Why "Buck" what does that mean?

A "buck" is a male of several species, like deer, goats etc. It was used to describe blacks when they were livestock. Calling a black guy a "buck" is a major insult.
I have a question, I dont know what it means, and would like to know.

What does "Buck" mean? Why is it associated with a black male? Like "Big Black Buck" or "Buck breaking"

I think it means young and strong as a bull
I have a question, I dont know what it means, and would like to know.

What does "Buck" mean? Why is it associated with a black male? Like "Big Black Buck" or "Buck breaking"

You ever watch , the sopranos ??

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Well, obviously this song is racist as fuck, but I’ve never heard of the word “buck” being used as a racial slur.

I’ve heard young guys (of any race) be called “young bucks”, usually in the context of them being young, strong, cocky and showing off or itching for a fight.

There was plenty of racial slurs in the song, but I don’t think “buck” was one of them.
A gentle reminder to our international members (and guests): Never (NEVER!) use the word "buck" in the presence of an African American male.

If you do, you may find yourself lying flat on the floor.
I have a question, I dont know what it means, and would like to know.

What does "Buck" mean? Why is it associated with a black male? Like "Big Black Buck" or "Buck breaking"

Jump onto an unbroken horse or try to get a yearling bull into a trailer and you'll find out real quick what buck means.
A gentle reminder to our international members (and guests): Never (NEVER!) use the word "buck" in the presence of an African American male.

If you do, you may find yourself lying flat on the floor.
Why would that be, cupcake? Btw, you're behind the times: "African American" is out after the hyprocrisy of calling generational Black Americans "African" was pointed out. Now the proper acceptable term that fucktards like you use is "BIPOC".
(it's another tone deaf way to say "negro" or "colored")
Didn't you get the memo in the DNC talking points e-mail blast?
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A "buck" is a male of several species, like deer, goats etc. It was used to describe blacks when they were livestock. Calling a black guy a "buck" is a major insult.
Then why is the term "young bucks" used for younger white guys? Bro, that is a massive stretch. No one uses the term in the way you are describing. They never have for my entire life. A buck is a "man". It has always been a man.

I have a question, I dont know what it means, and would like to know.

What does "Buck" mean? Why is it associated with a black male? Like "Big Black Buck" or "Buck breaking"

Buck is a male deer.

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