probably be useful if you knew what a communist/marxist is and, particularly, it would be helpful if you knew anything about the constitution.

but thank you for displaying, in duplicate, the level of ignorance of which you are so proud.
The liberals criticize Romney for any and every single thing they can find that may cast a bad light on the man. They have "dirt patrols" going in every corner of Obama's political machine searching for shit to sling into the discussion.

This is because Obama has a dismal fuckin' record of performance. He has NOTHING TO RUN ON!!!

Dickweed liberals think that plastering the opponent with meaningless criticism makes their man look better.

Barack Hussein Obama is a goddamned, piece of shit, Marxist asshole and a true enemy of the Constitution. He is trying to ruin this country and turn it into a mediocre European-style EQUAL with the socialist failure nations.
Hey, I just got negged for this post so I figured I'd bump it to the top and piss the communists a bit more.

I pos repped you, not because I agree with all of what you said but you being negged for that is ridiculous.
nice lie.

Mormons during the college aged years are required to do missionary work overseas.

You're a dumbfuck to believe Romney dropped out of school either over grades or lack of money. :eusa_whistle: It was a religious choice to leave school on a church related issue.

The US military would have a hard time drafting missionaries violating religious freedom rights.

He didn't get drafted because he was in college.....big fucking deal.

You didn't serve, so shut the fuck up.

Romney was one of the few college students who loved the military during the 60's. What did he care? He knew he wouldn't get called to serve

Mitt actually dropped out of college which would have made him eligible for the draft.
But.....miraculously, he was chosen to serve as a missionary...To France and avoided the draft once again
Not everyone serves in the military, but how you treat or view the military matters. Republicans have shown more respect for the military than Democraps, so it's kinda hard to trash a Republican over not serving compared to trashing a Democrap aligned with domestic terrorist that wanted to kill military personnel (see Obamination and his buddy Bill).
nice lie.

Mormons during the college aged years are required to do missionary work overseas.

You're a dumbfuck to believe Romney dropped out of school either over grades or lack of money. :eusa_whistle: It was a religious choice to leave school on a church related issue.

The US military would have a hard time drafting missionaries violating religious freedom rights.

He didn't get drafted because he was in college.....big fucking deal.

You didn't serve, so shut the fuck up.

Mitt actually dropped out of college which would have made him eligible for the draft.
But.....miraculously, he was chosen to serve as a missionary...To France and avoided the draft once again

Are you claiming that no mormons served in VietNam?

Romney spent three years saving the souls of the French
Dumbfuck....Romney and many other Mormons go overseas for a few years on missionary missions.

BYU loses football players for 2-3 years when they go overseas before they come back to finish their college careers. It is normal, you dumbass.

Now if Romney was a Catholic and all of sudden started some missionary claim that isn't typical of Catholics then you can whine all you want here.

nice lie.

Mormons during the college aged years are required to do missionary work overseas.

You're a dumbfuck to believe Romney dropped out of school either over grades or lack of money. :eusa_whistle: It was a religious choice to leave school on a church related issue.

The US military would have a hard time drafting missionaries violating religious freedom rights.

Mitt actually dropped out of college which would have made him eligible for the draft.
But.....miraculously, he was chosen to serve as a missionary...To France and avoided the draft once again

Are you claiming that no mormons served in VietNam?

Romney spent three years saving the souls of the French
The liberals criticize Romney for any and every single thing they can find that may cast a bad light on the man. They have "dirt patrols" going in every corner of Obama's political machine searching for shit to sling into the discussion.

This is because Obama has a dismal fuckin' record of performance. He has NOTHING TO RUN ON!!!

Dickweed liberals think that plastering the opponent with meaningless criticism makes their man look better.

Barack Hussein Obama is a goddamned, piece of shit, Marxist asshole and a true enemy of the Constitution. He is trying to ruin this country and turn it into a mediocre European-style EQUAL with the socialist failure nations.
Hey, I just got negged for this post so I figured I'd bump it to the top and piss the communists a bit more.

it would probably be useful if you knew what a communist/marxist is and, particularly, it would be helpful if you knew anything about the constitution.

but thank you for displaying, in duplicate, the level of ignorance of which you are so proud.
I am well aware of what is in the Constitution. You simply take offense at my less than glorifying opinion of Obama and you are completely incapable of understanding his stealth Marxism.

Being born in 1943, I went through my formative years being taught the history of THIS country, the histories of other countries and the price of freedom as we know it. I was taught that communism fails to deliver the same freedoms and ability to succeed in business from one's personal efforts. I despise governments that "take care" of everything the government thinks the people need. Believe what you will, I know what a desolate, miserable existence for the common man is offered by communism/Marxism/socialism. The bigger our liberal government gets, the more it approaches slavery of the masses....(with exception of those that work for and get their subsistence from the tax revenues of the masses).

So...take your self-righteous attitude elsewhere. I am not listening.

On Edit: BTW, if you want a simple clear snapshot of the contrast between communists and their enemies...take a look at a nighttime satellite photo of North Korea and South Korea. Night life must really suck in North Korea!:eusa_boohoo:

PhotoBlog - Satellites document North Korea's dark ages

Cheers! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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The liberals criticize Romney for any and every single thing they can find that may cast a bad light on the man. They have "dirt patrols" going in every corner of Obama's political machine searching for shit to sling into the discussion.

This is because Obama has a dismal fuckin' record of performance. He has NOTHING TO RUN ON!!!

Dickweed liberals think that plastering the opponent with meaningless criticism makes their man look better.

Barack Hussein Obama is a goddamned, piece of shit, Marxist asshole and a true enemy of the Constitution. He is trying to ruin this country and turn it into a mediocre European-style EQUAL with the socialist failure nations.
Hey, I just got negged for this post so I figured I'd bump it to the top and piss the communists a bit more.

I pos repped you, not because I agree with all of what you said but you being negged for that is ridiculous.
Thank you. I wasn't fishing for rep, but I do appreciate it.

You more than made up for the loss.:lol:
He enhanced the warmongering in Afghanistan, I'm not gonna use cutesy MSM fluff words like "fight effectively."

You mean accurate words. Like putting enough troops in theatre to get the job done and actually KILLING Osama bin Laden? I'd call that "effective".

It's not my responsibility as a US taxpayer to check the birth certificates of soldiers in Uganda.

Wow, that's the biggest cop-out I've heard today.

I don't like our politicians taking orders from the UN, especially when those orders are to warmonger, even more especially when those orders are to side with Al Qaeda. And let's not pretend we're doing anything in Uganda because of our gov'ts oh so wonderful sense of morality, they found big oil there. There's billions to be had, same as Iraq. Nobody gave a damn about the child soldiers in Uganda for decades, now that there's oil, we "care." You're too smart to fall for that bs.

I think everyone's reaction to that has been too small. What is happening over there is a violation of human rights, and we all ought to be upset about it. And frankly, you claiming the war in Uganda is about Oil is like the left-wingers compaining that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are about oil. I think Bush and Obama have both chosen to go to war because they felt it was the right thing to do..

I'm not a neocon, I hate the rep party. I'm one of the rare principled people on this board who is against when both parties warmonger.

Good for you, I guess. I think the thing about wars is that we are all for them when they start but then start balking when the bill comes due. Presidents like using military force because its something they can authorize and get results. So Clinton was an anti-war hippy who had no problem ordering bombings. Bush railed against nation building, but then went about doing it.

It's sad to see that the closer and closer we get to election time the more and more you support Obama. You're allowed to not support Obama and still hate Romney. I get the feeling that you're worried about if you speak out against Obama, you'll obtain the perception of supporting Romney.

Given the things I've said about Romney, only a high-class retard would get the impression I support him in any way.

I criticize Obama when I think it's appropriate, but Romney is just a horrible human being. ANd a Mormon. But I repeat myself.

I've said from day one about a year ago. Some days I'll piss off the right, some days I'll piss off the left.

I'm pissing off the right more these days because they've kind of lost their minds.
The thread title says it all.

Have at it.

To distract from the fact that Romney has worked and created jobs and wealth in the private sector while Obama has not. It's a smoke screen is all it is.

Distracts from the fact that Romney has always been in it to ensure the wealthy make money while ignoring working Americans

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