Why are more blacks killed by cops?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
What do most people do when stopped by the police and are asked to get out of the car for example?
Generally most people obey. The raise their arms and comply with the police requests.

Why? Maybe it's because more people that obey have come from two parent families... i.e. where the
father figure in most families is the authority figure. Someone that was the person who I like most American males were told by their mothers..."Just wait till your Dad gets home"! One of the most frightening statements
to grow up with.

Proof that blacks grow up with single parent and no male authority figure...from a black economist..
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters [75%] of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. (Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")

24,718,000 Total single parent
9,466,000 Non-hispanic white
6,590,000 Hispanic
6,509,000 Black
669,000 Asian
355,000 American Indian
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center
I've seen countless videos were the black jackass was doing everything he could to get shot.
I'm a white male....

The police scare the shit out of me!

I consider every cop I encounter to be a paranoid homicidal maniac with gun and a license to kill.

So I comply and try to keep them calm.

It has nothing to do with my upbringing. It's because I've known several police officers and know what their attitude is.
I'm a white male....

The police scare the shit out of me!

I consider every cop I encounter to be a paranoid homicidal maniac with gun and a license to kill.

So I comply and try to keep them calm.

It has nothing to do with my upbringing. It's because I've known several police officers and know what their attitude is.
One of them showed up at my door smoking weed.
African Americans have had a built in lack of respect for authority ingrained into them by race pimps and black activists.....this creates a bad attitude and situation when confronted by law enforcement....
African Americans have had a built in lack of respect for authority ingrained into them by race pimps and black activists.....this creates a bad attitude and situation when confronted by law enforcement....
And many other people as well.
I'm a white male....

The police scare the shit out of me!

I consider every cop I encounter to be a paranoid homicidal maniac with gun and a license to kill.

So I comply and try to keep them calm.

It has nothing to do with my upbringing. It's because I've known several police officers and know what their attitude is.

Whatever floats your boat. But you didn't say if you grew up in a single parent family.
Also you are white and so the Thread topic doesn't apply to you.
Because of the statistical FACT that Crybaby-Americans commit more violent crime than all other races in America put together! And there doesn't exist a race which gets more violent with cops (which naturally has a bad ending) Despite being only13% of the population. It really is just that simple.
What do most people do when stopped by the police and are asked to get out of the car for example?
Generally most people obey. The raise their arms and comply with the police requests.

Why? Maybe it's because more people that obey have come from two parent families... i.e. where the
father figure in most families is the authority figure. Someone that was the person who I like most American males were told by their mothers..."Just wait till your Dad gets home"! One of the most frightening statements
to grow up with.

Proof that blacks grow up with single parent and no male authority figure...from a black economist..
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters [75%] of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. (Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")

24,718,000 Total single parent
9,466,000 Non-hispanic white
6,590,000 Hispanic
6,509,000 Black
669,000 Asian
355,000 American Indian
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

They aren't.......

White cops are no likelier to shoot dead African-Americans than black ones are

IN 2016 Roland Fryer, an economist, published a controversial paper. Having analysed thousands of police reports from ten American cities he found that police showed racial bias in all forms of force against African-Americans, except one: the use of guns. While blacks were more likely to be tasered, hit with a baton and generally roughed up, when it came to being shot by police they were in no more danger than whites.

When he did a more detailed analysis of one city, Houston in Texas, he found whites there were in more danger of being shot by a cop than blacks.


But this week, a nationwide study was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that supports Mr Fryer’s finding. Researchers from the University of Maryland and Michigan State University studied lists of fatal shootings compiled by the Washington Post and the Guardian and contacted every police department involved in the shootings, to ask them about the race of every officer involved. The resulting database has information on the race of police officers and civilians from more than 900 fatal shootings in 2015.

The researchers found that white police officers were no more likely to shoot minority citizens than non-white officers were. If anything, black police were more likely to kill black civilians, because police tend to be drawn from the communities they work in. The best predictor of the race of killed civilians, they found, was the rate of violent crime in the place they lived.

In areas with high rates of violent crime by African-Americans, police were more likely to shoot dead a black person. In areas in which white people committed more crimes, police were more likely to shoot white people.

What do most people do when stopped by the police and are asked to get out of the car for example?
Generally most people obey. The raise their arms and comply with the police requests.

Why? Maybe it's because more people that obey have come from two parent families... i.e. where the
father figure in most families is the authority figure. Someone that was the person who I like most American males were told by their mothers..."Just wait till your Dad gets home"! One of the most frightening statements
to grow up with.

Proof that blacks grow up with single parent and no male authority figure...from a black economist..
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters [75%] of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. (Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")

24,718,000 Total single parent
9,466,000 Non-hispanic white
6,590,000 Hispanic
6,509,000 Black
669,000 Asian
355,000 American Indian
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

They aren't.......

White cops are no likelier to shoot dead African-Americans than black ones are

IN 2016 Roland Fryer, an economist, published a controversial paper. Having analysed thousands of police reports from ten American cities he found that police showed racial bias in all forms of force against African-Americans, except one: the use of guns. While blacks were more likely to be tasered, hit with a baton and generally roughed up, when it came to being shot by police they were in no more danger than whites.

When he did a more detailed analysis of one city, Houston in Texas, he found whites there were in more danger of being shot by a cop than blacks.


But this week, a nationwide study was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that supports Mr Fryer’s finding. Researchers from the University of Maryland and Michigan State University studied lists of fatal shootings compiled by the Washington Post and the Guardian and contacted every police department involved in the shootings, to ask them about the race of every officer involved. The resulting database has information on the race of police officers and civilians from more than 900 fatal shootings in 2015.

The researchers found that white police officers were no more likely to shoot minority citizens than non-white officers were. If anything, black police were more likely to kill black civilians, because police tend to be drawn from the communities they work in. The best predictor of the race of killed civilians, they found, was the rate of violent crime in the place they lived.

In areas with high rates of violent crime by African-Americans, police were more likely to shoot dead a black person. In areas in which white people committed more crimes, police were more likely to shoot white people.

They aren't WHAT????
I didn't make any racial distinction other than single parent households are in more black households!
Don't believe ... prove me wrong.. with quote from my post...where I identified more blacks shot by cops.
I'm a white male....

The police scare the shit out of me!

I consider every cop I encounter to be a paranoid homicidal maniac with gun and a license to kill.

So I comply and try to keep them calm.

It has nothing to do with my upbringing. It's because I've known several police officers and know what their attitude is.

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