Why do Blue States lead in Education and Standard of Living?

Your not serious? Dennis Archer was a great Mayor? Have you even been to Detroit lately? I have, it's a wasteland except for the area that's been redeveloped around Ford Field and Commerica Park. Detroit has had three mayors that have literally destroyed that city and let it run down. You do know the number one city in the country for abandon building exploration is Detroit right? As for the rest of MI. I completely agree, it's a beautiful state with so much to offer. However, I am willing to bet you ask the average person if they have heard of the Bad Boy's or the Sand Dunes or for that matter Macanic Island vs. the Grand Canyon or Disneyland you may be disappointed. As for Fl. the last gov. of that state may dispute the claim that FL. is Blue you know. and as for Gore you may have at least a tie there, but Kerry clearly lost Fl. and I even voted for Kerry and can admit that.

I'm not one to kiss any elected official from Detroit's ass, and I'll say it again, Archer was a great man and did a lot for Detroit. I should put you in charge of a desert and criticize you for not cleaning up all of the sand.

Archer didn't run for a second term because he wasn't popular with the black people in Detroit. They didn't like it that he worked well with the white suburbs. He got so fed up with the politics and corruption in Detroit that he didn't run again. But while he was in office, Detroit was fixed up. About as much as you can ask anyways. Sure it is still a dump, but it is a huge place. You will never completely fix up any major city. They will always have slums or "hoods". Where else will the poor people live? Isn't that what cities are for?

The Detroit Schools are corrupt, the police are corrupt, the politicians are corrupt, even the local news anchors are in on it. Check this out:

Fanchon Stinger leaves Fox 2
Anchor was suspended after questions arose about her dealings with Synagro partner.
The Detroit News
Fanchon Stinger, a recently suspended morning anchorwoman for Fox 2 Detroit, is no longer employed there, the station said during its 10 p.m. newscast Thursday.

The departure comes a day after The Detroit News revealed that Stinger's company was hired as a media consultant by Synagro Technologies Inc. to place media advertisements in connection with a Detroit city sludge contract under federal investigation.


But I swear if Archer was bad I would be the first to admit it. He is a good man and tried. You want to try to fix Detroit? :eusa_shifty: Not me.

Now Coleman Young and Qwami? Corrupt.
The top 5 fastest dying American cities

1. Canton, Ohio

2. Youngstown, Ohio

3. Flint, Mich.

4. Scranton, Pa.

5. Dayton, Ohio

The turmoil of the mortgage market granted a temporary reprieve from hearing about the woes of America's Rust Belt. That doesn't mean things are better. Despite a decade of national prosperity, the former manufacturing backbone of the United States is in rougher shape than ever, still searching for some way to replace its long-unused smokestacks.

Where's it worst? Ohio, according to Forbes’ analysis, racked up three of the top five cities on the list: Youngstown, Canton and Dayton. The runner-up is Michigan, with Flint in the top five and Detroit not very far behind.

America's fastest-dying cities - Buy a House: MLS Listings & Home Buying Tips - MSN Real Estate

Elk Grove, Calif., is the fastest growing city of more than 100,000 in the United States, according to the latest estimates from the Census Bureau released Wednesday.

The young city, a suburb south of Sacramento that incorporated only six years ago, grew by 12 percent to 112,338 in the 12 months ended July 1, 2005.

Growing gains
Small sunbelt cities dominated the latest list of fastest growing U.S.cities.

City Percent gain
Elk Grove, CA 11.6%
North Las Vegas, NV 11.4%
Port St. Lucie, FL 11.0%
Gilbert, AZ 11.0%
Cape Coral, FL 9.2%
Moreno Valley, CA 7.3%
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 6.4%
Miramar, FL 5.2%
Chandler, AZ 4.9%
Irvine, CA 4.9%

Source: Census Bureau

More Real Estate
Cities are way hot again.
But houses in many are way overvalued.
Best places to live

Three other California cities joined Elk Grove on the top 10 list: Moreno Valley (No. 6), Rancho Cucamonga (No. 7) and Irvine (No. 10).

Florida had three cities on the list led by Port St. Lucie, with a population increase of 11 percent to 131,692.

Other states represented were Arizona with Gilbert (No. 4) and Chandler (No. 9) and Nevada, where North Las Vegas, No. 2, had an 11.4 percent jump.

In terms of sheer numbers, Phoenix added more people than any other city - 44,456 more people, a 3.1 percent rise.

The most populous city in the country, New York, suffered a population loss for the first time since the official Census count in 2000. The Big Apple lost more than 20,000 residents. Its population still totaled 8.1 million, more than twice as many as second place city, Los Angeles, pop. 3.8 million.

Two cities in the list of most populous cities changed positions during the 12-month period. San Antonio nudged past San Diego to go into seventh place with 1.3 million. San Diego actually lost population, falling 8,276 to 1.25 million.

Other big-city losers included Boston, which dropped 1.5 percent, Detroit (minus 1.3 percent) and New Orleans (minus 1.4 percent). These estimates reflect populations before Hurricane Katrina shattered the Crescent City.

Smaller cities with marked declines include Lansing, Mich., and Athens, Ga. (both down 1.2 percent) and Fayetteville, N. C. and Cincinnati (both minus 1.6 percent). St. Louis' population fell a whopping 1.8 percent and Norfolk, Va. did even worse, down 2.3 percent.

Fastest Growing Cities

Elk Grove California 112,338 100,686 11.57%
North Las Vegas Nevada 176,635 158,540 11.41%
Port St. Lucie Florida 131,692 118,655 10.99%
Gilbert Arizona 173,989 156,816 10.95%
Cape Coral Florida 140,010 128,193 9.22%
Moreno Valley California 178,367 166,261 7.28%
Rancho Cucamonga California 169,353 159,110 6.44%
Miramar Florida 106,623 101,367 5.19%
Chandler Arizona 234,939 223,895 4.93%
Irvine California 186,852 178,085 4.92%
Bakersfield California 295,536 283,010 4.43%
Peoria Arizona 138,200 132,355 4.42%
Raleigh North Carolina 341,530 327,547 4.27%

Census report: Fastest growing cities - Jun. 21, 2006

Congrats on taking Michigan jobs that paid $35 hr. and now you make $15 which is better than the $9 you were making before.

Next step your job is going to mexico when the corporations realizes you also make too much and don't work as hard as Mexicans.

Or they can have someone in India do it cheaper.

Or China.
good to know, thanks. these are the kinds of things your average goyim just isn't clued into.

does kasha varnishkes have any mystic powers i can take advantage of, or kugel?

I hate kasha vanishkas. The only place where they were ever any good was Ratners. I don't think so about the kugel either, though last night one of my friends made the best noodle kugel I ever had.

Stick with the chicken soup and matzoh balls. :)

and how does a goy know all our secrets? :eusa_whistle:
I hate kasha vanishkas. The only place where they were ever any good was Ratners. I don't think so about the kugel either, though last night one of my friends made the best noodle kugel I ever had.

Stick with the chicken soup and matzoh balls. :)

and how does a goy know all our secrets? :eusa_whistle:

i stole a copy of the kabbalah from madonna, and i worked in retail furniture when i was in college. ;)
Considering bases are often placed in states that are politically powerful, as opposed to states where the bases would be most efficient, yes they often are welfare.

Same applies to this.

Five, out of the top 10 states are blue. As I said, roughly half. Seems to be no correlation at all.

These pretty much prove my point and blows the premise of the 'blue state welfare' out, doesn't it?
funny, i thought it was the matzoh balls.

I always assumed that Matzoh balls were God's eternal punishment to his chosen people for that unfortune Good Friday foul up, a couple thousand years back.

I asked my ex father-in-law about that passion-play SNAFU, and he said he felt real bad about it, but his family was out of town for the holidays that week-end, so it really wasn't his fault.
These pretty much prove my point and blows the premise of the 'blue state welfare' out, doesn't it?

That blue states have more welfare recipients than red states? Yes, it does blow that out.

However, blue states subsidize red states. We pay federal taxes, and you guys get federal expenditures. No different than welfare, but on a larger scale.
That blue states have more welfare recipients than red states? Yes, it does blow that out.

However, blue states subsidize red states. We pay federal taxes, and you guys get federal expenditures. No different than welfare, but on a larger scale.

Well again, if you think that military jobs are welfare then I suggest that you try one for a while.
I'm not one to kiss any elected official from Detroit's ass, and I'll say it again, Archer was a great man and did a lot for Detroit. I should put you in charge of a desert and criticize you for not cleaning up all of the sand.

Archer didn't run for a second term because he wasn't popular with the black people in Detroit. They didn't like it that he worked well with the white suburbs. He got so fed up with the politics and corruption in Detroit that he didn't run again. But while he was in office, Detroit was fixed up. About as much as you can ask anyways. Sure it is still a dump, but it is a huge place. You will never completely fix up any major city. They will always have slums or "hoods". Where else will the poor people live? Isn't that what cities are for?

The Detroit Schools are corrupt, the police are corrupt, the politicians are corrupt, even the local news anchors are in on it. Check this out:

Fanchon Stinger leaves Fox 2
Anchor was suspended after questions arose about her dealings with Synagro partner.
The Detroit News
Fanchon Stinger, a recently suspended morning anchorwoman for Fox 2 Detroit, is no longer employed there, the station said during its 10 p.m. newscast Thursday.

The departure comes a day after The Detroit News revealed that Stinger's company was hired as a media consultant by Synagro Technologies Inc. to place media advertisements in connection with a Detroit city sludge contract under federal investigation.


But I swear if Archer was bad I would be the first to admit it. He is a good man and tried. You want to try to fix Detroit? :eusa_shifty: Not me.

Now Coleman Young and Qwami? Corrupt.

To answer that last question on fixing Detroit, the only way to do that is to FIRE everyone and start over. I have a qestion, did they let Qwami go on vacation before reporting to jail? Seriously though sealy, I honestly feel bad for Detroit , I have for a long long time, when you drive through the city and see all the closed up buildings and homes and the condition of the streets there your reminded in some parts of a third world country. It would be great of someone came into power that they really turned that place around. When I see cities like Chicago and New York and even Pittsburgh and what they have done with their cities , it seems to me the problem is the complete corruption of local officials there and has been for a long long time. You really want to say 50 years from now they biggest employer in MI. are the casino's? Keep going the direction that MI. is going it will be. I don't wish MI. any ill will as a matter of fact I think its a beautiful state and the people there have always been warm. Still though I will have to disagree with you on Dennis Archer as a mayor, and of course we all have our own opinions.
Isn't it interesting that blue/ liberal states consistently lead in the nation's ranking of states with highest level of education and standard of living?

Where does your state rank?
Arizona's education ranking = 50

(Can't post the ULR's yet - but you can easily google it)

You mean the ones who are going bankrupt and having the "working class" migrate to other states?

I am from Detroit, and living in the Seattle area,...Detroit is sucking because of a couple things. Detroit, when the auto industry was booming, one didn't need an education to make a good living. So,...Detroit, via the auto industry at one point became the second largest city in the USA. We all know the rest of the story,...with numerous strikes, lack of enthusiasm in the designing, and making of the Detroit "muscle", the industry was slowing down,..but what really is the dagger in Detroit's back is that the auto industry is all about the unions,...and the unions always say,...VOTE DEMOCRAT,...and they still do,..so they vote for Dem governors, officials, and mayor,...therefore, Detroit is living the life they chose. And,...Michigan will likely vote for Obama,...that is more of the same if you ask me. C'mon Michigan,...let's stop making the Red Wings our only bright spot! Stop voting for the left-wing fools!

When one becomes poor, they will always go to government for help that they will NEVER get.
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I am from Detroit, and living in the Seattle area,...Detroit is sucking because of a couple things. Detroit, when the auto industry was booming, one didn't need an education to make a good living. So,...Detroit, via the auto industry at one point became the second largest city in the USA. We all know the rest of the story,...with numerous strikes, lack of enthusiasm in the designing, and making of the Detroit "muscle", the industry was slowing down,..but what really is the dagger in Detroit's back is that the auto industry is all about the unions,...and the unions always say,...VOTE DEMOCRAT,...and they still do,..so they vote for Dem governors, officials, and mayor,...therefore, Detroit is living the life they chose. And,...Michigan will likely vote for Obama,...that is more of the same if you ask me. C'mon Michigan,...let's stop making the Red Wings our only bright spot! Stop voting for the left-wing fools!

When one becomes poor, they will always go to government for help that they will NEVER get.

Damn unions!

They made management build crappy cars!
I am from Detroit, and living in the Seattle area,...Detroit is sucking because of a couple things. Detroit, when the auto industry was booming, one didn't need an education to make a good living. So,...Detroit, via the auto industry at one point became the second largest city in the USA. We all know the rest of the story,...with numerous strikes, lack of enthusiasm in the designing, and making of the Detroit "muscle", the industry was slowing down,..but what really is the dagger in Detroit's back is that the auto industry is all about the unions,...and the unions always say,...VOTE DEMOCRAT,...and they still do,..so they vote for Dem governors, officials, and mayor,...therefore, Detroit is living the life they chose. And,...Michigan will likely vote for Obama,...that is more of the same if you ask me. C'mon Michigan,...let's stop making the Red Wings our only bright spot! Stop voting for the left-wing fools!

When one becomes poor, they will always go to government for help that they will NEVER get.

Liberal Socialistic policies. Put "Fail" on your speed dial every time.

Look at Kalifornia. Now there is a shithole of Liberalistic failure if you ever seen one. Rising State costs with a decreasing tax base and an increasing budget.
You mean the ones who are going bankrupt and having the "working class" migrate to other states?


No I mean these....
The richest (and poorest) places in the U.S.
Maryland knocked New Jersey out of the top spot this year, while Mississippi and West Virginia were the poorest states in the Union.
By Les Christie, CNNMoney.com staff writer
August 31 2007: 3:09 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Maryland is now the wealthiest state in the union, as measured by median household income, according to the latest stats from the Census Bureau.

The typical Maryland household earned $65,144 in 2006, propelling it past New Jersey, which came in second with earnings of $64,470, but had led the nation in 2005. Connecticut finished in third place both years, recording a median income of $63,422 in 2006.

Top 10 wealthiest states
Here's where the median household income is highest
State Income
Maryland $65,144
New Jersey $64,470
Connecticut $63,422
Hawaii $61,160
Massachusetts $59,963
New Hampshire $59,683
Alaska $59,393
California $56,645
Virginia $56,277
Minnesota $54,023
Source:U.S. Census Bureau
The 10 poorest states
The states with the lowest median household income
State Income
New Mexico $40,629
Montana $40,627
Tennessee $40,315
Kentucky $39,372
Louisiana $39,337
Alabama $38,783
Oklahoma $38,770
Arkansas $36,599
West Virginia $35,059
Mississippi $34,473
Source:U.S. Census Bureau

Maryland's income was nearly double that of Mississippi, which, with a median of $34,473, was the nation's poorest state. West Virginia, where the median household earned $35,059, was second poorest and Arkansas, at $36,599, was third.

The median income for the United States as a whole came to $48,451.

Household incomes rose, but . . .

Income growth was highest in the District of Columbia, where it rose 6.4 percent for the year. Median income in both Nevada and New Mexico jumped 4.5 percent. Delaware, down 2.9 percent, took the biggest dip, followed by Rhode Island (down 2.0 percent) and Maine (down 1.6 percent).

Among places with 250,000 or more residents, the affluent Dallas suburb of Plano, Texas, boasts the highest median income: $77,038. San Jose came in second at $73,804 and San Francisco was third with $65,497.

Paychecks in 2008: No big bump

The list of the 10 poorest cities was filled with mostly old, northeastern and mid-western industrial locales. Cleveland had the lowest median income of any city in the nation with more than 250,000 residents; households there earned just $26,535. Miami was the next poorest at $27,088, followed by Buffalo ($27,850), Detroit ($28,364), St. Louis ($30,936) and Cincinnati ($31,103).

Other poor sun-belt cities included Memphis ($32, 593) and El Paso (33,103). With median income of $33,229, Philadelphia was the only city among the nation's 10 biggest that was also among the 10 poorest cities.

The middle class may be better off than it thinks.

Among towns of between 65,000 and 250,000 in population, Yorba Linda, California, where six-figure incomes are the rule, had the highest median income at $121,075. The Orange County town is considerably wealthier than the second place city, Pleasanton, California, in the Bay area, which had a median income of $105,956.

The lowest income town of any with more than 65,000 population was Youngstown, Ohio at $21,850, which finished last by a large margin. Muncie, Indiana was its closest rival for this dubious distinction, with residents there earning $25,859, a difference of 18 percent.

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