Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
BLM is funded by Democrats. You need to cleanse your party of commies.

Seriously. I would actually consider Democrats if there were not 10 commies for every ACTUAL liberal in the party.
but don't democrats hate black people??

Why would they fund a group claiming to value the lives of black people?? in fact, they go so far as to say that black lives matter

Shouldn't Democrats, being the racists they are fund groups who oppose the concept of black lives mattering? You know, like the groups you support
Because the group gives not one single fuck about "black people."

It's a communist, rabble-rouser organization, ACCORDING TO THE FOUNDER HERSELF!!!

Like I said, I may actually consider becoming a Democrat if it were not OVERRUN by communist/marxist twats, and was full of ACTUAL liberals (which I am).

What happened to that party? For the love of chupacabra taint.
Chupacabra is one thing..Chupacabra taint is another. o_O
I am running out of creative ways to express the true level of my complete exasperation with these commie chameleons pretending they are not commies.

Commie Chameleon, Boy George is singing your song.

Commie Commie Commie Commie
Commie Chameleon


Still waiting for one of you cucks to talk about the policies......not your personality flaws...
If BLM has their way, eventually capitalism would be destroyed, therefore America will be destroyed.
In addition, BLM will likely eventually become more militant, and eventually will not be much different than the KKK.
If, by your own account, they're heading towards KKK status, then how. the heck. can they. be. currently worse?!???
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
BLM is funded by Democrats. You need to cleanse your party of commies.

Seriously. I would actually consider Democrats if there were not 10 commies for every ACTUAL liberal in the party.
but don't democrats hate black people??

Why would they fund a group claiming to value the lives of black people?? in fact, they go so far as to say that black lives matter

Shouldn't Democrats, being the racists they are fund groups who oppose the concept of black lives mattering? You know, like the groups you support
Because the group gives not one single fuck about "black people."

It's a communist, rabble-rouser organization, ACCORDING TO THE FOUNDER HERSELF!!!

Like I said, I may actually consider becoming a Democrat if it were not OVERRUN by communist/marxist twats, and was full of ACTUAL liberals (which I am).

What happened to that party? For the love of chupacabra taint.
Chupacabra is one thing..Chupacabra taint is another. o_O
I am running out of creative ways to express the true level of my complete exasperation with these commie chameleons pretending they are not commies.

Commie Chameleon, Boy George is singing your song.

Commie Commie Commie Commie
Commie Chameleon


Still waiting for one of you cucks to talk about the policies......not your personality flaws...

They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Maybe they aren't hung up on BLM as much as they are against violence, desecration of historical statues and
racism. We are a country where laws used to matter and we had order in the streets. If they were protesting peacefully, that would be fine. But that is not the case.

But while we are in the topic protesting, why is Floyd the poster boy for violence when black on black murders top 300 this year? Is that not something that should be discussed and protested?
Yes, the hardcore Left puts a great deal of effort into ignoring black on black crime because it's not politically expedient.

Just like Trumpsters put a great deal of effort into denying, downplaying and dismissing the white racism that still exists.

As I say all the time, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

You can't be serious that the murder rate on black- black murders are similar in ANY way to white on white murders, thus showing racism on the part of whites.
Mac1958, are you planning on answering my question concerning tangible examples and/or solutions for your statement about ignoring "Black on black crime?"
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
BLM is funded by Democrats. You need to cleanse your party of commies.

Seriously. I would actually consider Democrats if there were not 10 commies for every ACTUAL liberal in the party.
but don't democrats hate black people??

Why would they fund a group claiming to value the lives of black people?? in fact, they go so far as to say that black lives matter

Shouldn't Democrats, being the racists they are fund groups who oppose the concept of black lives mattering? You know, like the groups you support
Because the group gives not one single fuck about "black people."

It's a communist, rabble-rouser organization, ACCORDING TO THE FOUNDER HERSELF!!!

Like I said, I may actually consider becoming a Democrat if it were not OVERRUN by communist/marxist twats, and was full of ACTUAL liberals (which I am).

What happened to that party? For the love of chupacabra taint.
Chupacabra is one thing..Chupacabra taint is another. o_O
I am running out of creative ways to express the true level of my complete exasperation with these commie chameleons pretending they are not commies.

Commie Chameleon, Boy George is singing your song.

Commie Commie Commie Commie
Commie Chameleon


Still waiting for one of you cucks to talk about the policies......not your personality flaws...


I'd deflect too if I were you.......

Now here is something that makes you mad for real....Solidarity....
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.
You asked, I answered.
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.
You asked, I answered.
I asked for specific things that were not being done. Have you come up with anything yet?
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.
What leaders held you accountable??

Most black folks do this without anyone telling them to....but this respectability politics game is a cop out in my opinion...

Because despite the fact that this young man came from a two-parent household, was a good student and great kid -- it didn't stop him from being shot in the head by a cop who didn't give a fuck about him or his background....

I often ask so-called black conservatives what about America's past are they trying to conserve or return back to?

I ask these folks who are so enthused to see black people "hold themselves accountable" -- how does that translate into policy? Would all black people behaving in the way you approve of translate to better policies?? if so, how long do black folks need to "behave how you tell them" before it results in better policies??

How long did white folks have to behave in order for them to be respected??
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.
You asked, I answered.
I asked for specific things that were not being done. Have you come up with anything yet?
I just did.

Never mind. You win. Don't do a thing.
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.
You asked, I answered.
I asked for specific things that were not being done. Have you come up with anything yet?
I just did.

Never mind. You win. Don't do a thing.
Theres not one thing you mentioned that Blacks have not already done.

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