Why do Blue States lead in Education and Standard of Living?


Oct 2, 2008
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Isn't it interesting that blue/ liberal states consistently lead in the nation's ranking of states with highest level of education and standard of living?

Where does your state rank?
Arizona's education ranking = 50

(Can't post the ULR's yet - but you can easily google it)
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Isn't it interesting that blue/ liberal states consistently lead in the nation's ranking of states with highest level of education and standard of living?

Where does your state rank?
Arizona's education ranking = 50

(Can't post the ULR's yet - but you can easily google it)

What's more interesting is that they are bankrupt. California, Massachussets! :eusa_whistle:
Isn't it interesting that blue/ liberal states consistently lead in the nation's ranking of states with highest level of education and standard of living?

Where does your state rank?
Arizona's education ranking = 50

(Can't post the ULR's yet - but you can easily google it)

Googled it. Didn't find this info, come back after a couple more posts and link to the info to which you refer.
A couple of them might be just because they're full of high-income people.
Because the are urban.

Why does Alaska lead the states in cases of rape and incest?
Absolutely a great question!!!!! $15 hr down south in a Toyota plant or $35 hr. in Michigan at the big 3.

And instead of the dumb ass toyota employees demanding more, they helped break the Big 3 and now their standard of living will stay stagnant forever.

It's good to have the plant in your state, but if you are not going to be able to save enough to retire, it's just another bad job.

We want good jobs, not just jobs.

And see, taxes aren't the end of the world.

I heard a small business owner yesterday say taxes aren't killing him, the fact that no one is buying is killing him.

So in the future, small business owners, shut up about taxes. I bet you wouldn't mind paying a couple grand in taxes if it meant people would start buying your crap again.
Absolutely a great question!!!!! $15 hr down south in a Toyota plant or $35 hr. in Michigan at the big 3.

And instead of the dumb ass toyota employees demanding more, they helped break the Big 3 and now their standard of living will stay stagnant forever.

It's good to have the plant in your state, but if you are not going to be able to save enough to retire, it's just another bad job.

We want good jobs, not just jobs.

And see, taxes aren't the end of the world.

I heard a small business owner yesterday say taxes aren't killing him, the fact that no one is buying is killing him.

So in the future, small business owners, shut up about taxes. I bet you wouldn't mind paying a couple grand in taxes if it meant people would start buying your crap again.

Toyota makes a superior product too for 15.00 and hour..
The reason blue states have a higher standard of living, IF THEY DO, is because they have more elitists with higher incomes than those who live in red states, where people actually work for their income.
Isn't it interesting that blue/ liberal states consistently lead in the nation's ranking of states with highest level of education and standard of living?

Where does your state rank?
Arizona's education ranking = 50

(Can't post the ULR's yet - but you can easily google it)
I lived in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York before I found God's Country and you won't me moving back to Liberal La-La land anytime soon. My standards for living are much different than any liberal's. :D
I lived in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York before I found God's Country and you won't me moving back to Liberal La-La land anytime soon. My standards for living are much different than any liberal's. :D

No worries, migratory Massholes have already begun to take over Cow Hamphire anyway. Go Jean Shaheen. :razz:
The reason blue states have a higher standard of living, IF THEY DO, is because they have more elitists with higher incomes than those who live in red states, where people actually work for their income.

So people with money DON'T work... and people without money DO work?

You do know that's retarded, right? I mean, if that's what our economic system is, I don't know why you'd want to preserve it or what's so great about America. *shrug*
Toyota makes a superior product too for 15.00 and hour..

First off, that's not true anymore.

Secondly, Toyota Exec's don't make as much as American exec's.

Are Toyota exec's better? Then the CEO's of Ford and GM should get replaced by foreigners.

What do you do for a living jackass? I bet Mexicans do it better.
I would say this thread title is more proof of Garage Logician, Joe Soucherey's theory that liberals can not link. They either don't see cause and effect or create it where there isn't any.

Let's see, we've had:

Man industrialized, the earth got warmer at the same time, thus man caused the warming.

Republican's were in office when the economy got bad, therefore Republican's caused the poor economy.

now we have typically liberal states have higher SOL and better education, therefore liberal government provides better education and better SOL than Republicans.
I would say this thread title is more proof of Garage Logician, Joe Soucherey's theory that liberals can not link. They either don't see cause and effect or create it where there isn't any.

Let's see, we've had:

Man industrialized, the earth got warmer at the same time, thus man caused the warming.

Republican's were in office when the economy got bad, therefore Republican's caused the poor economy.

now we have typically liberal states have higher SOL and better education, therefore liberal government provides better education and better SOL than Republicans.


Certainly the predominant cause ...

Exactly. Now you're *getting* it.
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