Why did American and Russian societies care much more building up their nations from 1950s-1980s?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
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It seemed like people from the 40s to the 80s cared much more about the state of their societies.

People in both America and Russia looked much more thinner and healthier. The roads and bridges were in good condition.

They both invested in infrastructure and the space program.

People didn't look down on blue collar work.

Now society is more self centered and self absorbed. In both Russia and America all that matters is amassing as much wealth as possible society be damned. The roads and bridges are crumbling. Some parts of America have third world water systems.

Young people seem to care more about wealth and materialism rather than building on the greatness that came before them. They don't seem to be willing to get their hands dirty and building great things.

No one dreams and aspires anymore.

What happened?
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It seemed like people from the 40s to the 80s cared much more about the state of their societies.

People in both America and Russia looked much more thinner and healthier. The roads and bridges were in good condition.

They both invested in infrastructure and the space program.

People didn't look down on blue collar work.

Now society is more self centered and self absorbed. In both Russia and America all that matters is amassing as much wealth as possible society be damned. The roads and bridges are crumbling. Some parts of America have third world water systems.

Young people seem to care more about wealth and materialism rather than building on the greatness that came before them. They don't seem to be willing to get their hands dirty and building great things.

No one dreams and aspires anymore.

What happened?

Well this is true, BUT we must never forget that America did it with a capitalist system verses a communist system. Both achieved the same goals, but the wealth was better distributed in the capitalist system when it came to the citizen's than it was in the communist system's when it came to the citizen's.

So it's a mindset and political change that has occured like you have touched on, but the system's haven't changed, they are still the same. The operators of the system's have changed, and it could be that our capitalist system is being changed over for the worst now.

Fix the mind's and fix the system's.
TV dinners and video games.....but then came IRA's and 401K's and the wheels of the cart just exploded.

Maintenance in waterworks isn't building great things. It is rebuilding basic things by the way.

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