Why are leftists so obsessed with taking things from the American people?

It is typical for Nazi-language to dehumanize others. To call others "parasites" was very typical for them. This makes it more easy to kill "rats" and other "parasites" with poisened gas in concentration camps.

That’s sounds strangely like the lefts argument in support of legal abortion.

Fetus = Jews

Left =Nazi.

No one is trying to take gas stoves away. There are simply warning people that gas Stoves can call Certain health issues, Similar To 2nd hand smoke. And But offering to give people a tax credit for getting rid of their gas stoves, And replacing them with electric or induction stoves.
They are banning them and the move is getting popular. They are concerned about emissions.

Because they do very little now. They used to get hands on with problems and issues. Now they don't actually do much but want the perception they do things. They remind me of the boss we've al had at some point. The one that walks around with their hands in their pockets all day and tells everyone how much they do because they don't do anything but want everyone to think they do everything.

Guns for instance. Common theme is to ban guns. Well even if you got rid of every gun all of the nutballs and criminals are still here. The problem isn't fixed at all. Banning something is easier than actually solving the problem and going after the source.

They want all of the praise for doing none of the work.

I think it goes a little beyond that. It seems like they get joy from taking things away from people and making them miserable. Sure, you have to consider power and money, but their followers are the same exact way and they get nothing from taking these things.

I mean, what would compel me to support government taking your gas stove away from you? I just don't get it.
They are banning them and the move is getting popular. They are concerned about emissions.


How is the power generated for electric stoves?

Are they soon going to demand that we eat our food uncooked?

Look, there's a camel's nose poking in under the edge of the tent!

I always used a gas stove when I was younger. It cooks better, but after my son was born, I found out that the fumes from gas stoves could cause all sorts of health issues, especially in children, so I chose to get an induction stove instead.

I wouldn't support an outright ban on gas stoves, but they should definitely require that the manufacturers clearly warn their customers that there is a danger of certain health issues..

But they don't want to give us a choice. They want to make our choices for us. That's what's frightening.
I think it goes a little beyond that. It seems like they get joy from taking things away from people and making them miserable. Sure, you have to consider power and money, but their followers are the same exact way and they get nothing from taking these things.

I mean, what would compel me to support government taking your gas stove away from you? I just don't get it.

But they never take anything away from themselves. They demand the ability to have irresponsible sex and not be held to account for it.


Just no.

I think it goes a little beyond that. It seems like they get joy from taking things away from people and making them miserable. Sure, you have to consider power and money, but their followers are the same exact way and they get nothing from taking these things.

I mean, what would compel me to support government taking your gas stove away from you? I just don't get it.
The only wealthy people you see who support this Marxist trash, do so in the hopes of increasing their standing in the power structure. And their useful idiots in doing so, are by and large ne’er do well losers who hope that at the very least, since they are incapable of elevating themselves; that Marxism will at least drag their more successful peers down to their level…
But they don't want to give us a choice. They want to make our choices for us. That's what's frightening.
They want everything on the grid ultimately. This way they can control everything remotely without exposing themselves to retaliation. They want to be able to turn problematic people off, with the flip of a switch. Literally.
It's always been my contention that a leftist is not a true leftist unless they are making other people miserable. I still hold that stance. Leftists are by nature miserable people and there is no sense being miserable alone I guess.

In light of the gas stove issue, something also crossed my mind: leftists are always trying to take things away from American people.

Leftists want to take our guns, or at least make it near impossible to own one or have the legal authority to use it.
They want to take away our reliable cars and replace them with golf carts that couldn't possibly withstand the limitations of our grid.
They wanted to take away our police until outrage came from their likely constituents, the poor and people of color.
In the past they've tried to take away happy meals at McDonald's for kids.
Moochelle Obama took away tasty food in schools and replaced it with crap no normal kid would eat.
Her husband instituted his healthcare plan that took employer sponsored plans away from millions of American workers.
They made tobacco products so expensive many could not afford them any longer so they took that away as well.
In some Democrat led places they took away our plastic shopoping bags, suggesting we use dirty cloth bags to carry our groceries home in.
They've taken away our historic statues that stood the test of time for generations without problem.
And as I led with, now they floated the idea of taking away our natural gas stoves to cook with.

People on the right have said liberalism is a mental disease. I never subscribed to that, but what else would explain this obsession of taking things away from fellow Americans?

If you would like to add to the list, feel free to do so. These were just off the top of my head.
Like your SS and Medicare. Oh, that’s righties.
That’s sounds strangely like the lefts argument in support of legal abortion.

Fetus = Jews

Left =Nazi.


The Nazis had been a right wing movement. Specially they fought against all Socialists and Commies. The Nazis been against abortions in Germany and for abortions everywhere else.
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It's always been my contention that a leftist is not a true leftist unless they are making other people miserable. I still hold that stance. Leftists are by nature miserable people and there is no sense being miserable alone I guess.

In light of the gas stove issue, something also crossed my mind: leftists are always trying to take things away from American people.

Leftists want to take our guns, or at least make it near impossible to own one or have the legal authority to use it.
They want to take away our reliable cars and replace them with golf carts that couldn't possibly withstand the limitations of our grid.
They wanted to take away our police until outrage came from their likely constituents, the poor and people of color.
In the past they've tried to take away happy meals at McDonald's for kids.
Moochelle Obama took away tasty food in schools and replaced it with crap no normal kid would eat.
Her husband instituted his healthcare plan that took employer sponsored plans away from millions of American workers.
They made tobacco products so expensive many could not afford them any longer so they took that away as well.
In some Democrat led places they took away our plastic shopoping bags, suggesting we use dirty cloth bags to carry our groceries home in.
They've taken away our historic statues that stood the test of time for generations without problem.
And as I led with, now they floated the idea of taking away our natural gas stoves to cook with.

People on the right have said liberalism is a mental disease. I never subscribed to that, but what else would explain this obsession of taking things away from fellow Americans?

If you would like to add to the list, feel free to do so. These were just off the top of my head.
Have you noticed that almost none of the leftists in this forum have any sense of humor whatsoever? They are miserable, unhappy, people for the most part, don't contribute much to society and are resentful over the fact that they are worthless.

Instead of doing something that would actually give them a sense of self-worth, they simply latch on to the leftist demagoguery that reinforces the notion that they are victims, and it is all the fault of successful people.

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