Why do Blacks support the DNC?

I know plenty of decent black folks, I don't give a shit about your skin color...are you a decent human being is all I care about. For the ones who politicize their race though...I will always aim to press their buttons.
Larry Elder is an idiot. The only people who like him are the white racists.

OK. One more time.


Todays lesson:


The OP's question has been asked for the millionth time by white racists mad because they can't fool enough black to get them to join the Republican party.

The history of the Republican party is one of broken promises to black people. We are not republicans because republicans never respected us. Now they want us to come back so they can implement policies that will return us to the back of the bus. The republican party is anti-affirmative action, anti-civil rights, anti-voting rights, and pro-maintenance of the memory of the confederacy. Still, we are supposed to run to the Republican party because Abraham Lincoln freed slaves from the same confederacy Republicans defend today.

“The reason African Americans overwhelmingly reject Republicans isn’t based on word choices or phrasing. It is based on policy. It isn’t how Republicans are talking to black voters that results in 90 percent or more of those voters refusing to vote for Republicans. It’s what the Republicans are doing once elected.” -Stuart Stevens

Point number 1: Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Party is the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slavery as a constitutional right.

Point number two: A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Point number three: Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans who worked to purge blacks from the party.

Point number four: Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. When blacks got Civil Rights, the Republican Party did not believe that was civil or right and decided that extremism in defense of liberty was no vice. In 1964 the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly 100 years of black support.

Point number five: Today’s Republican Party is controlled by a racist Anti-Black base.

This is why most blacks vote democrat. It is why blacks said in 2016, and 2020, that if you can't decide that trump is no good for our community, then you ain't black. Blacks said this long before Biden and I give Biden props for speaking truth to dumb ass brain dead blacks who could not see the difference between Trump and Biden.
Dividing Americans into competing political grievance groups based on immutable characteristics.
So the constitution was based on identity politics. Democrats didn't divide Americans into jack squat Mac. America has been this way from jump. And some grievances are legit and were created due to immutable differences.

Now define PC.
So the constitution was based on identity politics. Democrats didn't divide Americans into jack squat Mac. America has been this way from jump. And some grievances are legit and were created due to immutable differences.

Now define PC.
Okay, four quick things:
  1. PC is the cultural policing of words and attitudes. That was bad enough, but then it was weaponized into Cancel Culture, where people are literally deplatormed, intimidated and punished -- for their opinions, IN AMERICA -- by those who CHOOSE to leverage PC for political gain.
  2. I know that you'll summarily deny and dismiss anything I have to say on this topic (at least the parts you don't like), and I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I learned long ago that that's a waste of time with people on the ends of the spectrum.
  3. All one has to do to see the unintended damage this tactic has caused this country is observe what Trumpsters have been saying since long before Escalator Day: The resentment over this shit built a MASSIVE energy on the Right that largely gave us this fucking orange disaster.
  4. If I could plant one (1) microscopic, tiny little germ in the minds of ideologues on both ends of the spectrum, it would be this: It's not the GOAL that is the problem. The GOAL can be (and is, in this case) perfectly legitimate. It's the WAY the goal is PURSUED that is the problem.
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1) Democrats promise to be lenient, and even refuse to prosecute many blacks.
2) Democrats have repeatedly elevated money given to poor and remove regulations and limits so you can keep getting it. And expand payouts to the point you can easily survive by not working at all.
3) Democrats will excuse and defend all of your bad behaviors,
4) The only chance for large cash payouts "reparations" is Democrats.
Okay, four quick things:
  1. PC is the cultural policing of words and attitudes. That was bad enough, but then it was weaponized into Cancel Culture, where people are literally deplatormed, intimidated and punished -- for their opinions, IN AMERICA -- by those who CHOOSE to leverage PC for political gain.
  2. I know that you'll summarily deny and dismiss anything I have to say on this topic (at least the parts you don't like), and I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I learned long ago that that's a waste of time with people on the ends of the spectrum.
  3. All one has to do to see the unintended damage this tactic has caused this country is observe what Trumpsters have been saying since long before Escalator Day: The resentment over this shit built a MASSIVE energy on the Right that largely gave us this fucking orange disaster.
  4. If I could plant one (1) microscopic, tiny little germ in the minds of ideologues on both ends of the spectrum, it would be this: It's not the GOAL that is the problem. The GOAL can be (and is, in this case) perfectly legitimate. It's the WAY the goal is PURSUED that is the problem.
I don't have to summarily dismiss what you say. Reality does that. No one cares what trumpsters have to say, because PC to them is the ability to freely speak racist and hateful crap about those they don't approve of. Because when it comes to white right wingers, PC must be followed when speaking about whites. Last, trump did not get the most votes in any election he's run in. Furthermore, republicans have been losing since trumpism has been a thing. So perhaps it's time you stopped adopting dumb white racist narratives about the democratic party.
I don't have to summarily dismiss what you say. Reality does that. No one cares what trumpsters have to say, because PC to them is the ability to freely speak racist and hateful crap about those they don't approve of. Because when it comes to white right wingers, PC must be followed when speaking about whites. Last, trump did not get the most votes in any election he's run in. Furthermore, republicans have been losing since trumpism has been a thing. So perhaps it's time you stopped adopting dumb white racist narratives about the democratic party.
As I expected.
1) Democrats promise to be lenient, and even refuse to prosecute many blacks.
2) Democrats have repeatedly elevated money given to poor and remove regulations and limits so you can keep getting it. And expand payouts to the point you can easily survive by not working at all.
3) Democrats will excuse and defend all of your bad behaviors,
4) The only chance for large cash payouts "reparations" is Democrats.
Republicans will nominate a man under 4 indictments with 91 felony counts against him for president. So don't talk about somebody else defending bad behavior.
The Democrats surely have their own list of fuckups when it comes to race, the decades-long lowering of standards and expectations via PC and Identity Politics chief among them.

But it's spectacularly dishonest and/or ignorant to whine about why American blacks haven't jumped ship en masse to a party...
  • whose godlike leader pretended not to know anything about David Duke after earlier calling him "a racist and a problem"
  • whose second-place presidential candidate suggested that SLAVERY was actually some kind of FREE TRADE SCHOOL
  • who is supported coast to coast by obviously bigoted organizations -- "You, will not, replace us"
  • whose members say things like "the only racism is coming from the Left", a degree of denial that defies description
So threads like this are essentially an insult to them, compounding the issue, as if they have no reason for being cynical about the GQP.
Good post No side is perfect on any issue. The problem is when any individual or group feel they are perfect on an issue and the other side is 100% wrong.
The Trump followers act like Trump is perfect. They will not criticize him on anything. They will defend him on everything. That is the characteristic of a cult not a political movement.
Good post No side is perfect on any issue. The problem is when any individual or group feel they are perfect on an issue and the other side is 100% wrong.
The Trump followers act like Trump is perfect. They will not criticize him on anything. They will defend him on everything. That is the characteristic of a cult not a political movement.
This all-or-nothing thing is killing us in real time. Not sure what fixes this, if anything.

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