Why can't we all just get along?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
Getting along is way overrated...
God forbid, if the congressman ends up dying. There cannot be any more talk of gun control, no type of gun control would've stopped this shooting... and to be honest most other shootings.
Single Term limits is just the start, to reduce this type of thing.
How would you get along with Globalists (and their loyal troops of ignorant sheep) if their goal is to divide the country, to overthrow its legally elected President and to reduce the population (including yourselves and your families)?
How would you get along with Globalists (and their loyal troops of ignorant sheep) if their goal is to divide the country, to overthrow its legally elected President and to reduce the population (including yourselves and your families)?
Lot of sheeples dying off early due to their own willful ignorance. They think quality of life is having medical coverage for all the pharmaceuticals that their docs prescribe.
I'm not sure term limits will help, when the folks that are really controlling things are the career bureaucrats in the Deep State and the folks that fund the politicians and lobbyists on both sides have plans of their own.

As long as the corporate press meets with them all at the CFR, folks will still be told what to think, and how to perceive the world.

For instance, the press had them distracted from anything and everything significant that was going on for years with Benghazi and Hillary's emails, now they have just supplanted that with Trump and Russia. And yet, the policy of selling weapons and war, and manipulating the economy hasn't changed a bit. Americans remain just as distracted and divided over silly shit that will all come to naught in the end.

Count on it.
How would you get along with Globalists (and their loyal troops of ignorant sheep) if their goal is to divide the country, to overthrow its legally elected President and to reduce the population (including yourselves and your families)?
Of course the globalists made it appear that Trump was elected "legally," they also made it appear that Hillary secured the Democratic nomination "legally."

All of this fear and animosity has been planned, don't think otherwise.


None the less, the discontent of the folks on Main steet and out in the hinterlands should not be ignored. If these complex systems break down, it will be the small businesses and farms that save the soul of the nation.

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