Why are Republicans terrified of free and fair elections?

being naive and stupid on voting is not anyone else's problem but the person who is too naive and stupid. To blame another for one's own failures is truly stupid. If an adult can't figure out how to get an ID card, then that person is too naive and stupid to participate in our elections, because they will have no idea what is what, cause they can't utilize the systems available.
What's up with all the voter suppression and dirty tricks that Republicans are using to keep certain people from voting? I haven't heard of even one report of Democrats engaging in voter suppression and dirty tricks.

What do you think? Are you ashamed? Do you think this is fair? Constitutional?

Your State-by-State Guide to GOP Voter Suppression

Combatting GOP Voter Suppression Tactics

Republicans rigged our democracy. Here's how Democrats can fight back | David Faris

The Republican Party Emerges From Decades of Court Supervision - The Atlantic

North Carolina is the epicenter of the fight over voting rights ahead of the midterms

Hey Jack Ass....

It's you libtards that Cheat....

Just ask Crazy Bernie.....

How come you are against voter ID laws?

We all know it's because you want to cheat....

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT...……...

If you knew the facts behind your questions - you wouldn't be asking such stupid questions.

You are full of SHIT

and we all know you want to cheat...…..
What's up with all the voter suppression and dirty tricks that Republicans are using to keep certain people from voting? I haven't heard of even one report of Democrats engaging in voter suppression and dirty tricks.

What do you think? Are you ashamed? Do you think this is fair? Constitutional?

Your State-by-State Guide to GOP Voter Suppression

Combatting GOP Voter Suppression Tactics

Republicans rigged our democracy. Here's how Democrats can fight back | David Faris

The Republican Party Emerges From Decades of Court Supervision - The Atlantic

North Carolina is the epicenter of the fight over voting rights ahead of the midterms
What do you mean by "free" elections? Commies illegals from goose-stepping shitholes get to sneak in and show up at the polls?

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