Why Can’t Democrats Find Healthy Politicians Who Aren’t Corrupt for Their Presidential Candidates Anymore?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Above: Joe Biden giving speech in 2020 with his back to his audience
and Hillary Clinton needing to be carried
up a set of stairs during the
2016 Presidential election

Why Can’t Democrats Find Healthy Politicians
Who Aren’t Corrupt for Their Presidential Candidates?

"Trump had more than ten times the number of people at his campaign events than Hillary had at hers during the first few weeks of August 2016. More than 100,000 people have showed up for Trump events the first 3 weeks of August (with many more turned away due to the events reaching capacity). Hillary on the other hand didn’t even have one tenth of that or not even 10,000 show up at her events in the same time period.
Also, it was clear by just looking at the crowds at Trump and Clinton events that Trump had a movement and Hillary has barely a heartbeat.

The first time Joe Biden was seen out in the public in months was this past weekend laying a wreath at a Memorial Day event. The former Vice President looked feeble and weak."

"What is the deal with Democrats? They can’t find any healthy candidates that aren’t corrupt? What a messed up Party."

One thing is for sure.....biden won't be campaigning in any Nursing Homes in New York....

quality people on both sides dont think its worth it to put their families and themselves through the bullshit they get put through.....like someone digging up shit on something someone did in the tenth grade some 50 years ago...

Above: Joe Biden giving speech in 2020 with his back to his audience
and Hillary Clinton needing to be carried
up a set of stairs during the
2016 Presidential election

Why Can’t Democrats Find Healthy Politicians
Who Aren’t Corrupt for Their Presidential Candidates?

"Trump had more than ten times the number of people at his campaign events than Hillary had at hers during the first few weeks of August 2016. More than 100,000 people have showed up for Trump events the first 3 weeks of August (with many more turned away due to the events reaching capacity). Hillary on the other hand didn’t even have one tenth of that or not even 10,000 show up at her events in the same time period.
Also, it was clear by just looking at the crowds at Trump and Clinton events that Trump had a movement and Hillary has barely a heartbeat.

The first time Joe Biden was seen out in the public in months was this past weekend laying a wreath at a Memorial Day event. The former Vice President looked feeble and weak."

"What is the deal with Democrats? They can’t find any healthy candidates that aren’t corrupt? What a messed up Party."

One thing is for sure.....biden won't be campaigning in any Nursing Homes in New York....

Democrats do have healthy politicians who are not corrupt for their presidential candidates.
Who says they don't? Trump, and you believe that crooked grifter who flaps anything that comes to his mind at any given moment for your benefit? Trump does have serious heart problems also. His history is frothed with questionable dealings and let's not forget that he still has not kept his promise to show the American people his tax returns. What is he hiding? He also has not gone in for his annual physical which is a concern. Why not?
Democrats do have healthy politicians who are not corrupt for their presidential candidates.

No one says they DON'T, snowflake. Read the Thread TITLE Again.

There are the few and far-between politicians in the Democratic party, but most of them, as we saw not too long ago, end up walking away from their own party.

As the Democrats have made clear, though, the PARTY - not its sheep - dictate who gets the nomination.

How'd that work out in 2016?

Clinton falls ill during 9/11 memorial service in New York - The ...

The Queen Mother of the Crime Syndicate was so frail she had to be tossed in the back of a waiting car....THE rich, white, elitist, Deep State criminal was GIVEN the nomination....and in the end she could not win a rigged election.

The Very Best of Befuddled Biden: We Have Never, Never Let Our ...

This year the DNC screwed Bernie again and handed the nomination to an old, white, elitist, Deep State racist who confessed to extorting the former Ukraine PM (which you can still see on Youtube), has been proven to be up to his dementia-suffering mind in Obamagate, is being defended rabidly for grabbing an intern by the pu$$y, and just told Black Americans 'You Ain't Black' if you're considering voting for Trump. (I Trump had made that comment the Trump-haters would be running it 24/7 calling him a white supremacist...but Unca Joe just made a mistake / a joke'....)

So yeah, the Democrats have a few good POLITICIANS, but they can't bring themselves to hand the nomination over to anyone that isn't an old, white, elitist, Deep State, corrupt / criminal racist....
Democrats do have healthy politicians who are not corrupt for their presidential candidates.

No one says they DON'T, snowflake. Read the Thread TITLE Again.

There are the few and far-between politicians in the Democratic party, but most of them, as we saw not too long ago, end up walking away from their own party.

As the Democrats have made clear, though, the PARTY - not its sheep - dictate who gets the nomination.

How'd that work out in 2016?

View attachment 341221

The Queen Mother of the Crime Syndicate was so frail she had to be tossed in the back of a waiting car....THE rich, white, elitist, Deep State criminal was GIVEN the nomination....and in the end she could not win a rigged election.

View attachment 341222

This year the DNC screwed Bernie again and handed the nomination to an old, white, elitist, Deep State racist who confessed to extorting the former Ukraine PM (which you can still see on Youtube), has been proven to be up to his dementia-suffering mind in Obamagate, is being defended rabidly for grabbing an intern by the pu$$y, and just told Black Americans 'You Ain't Black' if you're considering voting for Trump. (I Trump had made that comment the Trump-haters would be running it 24/7 calling him a white supremacist...but Unca Joe just made a mistake / a joke'....)

So yeah, the Democrats have a few good POLITICIANS, but they can't bring themselves to hand the nomination over to anyone that isn't an old, white, elitist, Deep State, corrupt / criminal racist....
Hey hotshot. Your ignorant post doesn't deserve a comment. Sounds like you are describing Trump, yes?
"Deep State", my ass. The deep state is in the Whitehouse as we speak unless he is on the golf course.

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