Why Do I Like GodSmack?

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
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I like Hard Rock, but Godsmack is an an amalgamation of everything I dislike about the Hard Rock/Heavy Metal genre:

Simple, dumb riffs, repeated endlessly. (Like Pantera)
Negative, downer lyrics: "World sucks, we're all gonna' die". (Again, like Pantera)

But for some reason it WORKS! They KICK ASS! I have their Greatest Hits CD in heavy rotation in my car and at home. They've got KILLER guitar tone too. I like this track in particular:

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Well, the vid explains the guitar tone: it's a Gibson Les Paul. But WTF? Why do I like Godsmack?
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Godsmack is aight but something about them putting out a greatest hits album makes me chuckle.
1) You like them because you're secretly hooked on tar
2) Godsmack- heavy metal? WTF are you smokin'?
3) You expect a band named after an Alice in Chains song about heroin addiction to make happy music?
Godsmack is aight but something about them putting out a greatest hits album makes me chuckle.
Yeah, it usually signals the end of a career don't it?
1) You like them because you're secretly hooked on tar
2) Godsmack- heavy metal? WTF are you smokin'?
3) You expect a band named after an Alice in Chains song about heroin addiction to make happy music?
LOL! Good points all! See what I mean? I can't figger out why I like em. Oh well, best not to apply logic to music I guess, just let the emotion carry you.
I like Hard Rock, but Godsmack is an an amalgamation of everything I dislike about the Hard Rock/Heavy Metal genre:

Simple, dumb riffs, repeated endlessly. (Like Pantera)
Negative, downer lyrics: "World sucks, we're all gonna' die". (Again, like Pantera)

But for some reason it WORKS! They KICK ASS! I have their Greatest Hits CD in heavy rotation in my car and at home. They've got KILLER guitar tone too. I like this track in particular:

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YouTube - Godsmack - Keep Away

Well, the vid explains the guitar tone: it's a Gibson Les Paul. But WTF? Why do I like Godsmack?

The lead singer sounds like he's trying to pass a stone ....:eusa_whistle:
Godsmack is very average...yet they perform well....and they keep it all within their abilities.

I bought Sully a beer years ago and shot the shit with him a bit after their show at Slim's in San Francisco.....he's like three feet tall...but a real cool dude.

P.S. - Pantera had kick ass riffs....nothing dumb about it....R.I.P. Dimebag.
P.S. - Pantera had kick ass riffs....nothing dumb about it....R.I.P. Dimebag.
I actually liked Damage Plans' stuff better than Pantera. And "Down" is a pretty kick ass band too.
I like them too, and I also wonder why.

The best I can come up with is the marked absence of pretension. The seem to embrace the simplicity and focus on making it rock. Kind of refreshing in a way.
nah.. godsmack sucks. I don't really even have to elaborate given that the OP compared them to Pantera and, apparently, thinks that Pantera is a worse band than this AIC cover band.

Godsmack is the kind of band that meatheads listen to while pumping iron after they get done listening to Three Doors Down and Creed.
People work out to that gay shit? I thought that was what Rob Zombie, Fireball Ministry, American Headcharge, Arch Enemy, Motograter, Columbine, DevilDriver, Genitorturers, Ministry, Hatebreed, SpineShank, Megadeth, Otep, opeth, Sepultura, Pitbull Daycare, motorhead, machinehead... were for? You know, shit that doesn't make you fall asleep...
For anyone who thinks Pantera had simple dumb riffs....pay close attention to this song.

Listen closely at around 3:00 min and 3:45 min

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3Txvt6tTKo]YouTube - Pantera 5 Minutes Alone[/ame]
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