Zone1 Why Can't Black People Just Take Responsibility For Their Own Actions?

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Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
B. Tatum even says it himself in this video. Even if there are prejudice police men and women out there, they have reason to be when all black people do is use the race card and say "oh you only pulled me over because I'm black." "You only shot that person because they're black." "You only arrested that person because they're black." Enough already!! It's getting ridiculous!! If you do the crime you do the time, and if you're accused falsely it's also like B. Tatum said and go fight for it in court and most police officers are reasonable anyways if you have a traffic violation out of your control. I can't believe people haven't figured it out yet and they still act like this. :rolleyes:

B. Tatum even says it himself in this video. Even if there are prejudice police men and women out there, they have reason to be when all black people do is use the race card and say "oh you only pulled me over because I'm black." "You only shot that person because they're black." "You only arrested that person because they're black." Enough already!! It's getting ridiculous!! If you do the crime you do the time, and if you're accused falsely it's also like B. Tatum said and go fight for it in court and most police officers are reasonable anyways if you have a traffic violation out of your control. I can't believe people haven't figured it out yet and they still act like this. :rolleyes:

How are you going to fight it in court if you are shot to death by said cop? BLM started out of police brutality against people of color.
How are you going to fight it in court if you are shot to death by said cop?

Have your friends and family members fight for you perhaps?

It is easier for them to blame us, White people, rather than take responsibility for their lives.

How is that not considered racism though? I do wish that they would look up the official definition of racism and find out that it has absolutely nothing to do with hate against people with black skin.

That door swings both ways, dude.

When have you ever heard a white person complain of being arrested because their white? Sure they might complain about other things but I've never heard skin color being one of them. Also, black people just bring it on themselves because once you have a reputation (in general) it sticks to you like glue.

What is a Wawa?

Weren't you watching the video they posted? Apparently it's a store.
Have your friends and family members fight for you perhaps?

How is that not considered racism though? I do wish that they would look up the official definition of racism and find out that it has absolutely nothing to do with hate against people with black skin.

When have you ever heard a white person complain of being arrested because their white? Sure they might complain about other things but I've never heard skin color being one of them. Also, black people just bring it on themselves because once you have a reputation (in general) it sticks to you like glue.

Weren't you watching the video they posted? Apparently it's a store.
Blacks do this because the media and the Democratic party will back them up. It's like they want to incite a race riot.
How aboutB. Tatum even says it himself in this video. Even if there are prejudice police men and women out there, they have reason to be when all black people do is use the race card and say "oh you only pulled me over because I'm black." "You only shot that person because they're black." "You only arrested that person because they're black." Enough already!! It's getting ridiculous!! If you do the crime you do the time, and if you're accused falsely it's also like B. Tatum said and go fight for it in court and most police officers are reasonable anyways if you have a traffic violation out of your control. I can't believe people haven't figured it out yet and they still act like this. :rolleyes:

Whites invented the race card. That's what white racism is.
BlackCrime 3.jpg


When a white man kills a black man it is nearly the case that the black man was committing a crime. When a black man kills a white person it is nearly the case that the black man is committing a crime. When a white man kills a black man it is reported throughout the United States. When a black man kills a white person it may not even be reported in the local newspaper and news broadcasting station. If it is the race of the black criminal is rarely mentioned.

The local newspaper will report a story like, "The seventy year old widow was mugged by two youths while walking home from church. The youths were reported as tall."
How are you going to fight it in court if you are shot to death by said cop? BLM started out of police brutality against people of color.
Good point

Criminals who are infected with the Black Brain Disease cant help themselves

They have to resist arrest and get themselves killed

Thereby missing their day in court
Now that is a racist comment!
It is also true. A racist comment is a comment that criticizes the Negro race. There is much about the Negro race that merits criticism. I mention "the Negro race" because there are Negroes who are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous. They are credits to their race. Unfortunately, they are not typical of it.

Prejudice is based on previous experience. If proximity to blacks dispelled prejudice toward them, Southern whites would be the least prejudiced whites in the United States.

Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of a fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of a stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.

Those who dislike Orientals and Jews resent them because they tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.
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