Why Barack Obama's Presidency Failed

False premise . Obama was one of the best prez in decades . His approval rating was fine .

It was congress that America hated. So they voted in Trump as an FU to both Dems and GOP . Remember Trump is more of a 3rd party guy . He was never some GOP darling . Still isn't .

No, I think that Obama fatigue was a factor. It always is after 8 years. He did have some strange initiatives toward the end—the bathroom and gender identification stuff was crazy!

But overall, you’re correct. Hard to crack the top 5 presidents. He’s definitely in the top 10 though.
What did he do you think is top ten? Let's see your list and how it measures top ten against the other 43. Not some lame bullshit. Show me ten ways he made us better off when he got in office.

Ten is a long list. I doubt you could come up with as many for your top 10. But I will tell you what qualifies him...in my view

  1. Extended healthcare to about 10% of the population at a time when medical costs were the #1 cause of personal bankruptcy.
  2. Got us out of wars we could not win in Afghanistan and Iraq
  3. Elevated environmental concerns to the national level by declaring the science as being settled on the matter. While this was, of course, reversed by the current administration...the science is settled and there will be no going back.
  4. Refocused war on terror into decapitation exercises that removed most of the top leaders such as Osama Bin Laden.
  5. As much as any other president, served as a personal symbol of accomplishment, integrity, and yes, equality. Only a fool would pretend that there was no racially based hatred coming his way from day one. It was just another current he had to row against.
1- While increasing the cost for 100% of the people. Nice job.
Insurance rates go up all the time; always have always will. Obama didn't invent that. For most Americans who get their insurance through their employer, they only saw the standard yearly increase.

So, are premiums “skyrocketing”? Overall, no. But some individuals who buy their own insurance could face significantly higher rates, depending on their health status, previous plan and other factors. Other individuals — particularly those with health conditions and those who qualify for subsidies — could pay less.
'Skyrocketing' Premiums - FactCheck.org

Uh..YES THEY ARE as a matter of fact. Not everyone is on the government tit like you. If Obamacare is so great...why is it crumbling already?

2- Still there, also now in Syria and will have to deal with a nuclear Iran soon. Again, nice job.
Again, we're not sending men and women by the thousands into the meat grinder. I disagreed with us going into Syria.
Should we go to war in Syria?
Mr Indecisive changes Syria plan 50 times
It's a war of choice and like Iraq and Afghanistan, there is no win to be had there. Iran will get the bomb at some point. Mr. Obama delayed them from doing so.
Please tell us, would you still have troops on the ground in the ME? If so, to what end? And be specific...not "until the job is done".

Wait until we have to put boots in North Kprea, China and Russia at the same time thanks to Obama's limp wristed sissy ass kissing.

3- Are we going back to the ice age I was promised 40 years ago or the flooding of five years ago that never came. Which one of those sciences are settled?
That the climate is being adversely affected by Humans. Today it was Hotter in Chicago than it was in most of Texas. Philadelphia is closing it's schools at noon tomorrow because of the record heat.
Philadelphia Schools Closing TOMORROW - Bing News

And heat waves have been occurring for millions of years....along with Ice Ages. Fail.

4- Yeah, nice job once again. It's not like muslims aren't blowing shit up or anything. We got this.
Yeah, nobody ever blew anything up before Obama. I was hoping you'd be serious about this.
But while we're on the subject, Al Queda and it's sophisticated attacks (2 embassies in Africa within minutes of each other with truck bombs), 9/11, etc... are pretty much a thing of the past for the time being at least. ISIS uses the same tactics that NRA poster kids Kleibold, Harris, and rising star Lanza did.

Only a complete moron would compare the terror that ISIS has inflicted on tens of thousands compared to the few committed by the two you mentiond. You are comparing a holocaust to several isolated murders by a very few idiots. What's WRONG with you?!?!

5- heis black. Ok got that. How does that make him less of a failure?
Using the word failure shows only how uninformed you are. That you set the bar so high for success is simply a factor of you didn't like him as a person. That is all. Whether it was racism or not is a matter for your heart alone. I'm guessing it is. Otherwise you wouldn't have set the bar so incredibly high.

Yada yada yada.....what the HELL is he talking about?

6-10- I guess ten was too many.

Again, give us 10 "out of the park" reasons for one of your top ten presidents if you don't mind.
I enjoyed setting the record straight.

And waste another minute on racist left jackwagons? I think not.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 1/3 - 1/18 -- 57.2 39.3 +17.9
FOX News 1/15 - 1/18 1006 RV 57 39 +18
Gallup 1/15 - 1/18 1500 A 58 38 +20
Economist/YouGov 1/14 - 1/17 1078 RV 54 42 +12
Reuters/Ipsos 1/13 - 1/17 2070 A 56 41 +15
CBS News 1/13 - 1/16 1257 A 62 36 +26
Rasmussen Reports 1/12 - 1/16 1500 LV 62 38 +24
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 1005 A 60 38 +22
CNN/ORC 1/12 - 1/15 1000 A 60 39 +21
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 1/12 - 1/15 1000 A 56 40 +16
Monmouth 1/12 - 1/15 708 RV 54 40 +14
Quinnipiac 1/5 - 1/9 899 RV 55 39 +16
Pew Research 1/4 - 1/9 1502 A 55 40 +15
IBD/TIPP 1/3 - 1/9 904 A 55 41 +14
All President Obama Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 5/21 - 6/11 -- 39.0 55.5 -16.5
PPP (D) 6/9 - 6/11 811 RV 41 52 -11
Gallup 6/9 - 6/11 1500 A 36 59 -23
Rasmussen Reports 6/7 - 6/11 1500 LV 46 54 -8
Economist/YouGov 6/4 - 6/6 1288 RV 40 56 -16
Reuters/Ipsos 6/2 - 6/6 2371 A 38 58 -20
Quinnipiac 5/31 - 6/6 1361 RV 34 57 -23
IBD/TIPP 5/30 - 6/6 903 A 37 55 -18
FOX News 5/21 - 5/23 1011 RV 40 53 -13
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

I think that the fat senile old orange clown would give anything to have President Obama's approval ratings.
No, I think that Obama fatigue was a factor. It always is after 8 years. He did have some strange initiatives toward the end—the bathroom and gender identification stuff was crazy!

But overall, you’re correct. Hard to crack the top 5 presidents. He’s definitely in the top 10 though.
What did he do you think is top ten? Let's see your list and how it measures top ten against the other 43. Not some lame bullshit. Show me ten ways he made us better off when he got in office.

Ten is a long list. I doubt you could come up with as many for your top 10. But I will tell you what qualifies him...in my view

  1. Extended healthcare to about 10% of the population at a time when medical costs were the #1 cause of personal bankruptcy.
  2. Got us out of wars we could not win in Afghanistan and Iraq
  3. Elevated environmental concerns to the national level by declaring the science as being settled on the matter. While this was, of course, reversed by the current administration...the science is settled and there will be no going back.
  4. Refocused war on terror into decapitation exercises that removed most of the top leaders such as Osama Bin Laden.
  5. As much as any other president, served as a personal symbol of accomplishment, integrity, and yes, equality. Only a fool would pretend that there was no racially based hatred coming his way from day one. It was just another current he had to row against.
1- While increasing the cost for 100% of the people. Nice job.
Insurance rates go up all the time; always have always will. Obama didn't invent that. For most Americans who get their insurance through their employer, they only saw the standard yearly increase.

So, are premiums “skyrocketing”? Overall, no. But some individuals who buy their own insurance could face significantly higher rates, depending on their health status, previous plan and other factors. Other individuals — particularly those with health conditions and those who qualify for subsidies — could pay less.
'Skyrocketing' Premiums - FactCheck.org

Uh..YES THEY ARE as a matter of fact. Not everyone is on the government tit like you. If Obamacare is so great...why is it crumbling already?

2- Still there, also now in Syria and will have to deal with a nuclear Iran soon. Again, nice job.
Again, we're not sending men and women by the thousands into the meat grinder. I disagreed with us going into Syria.
Should we go to war in Syria?
Mr Indecisive changes Syria plan 50 times
It's a war of choice and like Iraq and Afghanistan, there is no win to be had there. Iran will get the bomb at some point. Mr. Obama delayed them from doing so.
Please tell us, would you still have troops on the ground in the ME? If so, to what end? And be specific...not "until the job is done".

Wait until we have to put boots in North Kprea, China and Russia at the same time thanks to Obama's limp wristed sissy ass kissing.

3- Are we going back to the ice age I was promised 40 years ago or the flooding of five years ago that never came. Which one of those sciences are settled?
That the climate is being adversely affected by Humans. Today it was Hotter in Chicago than it was in most of Texas. Philadelphia is closing it's schools at noon tomorrow because of the record heat.
Philadelphia Schools Closing TOMORROW - Bing News

And heat waves have been occurring for millions of years....along with Ice Ages. Fail.

4- Yeah, nice job once again. It's not like muslims aren't blowing shit up or anything. We got this.
Yeah, nobody ever blew anything up before Obama. I was hoping you'd be serious about this.
But while we're on the subject, Al Queda and it's sophisticated attacks (2 embassies in Africa within minutes of each other with truck bombs), 9/11, etc... are pretty much a thing of the past for the time being at least. ISIS uses the same tactics that NRA poster kids Kleibold, Harris, and rising star Lanza did.

Only a complete moron would compare the terror that ISIS has inflicted on tens of thousands compared to the few committed by the two you mentiond. You are comparing a holocaust to several isolated murders by a very few idiots. What's WRONG with you?!?!

5- heis black. Ok got that. How does that make him less of a failure?
Using the word failure shows only how uninformed you are. That you set the bar so high for success is simply a factor of you didn't like him as a person. That is all. Whether it was racism or not is a matter for your heart alone. I'm guessing it is. Otherwise you wouldn't have set the bar so incredibly high.

Yada yada yada.....what the HELL is he talking about?

6-10- I guess ten was too many.

Again, give us 10 "out of the park" reasons for one of your top ten presidents if you don't mind.
I enjoyed setting the record straight.

And waste another minute I think not.

Clearly, you have nothing else to do except wait for your next round of what I'm sure are powerful medications.
False premise . Obama was one of the best prez in decades . His approval rating was fine .

It was congress that America hated. So they voted in Trump as an FU to both Dems and GOP . Remember Trump is more of a 3rd party guy . He was never some GOP darling . Still isn't .

No, I think that Obama fatigue was a factor. It always is after 8 years. He did have some strange initiatives toward the end—the bathroom and gender identification stuff was crazy!

But overall, you’re correct. Hard to crack the top 5 presidents. He’s definitely in the top 10 though.
What did he do you think is top ten? Let's see your list and how it measures top ten against the other 43. Not some lame bullshit. Show me ten ways he made us better off when he got in office.

Ten is a long list. I doubt you could come up with as many for your top 10. But I will tell you what qualifies him...in my view

  1. Extended healthcare to about 10% of the population at a time when medical costs were the #1 cause of personal bankruptcy.
  2. Got us out of wars we could not win in Afghanistan and Iraq
  3. Elevated environmental concerns to the national level by declaring the science as being settled on the matter. While this was, of course, reversed by the current administration...the science is settled and there will be no going back.
  4. Refocused war on terror into decapitation exercises that removed most of the top leaders such as Osama Bin Laden.
  5. As much as any other president, served as a personal symbol of accomplishment, integrity, and yes, equality. Only a fool would pretend that there was no racially based hatred coming his way from day one. It was just another current he had to row against.
1- While increasing the cost for 100% of the people. Nice job.
Insurance rates go up all the time; always have always will. Obama didn't invent that. For most Americans who get their insurance through their employer, they only saw the standard yearly increase.

So, are premiums “skyrocketing”? Overall, no. But some individuals who buy their own insurance could face significantly higher rates, depending on their health status, previous plan and other factors. Other individuals — particularly those with health conditions and those who qualify for subsidies — could pay less.
'Skyrocketing' Premiums - FactCheck.org

2- Still there, also now in Syria and will have to deal with a nuclear Iran soon. Again, nice job.
Again, we're not sending men and women by the thousands into the meat grinder. I disagreed with us going into Syria.
Should we go to war in Syria?
Mr Indecisive changes Syria plan 50 times
It's a war of choice and like Iraq and Afghanistan, there is no win to be had there. Iran will get the bomb at some point. Mr. Obama delayed them from doing so.
Please tell us, would you still have troops on the ground in the ME? If so, to what end? And be specific...not "until the job is done".

3- Are we going back to the ice age I was promised 40 years ago or the flooding of five years ago that never came. Which one of those sciences are settled?
That the climate is being adversely affected by Humans. Today it was Hotter in Chicago than it was in most of Texas. Philadelphia is closing it's schools at noon tomorrow because of the record heat.
Philadelphia Schools Closing TOMORROW - Bing News

4- Yeah, nice job once again. It's not like muslims aren't blowing shit up or anything. We got this.
Yeah, nobody ever blew anything up before Obama. I was hoping you'd be serious about this.
But while we're on the subject, Al Queda and it's sophisticated attacks (2 embassies in Africa within minutes of each other with truck bombs), 9/11, etc... are pretty much a thing of the past for the time being at least. ISIS uses the same tactics that NRA poster kids Kleibold, Harris, and rising star Lanza did.

5- heis black. Ok got that. How does that make him less of a failure?
Using the word failure shows only how uninformed you are. That you set the bar so high for success is simply a factor of you didn't like him as a person. That is all. Whether it was racism or not is a matter for your heart alone. I'm guessing it is. Otherwise you wouldn't have set the bar so incredibly high.

6-10- I guess ten was too many.

Again, give us 10 "out of the park" reasons for one of your top ten presidents if you don't mind.

I enjoyed setting the record straight.

As predicted...you have nothing.

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