Why did it take so long for Hollywood to make a good space opera movie?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I am not a huge Star Wars or Star Trek fan. It wasn't until I finally played Mass Effect at the recommendation of a friend that made me hunger for more stories like it! I thought the battle for the Citadel was amazing! I was in awe when my Commander Shepard first sat foot on the Citadel! It looked so beautiful and futuristic!

In the late 2013s movie scene I was like where are the aliens? Where are the flying cars? Where are the spaceships, alien planets, civilizations, and space battles? Then boom! Guardians of the Galaxy became a smash hit! In the next years the new Star Wars movies earn billions for Disney. GOTG 3 is going to be made. There were also flops like Jupiter Ascending and Valerian.

What took so long? Was it the reception of the Star Wars prequels? Was it the performance of J.J. Abrams new Star Trek movies? Was it because Hollywood was too risk averse to have the ambition of making a good space adventure movie?

Or was it cultural? Does space exploration not give us the same optimism and inspiration as it used to? Is it because we lost hope in humanity's future?

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