Why are FOX news ratings so high?

FOX News has high ratings because they have quality reporters who do good solid journalism.Let me be clear when I say reporters I mean just that people like Chris Wallace, Bret Bair James Rosen, Carl Cameron, Ed Henry, Jennifer Griffen.

You're referring there to the actual news segments. That's not what sells. Prime time is what sells, and that is devoted to commentary.

And you left out Shepard Smith. Any particular reason?
No real reason I felt I had made my point besides Smith I also could have listed Greta Van Ssusteren and Shannon Bream. As for prime time here the 5,6,7,8,and 9 pm shows are Special Report with Bret Bair, On the Record with Greta, O'Reilly Factor, Megyn Kellys the Kelly file, and Hannity. The only one I consider to be just truly partisan talking points is Hannity.

The Factor is my fave, but lately Bill has gone too soft in ways he didn't used to be, so I tune into Hannity, also. I don't watch him when he has panels on, however. I don't care for programs that encourage more than one person speaking at the same time, unless briefly.

Bill, IMO, is trying too hard to please his liberal base and I feel it is disingenuous ( hate that overused word ) I feel Bill is being pressured to do this, but who knows. I know that Bill has the best program for my needs and he is the most masterful of all the anchors. He packs much variety into one hour. I like his guests.

I also know that Fox News Channel has the best breaking news of the day, and that Fox Business Network also has the best breaking financial news of the day. I like hard news channels. I trust Fox! Go Roger Ailes....you are one marketing genius.

Roger Ailes is also on Orwell Rolls In His Grave, talking about how saying "fair and balanced" constantly will make people ignore the lies. He is very clear in how they can get away with lying. He's on camera saying Glenn Beck should say people should look up and verify what he says because it will make people accept his lies.

Watch the documentary. Just watch it.

This quote from Roger Ailes sums it up:

"If two guys are on a stage and one guy says, 'I know how to bring peace to the Middle East" and the other guy falls into the orchestra pit, which one do you think is going to be on the evening news?"

Exactly. He knows the psychology and exploits it. That's why Murdoch hired him.
Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?
The GOP greatly benefits from the message purity resulting from having only one media network.

Is it good for individual Republicans?...that all depends on whether or not the individual Republican wants to win elections at all costs, or be exposed to a variety of effectively expressed views. Right now, anything but the latest GOP strategy is presented poorly by people who can't get work in the Democratic strategy marketplace anymore. Has been's like Doug Schoen, total failures like Pat Caddell, and never been's like Alan Colmbs.

There are real dangers intellectually in trusting news sources like Fox News, MSNBC, the 1960's Pravda, or Nazi Propaganda from WWII, for obvious reasons.

But who am I to poopoo a Fox News viewer who watches Fox News for half the day, then spends the rest of thier day thinking that there are more Republicans than Democrats, and they've been right all along?
It's very simple why Fox has the best ratings. It's because Fox has more debate than all the other networks combined.
-- which further boils the whole stewpot of conflict on which it thrives. Their leftist-lite guests they let through the cracks serve a useful purpose, presenting a foil (a wafer-thin aluminum foil) through which the Sean Hannitys can poke pointed sticks. All of that generates conflict, with the audience's favorite team inevitably winning, which is what draws and keeps viewers. In that sense it's no different that WWE. They just dress differently .

GREAT synopsis and analysis....Colmes was used as a prop by Fox
Other than the fact that it reports the news. Seriously....get over it. I understand that Fox News can be wrong and full of bias but, news flash, so does every other news network in the history of the world. I applaud your scepticism towards a media outlet but why not apply that to every other media outlet in the world such as cnn , msnbc, etc etc. you can't tell me they are not bias at all considering every potential story that can damage Obama is never shown. Do you think that is a coincidence?

Since you didn't use the quote function, I don't know if you're referring to documentary I posted but ...

This isn't really so much about Fox's record of 18% factual stories and 82% lies or that their programming is controlled by a Muslim. What really matters more is that we have seen the end of US journalism. I wonder if people understand that at one time, we could actually trust journalists to tell us the truth. Handing control of US news over to foreign interests and allowing mega-corporations to own more than one media has made it possible for big money to make the news instead of reporting it.

Right or left, Repub or Dem, this should scare the shit out of all of us.

Instead, we have an entire political party controlling the minds of the rabid right.
In all seriousness...have you actually tried to watch CNN?
It should be called Commercials Nonstop Network.
There are literally more commercials than news.
LOL...that might be one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard. You teapers are pathetic. CNN and FNC are basically on the SAME CLOCK! On top of that, FNC uses hard breaks controlled by a computer, so no matter what is happening...they wll be forced to go to break at a certain time.

:lol: You teapers try so fucking hard...it is pathetic.

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