Why Can't Movie-makers Get it Right?

My wife wants to go see "Baywatch" this afternoon. I will take her over, pay for her ticket and wait for her in the lobby.

I won't go see it for two reasons; the same ones thst will prevent me from seeing "Wonder Woman" (and most movies these days)... neith the stories nor tbe casting are in agreement or in line with the original source information for them.

Does it frustrate anyone else that these movie companies can't, won't or don't seem to make any sttempt to stay true to the source information they pay so much money to acquire the film rights to?
Yup... Like the new SJW Star Wars films... New movies are doing their level best to destroy beloved classic franchises.
I can almost understand people getting upset at some movies. If you were talking about butchering or rewriting Shakespeare or a classic piece of literature, I could understand the anger.

But Baywatch? The original tv show was about boobs and beefcake. The stories were puerile and meaningless.
won't or don't seem to make any sttempt to stay true to the source information they pay so much money to acquire the film rights to?

So, you're upset that entertainment makers don't maintain canonical purity of FANTASY material? The original super-human amazon Wonder Woman was more believable?

You might be interested to learn that Golden-age Wonder Woman, in what can only be a purulent nod to the writers rape fantasies and an easy to use plot device, loses all of her powers if she's tied up.

The average budget for a Hollywood movie now is $100 million.

Walk into a room and sell an idea to someone that will require them to spend $100 million of their money. This is the reason for all the sequels and prequels, they are much more willing to risk large money on a proven or semi-proven entity. The recent King Arthur cost $175 million and has grossed worldwide $130 million. Jupiter Ascending was big budget and it just broke even.

A great idea can still get made but the deck is stacked in favor of known quantities. Betting on 6 new Star Wars movies is not a great gamble. Creating a whole new movie franchise of a war in space is. People are people and money is money. No person wants to lose one million dollars let alone fifty million.

I have no idea why they remade Baywatch other than to put young smoking hot women on screen which will always draw in a good sized young male audience.
My wife wants to go see "Baywatch" this afternoon. I will take her over, pay for her ticket and wait for her in the lobby.

I won't go see it for two reasons; the same ones thst will prevent me from seeing "Wonder Woman" (and most movies these days)... neith the stories nor tbe casting are in agreement or in line with the original source information for them.

Does it frustrate anyone else that these movie companies can't, won't or don't seem to make any sttempt to stay true to the source information they pay so much money to acquire the film rights to?

/---- The original characters were created in a time that is now politically incorrect. Hollywierd is run by leftwards who love to undermine our heritage. And I by would you stand in a lobby for 2 hours. Pick a different movie to watch.

Cost to make: $190 Million

Total Box Office Receipts: $10 Million

Screw original content.
So, you're upset that entertainment makers don't maintain canonical purity of FANTASY material? The original super-human amazon Wonder Woman was more believable?

You might be interested to learn that Golden-age Wonder Woman, in what can only be a purulent nod to the writers rape fantasies and an easy to use plot device, loses all of her powers if she's tied up.

Tes, thst iz exactly what I'm upset about. It's also one of the reazons I'm so pleazed that two of my favorite authors have refused to sell the rights to their works for movie adaptations.

BTW - Yes, I sm quite aware of Wonder Woman's canonical strengths and weaknesses. It's why I won't see that movie either.
/---- The original characters were created in a time that is now politically incorrect. Hollywierd is run by leftwards who love to undermine our heritage. And I by would you stand in a lobby for 2 hours. Pick a different movie to watch.

There was nothing else worth spending the $6 on. I end ended up sitting in my car, as this small theatre has no real lobby. What a waste of two and a hslf hours.
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So, you're upset that entertainment makers don't maintain canonical purity of FANTASY material? The original super-human amazon Wonder Woman was more believable?

You might be interested to learn that Golden-age Wonder Woman, in what can only be a purulent nod to the writers rape fantasies and an easy to use plot device, loses all of her powers if she's tied up.

Tes, thst iz exactly what I'm upset about. It's also one of the reazons I'm so pleazed that two of my favorite authors have refused to sell the rights to their works for movie adaptations.

BTW - Yes, I sm quite aware of Wonder Woman's canonical strengths and weaknesses. It's why I won't see that movie either.
Which two potential movies are you reffering to?
Which two potential movies are you reffering to?

Im referring to Robert (R.A.) Salvatore's Drizzt novels, set in D&D's Forgotten Realmz setting and Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series.

All three series hace been considered for both large and small screen adaptation, but the authors have demanded approval of casting, scripts, and final product to ensure it stsys accurate to the source material. Control no channel or studio haz been willing to accept.
Which two potential movies are you reffering to?

Im referring to Robert (R.A.) Salvatore's Drizzt novels, set in D&D's Forgotten Realmz setting and Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series.

All three series hace been considered for both large and small screen adaptation, but the authors have demanded approval of casting, scripts, and final product to ensure it stsys accurate to the source material. Control no channel or studio haz been willing to accept.
I fear the Hollywood adaptation of the Robert Jordan series, The Wheel of Time. Simply could not be done properly on the big screen
Let alone with the bastardization injected by modern Hollywood. Just look at how they destroyed Terry Goodkinds series....
Yea ... I'm pissed they took out the bondage too.

Not a "bondage" issue for me. It's a matter of being true to the original creator's vision of the chsracter.

And it is also about having a strong woman as a lead character. That does not fit your comfort zone.

I find it most telling that you made a point of telling us that YOU took your wife to the theater and YOU paid for her ticket. And then, because she has different tastes than you, you talk about her low intellect. lol

Let me ask you, when you retire will you help with housework? Or is that still only her job? And does she ever get to retire?
The wide and I saw a trailer for Dunkirk, and she commented on how desperately the movie was trying to pull a victory out of the defeat.

I pointed out that there were plenty of victories in WWII, and that Hollywood choose to make a movie about a defeat.

Fucking morons.
It's Hollyweird so whadaya expect? The movie moguls think they know what the public wants, or at least will buy in to. That the number of busts they produce far outweigh box office successes doesn't seem to ever dawn on them.

The last heavily hyped new release I went to was Titanic with Lee DeCrapio and company. I wanted to see it because I'm a big fan of the 2-3 Titanic movies that had been made over the decades and figured with the then state of the art special effects it might be a cool addition to the series. I had no idea they'd bastardized the tragic story with a main focus instead on a made up love story centered around DeCrappy and the Rose character.

Since then if there's a flick I want to see I wait until it's for free on the tube.

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