Why did the blog fail?

Trump has at least 74 million votes locked in.
I don't watch him because I already know he stands.
Cultish devotion demands no cognitive component, but whether the Cry Baby Loser keeps all in thrall after his fomenting his goons to attack democracy, and persists in pissing and moaning to the delight of totalitarian regimes everywhere is problematic.

He spews the same old crap, anyway. Everybody's heard it quite enough.

Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 9.33.13 AM.png

"Boo hoo!
Everybody's being so mean to ME!"


  • Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 8.06.41 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 8.06.41 AM.png
    25.8 KB · Views: 11
Trump has at least 74 million votes locked in.
I don't watch him because I already know he stands.
Cultish devotion demands no cognitive component, but whether the Cry Baby Loser keeps all in thrall after his fomenting his goons to attack democracy, and persists in pissing and moaning to the delight of totalitarian regimes everywhere is problematic.

He spews the same old crap, anyway. Everybody's heard it quite enough.

View attachment 497248
"Boo hoo!
Everybody's being so mean to ME!"
I voted for the platform that no other candidate would run on.
Make all US citizens employed.
Trump has at least 74 million votes locked in.
I don't watch him because I already know he stands.
Cultish devotion demands no cognitive component, but whether the Cry Baby Loser keeps all in thrall after his fomenting his goons to attack democracy, and persists in pissing and moaning to the delight of totalitarian regimes everywhere is problematic.

He spews the same old crap, anyway. Everybody's heard it quite enough.

View attachment 497248
"Boo hoo!
Everybody's being so mean to ME!"
I voted for the platform that no other candidate would run on.
Make all US citizens employed.
The QOP didn’t have an official platform in 2020.

Additionally, 100% employment is not possible.
I voted for the platform that no other candidate would run on.
Make all US citizens employed.
Trump's blog fizzling means that he doesn't have that megaphone to bray that he increased the unemployment rate by two full percentage points.

The unemployment rate was 4.7 percent when Trump took office in January, 2017.

By December, 2020,he had grown it to 6.7 percent.

June 4, 2021 Update:

[U.S. economy adds 559,000 jobs in May, as the recovery shows signs of strength]
Last edited:

No re-tweets, no likes, no loving replies from the cult members.

The blog failed to stroke his enormous ego, so Trump killed it.

Good riddance!
Serious answer here, from Trump's biggest fan (me)....

It just goes to show that censorship stinks. Very few are interested in only hearing the "official word," with no chance to comment or even express one's opinion via thumbs up or thumbs down votes.

It's why most of us are here at USMB, probably. We get to hear a variety of opinions, and optionally interact with the posted opinions if we choose to do so.

Blogs without a comment option fare similarly.

Perhaps he had hoped that people would copy and paste his posts to Twitter and Facebook, in a type of free-speech rebellion against the Big Tech heavy-handed censorship. Unfortunately free speech is so censored these days, that even reposting Donald Trump's words is banned these days...

And of course there are the page views, which were undoubtedly monitored closely.

Free speech is dead in America. Self-appointed micro-dosing CEOs are more powerful than the president of the United States. They censor truth, and mark it as false (e.g. Wuhan). And you Leftists think it is funny, because you don't care what the truth is, only that your Socialist agenda gets propelled, even if it sacrifices fundamental American values. It is cause for great alarm.


Free speech does not mean you having access to the platform of a private corporation.

You are free to start your own platform.

Because America.
>Free speech does not mean you having access to the platform of a private corporation.
> You are free to start your own platform.

True that. However, the Big Tech companies that control the majority of US social media have become defacto propaganda arms of the Democrat party.

They arguably actively engage in election interference, censoring the incumbent president of the United States shortly before the election, and also censoring any damaging information about his opponent (Hunter Biden's laptop and Sleepy Joe, "The Big Guy"), despite the obvious validity of the damaging information.

They even banned the NY Post, holding their account hostage, simply for posting factual information which was damaging to Biden.

Prior to that, Twitter permanently suspended Zero Hedge for posting information about the possible source of the COVID virus being the Wuhan Lab. As we see now, even the Left-wing media has picked up on this credible story, more than a year later.

These companies suppress freedom of information, and you support it. Yes it's legal; that doesn't make it right. Slavery used to be legal too.

>Because America.

It's interesting that you imply that the freedom provided by the US Constitution is justification for banning the free exchange of ideas.

Leftists delight when alternative viewpoints are silenced. Instead of saying something like "I amy not agree with what you say, but I support your right to say it."

Me I'm a Right-winger. As such, I appreciate hearing alternative viewpoints, and I think it is Anti-American to censor viewpoints which are not compliant with the "official truth." It's a real shame when information is suppressed for political purposes. "Democracy dies in darkness," some would say.

But if you want to support such anti-American tactics, feel free. Because America.

After they take the First Amendment, they will come for the rest of them, and we won't be able to say a darn thing about it.



Tag: Seawytch

No re-tweets, no likes, no loving replies from the cult members.

The blog failed to stroke his enormous ego, so Trump killed it.

Good riddance!
Serious answer here, from Trump's biggest fan (me)....

It just goes to show that censorship stinks. Very few are interested in only hearing the "official word," with no chance to comment or even express one's opinion via thumbs up or thumbs down votes.

It's why most of us are here at USMB, probably. We get to hear a variety of opinions, and optionally interact with the posted opinions if we choose to do so.

Blogs without a comment option fare similarly.

Perhaps he had hoped that people would copy and paste his posts to Twitter and Facebook, in a type of free-speech rebellion against the Big Tech heavy-handed censorship. Unfortunately free speech is so censored these days, that even reposting Donald Trump's words is banned these days...

And of course there are the page views, which were undoubtedly monitored closely.

Free speech is dead in America. Self-appointed micro-dosing CEOs are more powerful than the president of the United States. They censor truth, and mark it as false (e.g. Wuhan). And you Leftists think it is funny, because you don't care what the truth is, only that your Socialist agenda gets propelled, even if it sacrifices fundamental American values. It is cause for great alarm.


Free speech does not mean you having access to the platform of a private corporation.

You are free to start your own platform.

Because America.
>Free speech does not mean you having access to the platform of a private corporation.
> You are free to start your own platform.

True that. However, the Big Tech companies that control the majority of US social media have become defacto propaganda arms of the Democrat party.

They arguably actively engage in election interference, censoring the incumbent president of the United States shortly before the election, and also censoring any damaging information about his opponent (Hunter Biden's laptop and Sleepy Joe, "The Big Guy"), despite the obvious validity of the damaging information.

They even banned the NY Post, holding their account hostage, simply for posting factual information which was damaging to Biden.

Prior to that, Twitter permanently suspended Zero Hedge for posting information about the possible source of the COVID virus being the Wuhan Lab. As we see now, even the Left-wing media has picked up on this credible story, more than a year later.

These companies suppress freedom of information, and you support it. Yes it's legal; that doesn't make it right. Slavery used to be legal too.

>Because America.

It's interesting that you imply that the freedom provided by the US Constitution is justification for banning the free exchange of ideas.

Leftists delight when alternative viewpoints are silenced. Instead of saying something like "I amy not agree with what you say, but I support your right to say it."

Me I'm a Right-winger. As such, I appreciate hearing alternative viewpoints, and I think it is Anti-American to censor viewpoints which are not compliant with the "official truth." It's a real shame when information is suppressed for political purposes. "Democracy dies in darkness," some would say.

But if you want to support such anti-American tactics, feel free. Because America.

After they take the First Amendment, they will come for the rest of them, and we won't be able to say a darn thing about it.



Tag: Seawytch
The Florida governor already took the 1st Amendment down.

No re-tweets, no likes, no loving replies from the cult members.

The blog failed to stroke his enormous ego, so Trump killed it.

Good riddance!
Serious answer here, from Trump's biggest fan (me)....

It just goes to show that censorship stinks. Very few are interested in only hearing the "official word," with no chance to comment or even express one's opinion via thumbs up or thumbs down votes.

It's why most of us are here at USMB, probably. We get to hear a variety of opinions, and optionally interact with the posted opinions if we choose to do so.

Blogs without a comment option fare similarly.

Perhaps he had hoped that people would copy and paste his posts to Twitter and Facebook, in a type of free-speech rebellion against the Big Tech heavy-handed censorship. Unfortunately free speech is so censored these days, that even reposting Donald Trump's words is banned these days...

And of course there are the page views, which were undoubtedly monitored closely.

Free speech is dead in America. Self-appointed micro-dosing CEOs are more powerful than the president of the United States. They censor truth, and mark it as false (e.g. Wuhan). And you Leftists think it is funny, because you don't care what the truth is, only that your Socialist agenda gets propelled, even if it sacrifices fundamental American values. It is cause for great alarm.

No, free speech is not dead in America. Limiting free speech never applied private citizens or private corporations. It applies to the government. Ironically, it's Republicans who are trying to kill free speech as Florida passed a bill restricting free speech on private companies.

No re-tweets, no likes, no loving replies from the cult members.

The blog failed to stroke his enormous ego, so Trump killed it.

Good riddance!
Serious answer here, from Trump's biggest fan (me)....

It just goes to show that censorship stinks. Very few are interested in only hearing the "official word," with no chance to comment or even express one's opinion via thumbs up or thumbs down votes.

It's why most of us are here at USMB, probably. We get to hear a variety of opinions, and optionally interact with the posted opinions if we choose to do so.

Blogs without a comment option fare similarly.

Perhaps he had hoped that people would copy and paste his posts to Twitter and Facebook, in a type of free-speech rebellion against the Big Tech heavy-handed censorship. Unfortunately free speech is so censored these days, that even reposting Donald Trump's words is banned these days...

And of course there are the page views, which were undoubtedly monitored closely.

Free speech is dead in America. Self-appointed micro-dosing CEOs are more powerful than the president of the United States. They censor truth, and mark it as false (e.g. Wuhan). And you Leftists think it is funny, because you don't care what the truth is, only that your Socialist agenda gets propelled, even if it sacrifices fundamental American values. It is cause for great alarm.

No, free speech is not dead in America. Limiting free speech never applied private citizens or private corporations. It applies to the government. Ironically, it's Republicans who are trying to kill free speech as Florida passed a bill restricting free speech on private companies.
>No, free speech is not dead in America. Limiting free speech never applied private citizens or private corporations. It applies to the government. Ironically, it's Republicans who are trying to kill free speech as Florida passed a bill restricting free speech on private companies.

That's a twisted way of thinking. The Florida bill prevents the companies from inappropriately restricting the free speech of the users that use their platforms.

  • Platforms cannot ban or deprioritize candidates for state office.
  • Platforms cannot ban or deprioritize any news outlet meeting certain size requirements.
  • Platforms must be transparent about moderation processes and give users notice of moderation actions.
  • Users and the state will have the right to sue companies that violate the law. Statutory fines could be as high as $250,000 per day for some offenses.
I suppose the SCOTUS will decide in the end, but the bill obviously promotes the free speech rights of the citizens at the expense of limiting the power of some giant companies which have arguably been abusing their power to restrict the free expression of citizens for political and financial gain.

It's interesting how Leftists normally side against big companies ("tax the rich!"), but when it comes to censoring Conservatives, they side with "rights" of the corporations on 1A grounds, because the Corps are on their side.

The bill benefits millions of citizens. Aw, the poor corporations can't censor as much as they used to.

I really don't want Twitter, Google, and Facebook deciding our elections for us by picking and choosing the candidates which are allowed to have audiences on their platforms.


No re-tweets, no likes, no loving replies from the cult members.

The blog failed to stroke his enormous ego, so Trump killed it.

Good riddance!
Serious answer here, from Trump's biggest fan (me)....

It just goes to show that censorship stinks. Very few are interested in only hearing the "official word," with no chance to comment or even express one's opinion via thumbs up or thumbs down votes.

It's why most of us are here at USMB, probably. We get to hear a variety of opinions, and optionally interact with the posted opinions if we choose to do so.

Blogs without a comment option fare similarly.

Perhaps he had hoped that people would copy and paste his posts to Twitter and Facebook, in a type of free-speech rebellion against the Big Tech heavy-handed censorship. Unfortunately free speech is so censored these days, that even reposting Donald Trump's words is banned these days...

And of course there are the page views, which were undoubtedly monitored closely.

Free speech is dead in America. Self-appointed micro-dosing CEOs are more powerful than the president of the United States. They censor truth, and mark it as false (e.g. Wuhan). And you Leftists think it is funny, because you don't care what the truth is, only that your Socialist agenda gets propelled, even if it sacrifices fundamental American values. It is cause for great alarm.

No, free speech is not dead in America. Limiting free speech never applied private citizens or private corporations. It applies to the government. Ironically, it's Republicans who are trying to kill free speech as Florida passed a bill restricting free speech on private companies.
>No, free speech is not dead in America. Limiting free speech never applied private citizens or private corporations. It applies to the government. Ironically, it's Republicans who are trying to kill free speech as Florida passed a bill restricting free speech on private companies.

That's a twisted way of thinking. The Florida bill prevents the companies from inappropriately restricting the free speech of the users that use their platforms.

  • Platforms cannot ban or deprioritize candidates for state office.
  • Platforms cannot ban or deprioritize any news outlet meeting certain size requirements.
  • Platforms must be transparent about moderation processes and give users notice of moderation actions.
  • Users and the state will have the right to sue companies that violate the law. Statutory fines could be as high as $250,000 per day for some offenses.
I suppose the SCOTUS will decide in the end, but the bill obviously promotes the free speech rights of the citizens at the expense of limiting the power of some giant companies which have arguably been abusing their power to restrict the free expression of citizens for political and financial gain.

It's interesting how Leftists normally side against big companies ("tax the rich!"), but when it comes to censoring Conservatives, they side with "rights" of the corporations on 1A grounds, because the Corps are on their side.

The bill benefits millions of citizens. Aw, the poor corporations can't censor as much as they used to.

I really don't want Twitter, Google, and Facebook deciding our elections for us by picking and choosing the candidates which are allowed to have audiences on their platforms.

Private companies can impale the speech of others within their domain. The government forcing them to allow speech they're against is actually a violation of free speech.

Imagine this... the NFL banned players from taking a knee on the field during the National Anthem... imagine if the government forced the NFL to allow it.

Would you be for that? That's what Florida wants to do to Twitter & Facebook.

No re-tweets, no likes, no loving replies from the cult members.

The blog failed to stroke his enormous ego, so Trump killed it.

Good riddance!
Serious answer here, from Trump's biggest fan (me)....

It just goes to show that censorship stinks. Very few are interested in only hearing the "official word," with no chance to comment or even express one's opinion via thumbs up or thumbs down votes.

It's why most of us are here at USMB, probably. We get to hear a variety of opinions, and optionally interact with the posted opinions if we choose to do so.

Blogs without a comment option fare similarly.

Perhaps he had hoped that people would copy and paste his posts to Twitter and Facebook, in a type of free-speech rebellion against the Big Tech heavy-handed censorship. Unfortunately free speech is so censored these days, that even reposting Donald Trump's words is banned these days...

And of course there are the page views, which were undoubtedly monitored closely.

Free speech is dead in America. Self-appointed micro-dosing CEOs are more powerful than the president of the United States. They censor truth, and mark it as false (e.g. Wuhan). And you Leftists think it is funny, because you don't care what the truth is, only that your Socialist agenda gets propelled, even if it sacrifices fundamental American values. It is cause for great alarm.

No, free speech is not dead in America. Limiting free speech never applied private citizens or private corporations. It applies to the government. Ironically, it's Republicans who are trying to kill free speech as Florida passed a bill restricting free speech on private companies.
>No, free speech is not dead in America. Limiting free speech never applied private citizens or private corporations. It applies to the government. Ironically, it's Republicans who are trying to kill free speech as Florida passed a bill restricting free speech on private companies.

That's a twisted way of thinking. The Florida bill prevents the companies from inappropriately restricting the free speech of the users that use their platforms.

  • Platforms cannot ban or deprioritize candidates for state office.
  • Platforms cannot ban or deprioritize any news outlet meeting certain size requirements.
  • Platforms must be transparent about moderation processes and give users notice of moderation actions.
  • Users and the state will have the right to sue companies that violate the law. Statutory fines could be as high as $250,000 per day for some offenses.
I suppose the SCOTUS will decide in the end, but the bill obviously promotes the free speech rights of the citizens at the expense of limiting the power of some giant companies which have arguably been abusing their power to restrict the free expression of citizens for political and financial gain.

It's interesting how Leftists normally side against big companies ("tax the rich!"), but when it comes to censoring Conservatives, they side with "rights" of the corporations on 1A grounds, because the Corps are on their side.

The bill benefits millions of citizens. Aw, the poor corporations can't censor as much as they used to.

I really don't want Twitter, Google, and Facebook deciding our elections for us by picking and choosing the candidates which are allowed to have audiences on their platforms.

Private companies can impale the speech of others within their domain. The government forcing them to allow speech they're against is actually a violation of free speech.

Imagine this... the NFL banned players from taking a knee on the field during the National Anthem... imagine if the government forced the NFL to allow it.

Would you be for that? That's what Florida wants to do to Twitter & Facebook.
>Imagine this... the NFL banned players from taking a knee on the field during the National Anthem... imagine if the government forced the NFL to allow it.

Flawed analogy. The players are employees. The NFL has not banned fans from kneeling. That would be a valid analogy.

The blog failed to stroke his enormous ego, so Trump killed it.
One of endless reasons why Trump was unfit to hold public office.

Then by your logic, so is Biddum unfit. Joe doesn't even have a blog and never will.

For one thing, he doesn't know yet what his handlers will tell him to say!

And for another thing, if Joe writes down a thought he won't be able to deny it or change his mind later.

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