Why are leftists so obsessed with taking things from the American people?

It's always been my contention that a leftist is not a true leftist unless they are making other people miserable. I still hold that stance. Leftists are by nature miserable people and there is no sense being miserable alone I guess.

In light of the gas stove issue, something also crossed my mind: leftists are always trying to take things away from American people.

Leftists want to take our guns, or at least make it near impossible to own one or have the legal authority to use it.
They want to take away our reliable cars and replace them with golf carts that couldn't possibly withstand the limitations of our grid.
They wanted to take away our police until outrage came from their likely constituents, the poor and people of color.
In the past they've tried to take away happy meals at McDonald's for kids.
Moochelle Obama took away tasty food in schools and replaced it with crap no normal kid would eat.
Her husband instituted his healthcare plan that took employer sponsored plans away from millions of American workers.
They made tobacco products so expensive many could not afford them any longer so they took that away as well.
In some Democrat led places they took away our plastic shopoping bags, suggesting we use dirty cloth bags to carry our groceries home in.
They've taken away our historic statues that stood the test of time for generations without problem.
And as I led with, now they floated the idea of taking away our natural gas stoves to cook with.

People on the right have said liberalism is a mental disease. I never subscribed to that, but what else would explain this obsession of taking things away from fellow Americans?

If you would like to add to the list, feel free to do so. These were just off the top of my head.
I’d say that liberals just want to make you personally miserable, but that’s impossible.

You just ARE miserable
And the left uses the same methodology to demonize the fetus. 🤦‍♂️

How to explain this to you now? Perhaps in this way: I have two wings. And I will not discuss now with you about the weird ideas of the republicans and the democrats of the USA in this context.

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we are going to take all 30 million of you red hat mother fuckers, drop you in nevada, then drop 50 nuclear bombs on you dumb mother fuckers. That is how much america hates you. and if you want to get personal, bring it motherfucker. I've got a big surprise for you as far as weapons are concerned.
Yeah, internet tough guy.
we are going to take all 30 million of you red hat mother fuckers, drop you in nevada, then drop 50 nuclear bombs on you dumb mother fuckers. That is how much america hates you. and if you want to get personal, bring it motherfucker. I've got a big surprise for you as far as weapons are concerned.
My goodness, what an erudite, well-reasoned posting filled with such political acumen that I defy anybody to refute it.
I’d say that liberals just want to make you personally miserable, but that’s impossible.

You just ARE miserable

Why, because I point out the truth? So far I have not seen a leftist here present a coherent counter point of view. Insults, generalities, generic answers, but no real argument against the OP.

The truth hurts, don't it?
Why, because I point out the truth? So far I have not seen a leftist here present a coherent counter point of view. Insults, generalities, generic answers, but no real argument against the OP.

The truth hurts, don't it?
I agree with the left when it come to tobacco because the damage it does to your body, children and those around you.

Do I believe a full ban on tobacco products is going to accomplish anything?

No, but taxing it will make it harder for people to buy it while controlling the farming, harvesting and creation of the product will make it harder for people.

Well, it defies translation anyway, so you wouldn't get it. Navajo is the same way.


How wonderful: We don't understand us in Japanese and Navajo. But what about to try to speak in German with me? I'm quite sure it is more easy to translate a Japanese thought into the German language. We have rules for everything and nothing in our language and about 50% are anyway exceptions from this rules.

I agree with the left when it come to tobacco because the damage it does to your body, children and those around you.

Do I believe a full ban on tobacco products is going to accomplish anything?

No, but taxing it will make it harder for people to buy it while controlling the farming, harvesting and creation of the product will make it harder for people.

Is that why you think our founders created a federal government, to control people by making it harder to obtain products they want?

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