Why are FOX news ratings so high?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?
Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?

Since Fox has gained prominence, Repubs have lost the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 presidential elections. I think it's an echo chamber that blinds them to any idea other than what Fox suggests.
Fox actually has good accurate reporting.

MSNBC spouts Liberal talking points. That's why their ratings are tanking.

Get over the fact that a whole lot of people think the Liberals' garbage isn't worth listening to.
Maybe it's the same reason Jerry Springer gets such high ratings.
Viewers are bored suckers...

I have been reading about "FOX NEWS" on messageboards for years. -----
what is the obsession all about? -------

The obsession is that the left can't stand anyone opposing their agenda.....and Fox cable news actually has real conservatives on their shows and they are allowed to explain their views and opinions....they also have as many left wingers on to express their views and opinions, but the left can't have anyone who disagrees with them have an outlet to speak....

That is also why you find conservative speakers being kept off college campuses....
Fox is truthful in only 18% of their stories. Wing nuts know this and yet they keep going back for more.

Fox is not a news network. Legally, they are an "entertainment" network. The wingnuts know that too.

Fox's ratings are not nearly as high as the wingnuts believe. They look ONLY at cable ratings and think that represents the entire population.

The funniest part of the whole Fox scam is that the very people who say they hate Muslims get their news from one. And they know that too.
Maybe it's the same reason Jerry Springer gets such high ratings.
Viewers are bored suckers...

I have been reading about "FOX NEWS" on messageboards for years. -----
what is the obsession all about? -------

The obsession is that the left can't stand anyone opposing their agenda.....and Fox cable news actually has real conservatives on their shows and they are allowed to explain their views and opinions....they also have as many left wingers on to express their views and opinions, but the left can't have anyone who disagrees with them have an outlet to speak....

That is also why you find conservative speakers being kept off college campuses....
I don't watch any..If I need a biased story there are plenty around...
Funny....leftists could watch their news channels as much as they want and easily beat fox....perhaps Fox is so successful because they provide something to all viewers.......since Fox beats the other networks easily.....it isn't even close...
Maybe it's the same reason Jerry Springer gets such high ratings.
Viewers are bored suckers...

I have been reading about "FOX NEWS" on messageboards for years. -----
what is the obsession all about? -------

The obsession is that the left can't stand anyone opposing their agenda.....and Fox cable news actually has real conservatives on their shows and they are allowed to explain their views and opinions....they also have as many left wingers on to express their views and opinions, but the left can't have anyone who disagrees with them have an outlet to speak....

That is also why you find conservative speakers being kept off college campuses....
Even secular colleges? What did they do wrong?
Fox actually has good accurate reporting.

MSNBC spouts Liberal talking points. That's why their ratings are tanking.

Get over the fact that a whole lot of people think the Liberals' garbage isn't worth listening to.

when I was a kid-----long ago----it was the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS---
that was the object of mockery------a kind of conservative ----written for
persons with a fifth grade reading level-----tabloid. But even so ----it did
not excite people so much as "fox news" as an object of mockery.
so things moved from "where did you get that from...the daily news"?
to------"you are a fox news idiot..."--------reader's digest was also an object of
of mockery "where did you learn that ----from the reader's digest...????
Funny....leftists could watch their news channels as much as they want and easily beat fox....perhaps Fox is so successful because they provide something to all viewers.......since Fox beats the other networks easily.....it isn't even close...
Well you guys love your Muslim owned media...You must be Muslim sympathizers...

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