Zone1 Why Black Lives still Matter


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

The defendants admitted that on Jan. 24, without a warrant or any exigent circumstances, they kicked in the door and entered a home in Braxton, Rankin County, Mississippi where two Black men, M.J. and E.P., were residing. The defendants handcuffed and arrested the men without probable cause to believe they had committed any crime, called them racial slurs, and warned them to stay out of Rankin County. Further, the defendants punched and kicked the men, tased them 17 times, forced them to ingest liquids, and assaulted them with a dildo. During the incident, Dedmon fired his gun twice to intimidate the men.

At the conclusion of the incident, Elward surreptitiously removed a bullet from the chamber of his gun, forced the gun into M.J.’s mouth and pulled the trigger. The unloaded gun clicked but did not fire. Elward racked the slide, intending to dry-fire a second time. When Elward pulled the trigger, the gun discharged. The bullet lacerated M.J.’s tongue, broke his jaw and exited out of his neck.
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

BLM was a movement built upon the "hands up, don't shoot" lie. And when something is based on a lie, the falsehoods will only increase. And holy cow did it ever.
As well as the tired old virtue signaling leftist lie about "what conservatives think".
All ridiculous and tiresome.

BLM was a movement built upon the "hands up, don't shoot" lie. And when something is based on a lie, the falsehoods will only increase. And holy cow did it ever.
As well as the tired old virtue signaling leftist lie about "what conservatives think".
All ridiculous and tiresome.

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Yup. And the BLM terrorist group orchestrated a nation-wide, months-long violent riot based on the lie that George Floyd’s death was another racist attack.
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

Lives matter. Now include sexual behaviors. And remove the abortions and still there are children from behaviors that keeps poverty going. And the result is what we constantly see.
BLM was a movement built upon the "hands up, don't shoot" lie. And when something is based on a lie, the falsehoods will only increase. And holy cow did it ever.
As well as the tired old virtue signaling leftist lie about "what conservatives think".
All ridiculous and tiresome.

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Guess what?

Black Lives Matter was right
Rampant police abuse is still ongoing. You would think after the George Floyd debacle that police would get the message.
You have to follow the law

But here we still have Police torturing two suspects for hours and then creating a cover story.

When two black suspects show up telling what those police did to them……nobody believed them
The Sheriffs response was typical
This act was not representative of my Department
It was only six out of 120 officers. ONLY SIX

Six of his officers conspired to commit this act and cover it up.
Nobody in the “Goon Squad” bragged to other officers?

Nobody in his office followed up on the complaints of the two suspects
In actuality, it is Black Lives Matter that is all about black criminality without consequences.

Like I said…..this shows why the Black Lives Matter movement is still needed
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

BLM is a Communist organization designed to create division and conflict. We all know that police treat criminals like criminals whether they're white, black, or brown. I watch the police programs on YouTube, and I've seen plenty of whites thrown to the ground followed by a knee on their back or neck. Don't commit crimes, and the cops won't treat you like a criminal. Simple stuff.
We do NOT need an organization promoting black criminality.

What we actually NEED is a black organization promoting education, a work ethic, and being responsible parents.

Thanks for demonstrating how important BLM is even today
BLM is a Communist organization designed to create division and conflict. We all know that police treat criminals like criminals whether they're white, black, or brown. I watch the police programs on YouTube, and I've seen plenty of whites thrown to the ground followed by a knee on their back or neck. Don't commit crimes, and the cops won't treat you like a criminal. Simple stuff.
What criminal acts did these two black men commit?
Guess what?

Black Lives Matter was right
Rampant police abuse is still ongoing. You would think after the George Floyd debacle that police would get the message.
You have to follow the law

But here we still have Police torturing two suspects for hours and then creating a cover story.

When two black suspects show up telling what those police did to them……nobody believed them
Out of 50 million police encpunters.

How come I never hear you cry over the police ambushes set up by blacks, and a cop is killed?
We do NOT need an organization promoting black criminality.

Of course we don’t.

But we obviously need an organization promoting holding police accountable for their actions.

This case in Mississippi shows how important it is and why there is still so much work to do
BLM is a con organization that robbed all the donations to enrich a few of their jive ass leaders. The people and corporations that donated to them were totally bamboozled by hustlers. The organization did absolutely nothing to elevate the status of Blacks. It just helped some unhinged, unstable, oversensitive Whites along with helping some confused youths deal with their feelings of guilt for something they had absolutely nothing to do with.
Out of 50 million police encpunters.

How come I never hear you cry over the police ambushes set up by blacks, and a cop is killed?

In those cases the perpetrator is arrested and imprisoned.
The person who ambushes police does not get to write the report, plant evidence or cover up.

Why we need to hold police to a higher standard
BLM is a con organization that robbed all the donations to enrich a few of their jive ass leaders. The people and corporations that donated to them were totally bamboozled by hustlers. The organization did absolutely nothing to elevate the status of Blacks. It just helped some unhinged, unstable, oversensitive Whites along with helping some confused youths deal with their feelings of guilt for something they had absolutely nothing to do with.
BLM was started by a couple of Marxists. The plan was to cause massive chaos throughout the U.S. as part of the destruction of our system.

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