Why can Democrat politicians and hearing witnesses not define "assault weapon?"

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Banning something you call "assault weapons," is one of your key talking points, yet whenever any politician or politial appointee is asked for the official definition of assault weapon, he or she can't do it.

Because your politicials cannot define them, there is no official definition. Give your own, if you like, but that isn't my question. You may be able to answer, but you don't have to worry about whatever policial ramifications your leaders seem to think would come with just define a term that they use so often.

So my question is why don't your leaders answer?
They can't even define "woman". But Dems split hairs and redefine things all bloody day. How much did the Biden family get from the CCP last month? Seven figures? for what? SHHH, off topic.

This is a Springfield Saint Victor .308 AR-10 Rifle ...
Otherwise Identified as a "Longarm" ... :thup:

And can be yours legally purchased through an approved FFL Dealer for $1497.
Watch out ... It's not an AR-15 ... And has a bit more punch.



This is a Springfield Saint Victor .308 AR-10 Rifle ...
Otherwise Identified as a "Longarm" ... :thup:

And can be yours legally purchased through an approved FFL Dealer for $1497.
Watch out ... It's not an AR-15 ... And has a bit more punch.


The person whose gender can't be named (Oscar Wilde) had a red flag on his, her or whatever gender ASS. And despite all the liberal gun control laws SHE still got multiple guns and murdered innocent people. What does that tell you?
If you wanted to kill a whole bunch of people and perhaps shoot it out with the cops what would you choose? Your old hunting rifle? A shotgun? A pistol or two? No you would choose the combat style weapons specifically designed to kill people. Owning what is mostly a useless range toy should at least carry an extra measure of responsibility.
Banning something you call "assault weapons," is one of your key talking points, yet whenever any politician or politial appointee is asked for the official definition of assault weapon, he or she can't do it.

Because your politicials cannot define them, there is no official definition. Give your own, if you like, but that isn't my question. You may be able to answer, but you don't have to worry about whatever policial ramifications your leaders seem to think would come with just define a term that they use so often.

So my question is why don't your leaders answer?

They want to keep the definition completely flexible so they can ban each model of gun one after another......
If you wanted to kill a whole bunch of people and perhaps shoot it out with the cops what would you choose? Your old hunting rifle? A shotgun? A pistol or two? No you would choose the combat style weapons specifically designed to kill people. Owning what is mostly a useless range toy should at least carry an extra measure of responsibility.
Would you do that, either way?
If you wanted to kill a whole bunch of people and perhaps shoot it out with the cops what would you choose? Your old hunting rifle? A shotgun? A pistol or two? No you would choose the combat style weapons specifically designed to kill people. Owning what is mostly a useless range toy should at least carry an extra measure of responsibility.

And since no one is fighting it out with the police........and since knives murder more people every single year than AR-15s do, by a 3-1 ratio, you must also want knives banned.....

It isn't a range toy, it is a tool used to stop democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa who like to burn, loot and kill Americans...just ask Kyle Rittenhouse.....and it is also used to stop mass public shooters...just ask Stephen Williford who saved the lives of 25 people with his AR-15 rifle.....

Southerland Springs Church shooting .....

Willeford propped his AR-15 on the pickup’s hood and peered through the sight. He could see a holographic red dot on the man’s chest. He fired twice. He wasn’t sure he’d hit him, though he was later told that the man had contusions on his chest and abdomen consistent with getting shot while wearing body armor. Regardless, the gunman stopped shooting and ran for a white Ford Explorer that was idling outside the chapel, roughly twenty yards from where Willeford had positioned himself.

The Hero of Sutherland Springs Is Still Reckoning with What Happened that Day
And since no one is fighting it out with the police........and since knives murder more people every single year than AR-15s do, by a 3-1 ratio, you must also want knives banned.....

It isn't a range toy, it is a tool used to stop democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa who like to burn, loot and kill Americans...just ask Kyle Rittenhouse.....and it is also used to stop mass public shooters...just ask Stephen Williford who saved the lives of 25 people with his AR-15 rifle.....

Southerland Springs Church shooting .....

Willeford propped his AR-15 on the pickup’s hood and peered through the sight. He could see a holographic red dot on the man’s chest. He fired twice. He wasn’t sure he’d hit him, though he was later told that the man had contusions on his chest and abdomen consistent with getting shot while wearing body armor. Regardless, the gunman stopped shooting and ran for a white Ford Explorer that was idling outside the chapel, roughly twenty yards from where Willeford had positioned himself.

The Hero of Sutherland Springs Is Still Reckoning with What Happened that Day
I've probably told you before that your arguments carry no weight with people who do not buy into your paranoid delusions.
Your old hunting rifle? A shotgun? A pistol or two? No you would choose the combat style weapons specifically designed to kill people. Owning what is mostly a useless range toy should at least carry an extra measure of responsibility.

Don't really give a fuck what you think ... Not really required to either ...
And it will get the job done ... :thup:


Everybody with an interest knows what is meant by an "assault weapon." It's a rifle that looks scary, and fires tiny, little bullets that go very, very fast.

But the point is, a total removal of every assault weapon in civilian hands, starting 20 years ago, would not have stopped a single mass shooting or saved a single life. The unfortunate fact is that Leftists politicians believe their constituents are too stupid to know this elementary fact. So any time there is a mass shooting and the perp has an assault weapon, they ignore the important particulars and focus on the assault weapon. The dude who did the shooting at the Christian school earlier this week was also in possession of a handgun or two.
Everybody with an interest knows what is meant by an "assault weapon." It's a rifle that looks scary, and fires tiny, little bullets that go very, very fast.

But the point is, a total removal of every assault weapon in civilian hands, starting 20 years ago, would not have stopped a single mass shooting or saved a single life. The unfortunate fact is that Leftists politicians believe their constituents are too stupid to know this elementary fact. So any time there is a mass shooting and the perp has an assault weapon, they ignore the important particulars and focus on the assault weapon. The dude who did the shooting at the Christian school earlier this week was also in possession of a handgun or two.

Turns out it was a pistol caliber carbine......
If you wanted to kill a whole bunch of people and perhaps shoot it out with the cops what would you choose? Your old hunting rifle? A shotgun? A pistol or two? No you would choose the combat style weapons specifically designed to kill people. Owning what is mostly a useless range toy should at least carry an extra measure of responsibility.
Handguns are respinsible for more kilings than any rifle, hysterical moonbat.
They can't even define "woman". But Dems split hairs and redefine things all bloody day. How much did the Biden family get from the CCP last month? Seven figures? for what? SHHH, off topic.
For selling us out? Plenty.
If you wanted to kill a whole bunch of people and perhaps shoot it out with the cops what would you choose? Your old hunting rifle? A shotgun? A pistol or two? No you would choose the combat style weapons specifically designed to kill people. Owning what is mostly a useless range toy should at least carry an extra measure of responsibility.
Why did Lee Harvey Oswald use an Italian, bolt action rifle then? Or Charles Whitman using a Remington 700, M1 carbine and 12 Gauge?

Hmmm ..
Why did Lee Harvey Oswald use an Italian, bolt action rifle then? Or Charles Whitman using a Remington 700, M1 carbine and 12 Gauge?

Hmmm ..
They used the weapons available to them. Now any teenage wacko can have real purpose built mass murder weapons and they don't even have to be a good shot. Gun nutters like to talk responsibility but they will never take responsibility for the loose gun laws they want and their politicians pass.

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