Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists?

Maybe if people on the right had some talent, they'd be able to get into the Entertainment industry.
Don't you mean if the sleep with Harvey?

Harvey's out of the picture. Been a while. Where've you been? And if you were trying to crack wise, that was a no talent joke.
Trump's in the entertainment business and is no liberal. He just spews out his lying and ignorant crap and the trumpbots lick it up and swallow it like ice cream.
Trump's in the entertainment business and is no liberal. He just spews out his lying and ignorant crap and the trumpbots lick it up and swallow it like ice cream.

Yea, Trump is not a good politician, and any other person would have wilted under the daily attacks that he is under.
The Democrats seem to have very little self awareness about how awful that they look in mainstream voter's eyes.
They have manufactured race riots, politicized Corona19, they impeached without a crime, they used our own government to instigate a failed coup, Obama was the first president to abuse his power in the transfer of the presidency.
Now they are attempting to use mass voter fraud to steal the 2020 election.
And, they have a growing radical left inside their party.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?

@ LH, it's called narcissism. The Entertainment crowd views themselves as elite. The reason they find harbor in the statist left is the elitists KNOW that the rank & file statist left is powered by GROUPTHINK & will follow & idolize their self appointed leaders(elitists) as gods. P)ower & C)ontrol{PC}. Simple my dear Watson!

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