Whose Side Are They On?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Criminals, Illegals, enemies of America.
That's whose side the Democrat Party is on.

They want criminals out of prison, or at least to be able to vote for 'em in prison.
They entice illegal aliens into the country, and then the President tells 'em to go and vote.
They want millions of refugees who abide by a doctrine that is the antithesis of the Constitution.

Here are some interesting stats to remember when the Leftists whine about 'mass incarceration.'

1.”The U.S. does have a very large prison population—not because too many innocent people are incarcerated, but because too many people commit serious—usually violent—crimes. With rare exceptions, that’s why most people are imprisoned in America. Period.

2. …start with those convicted of drug offenses, the source of so much of the “mass incarceration” myth. While it’s true that about half of federal prisoners are incarcerated on drug charges, federal inmates constitute only about 12% of the American prison population. Almost nine of every ten prison inmates are in state facilities. And very few of them—less than 15%—are there for drug-related offenses.

3. Four times that number are behind bars for one of the following serious crimes:

Rape or sexual assault—13%


Aggravated or simple assault—11%

And burglary—9%

In short, violent criminals make up the clear majority of the state prison population. What’s more, drug offenders who do end up in prison don’t actually serve very much time—almost half are released within a year.

4. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, almost 40% of released state prisoners served less than a year in prison. Even 20% of murderers and nearly 60% of those convicted of rape or sexual assault served less than five years of their sentences in prison.

5. …plea bargaining. Most prosecutions never go to court. Instead, a deal is made between the defendant’s attorney and the prosecutor to avoid going to trial. These negotiations often involve the offender agreeing to plead guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence, or dropping or downgrading the most serious charges. As a result, a prisoner’s conviction record often understates the crime that landed him behind bars in the first place.

6. Studies done by the Justice Department show that only about 40% of felony convictions lead to a prison sentence. Yes, many are given probation, sentenced to home confinement, or given credit for time served in pretrial detention. But most of the time, convicted criminals don’t go to prison.

7. …the left-leaning Brennan Center have called for an immediate 40% reduction in the number of inmates. CNN host Van Jones, founder of the #Cut50 initiative, tops that. He wants a 50% reduction. A January 2017 University of Chicago Crime Lab study found that, on average, someone arrested for a homicide or shooting in that city had nearly 12 prior arrests. Almost 20% had more than 20.

If we cut prison rolls by 20, 40 or 50%, it won’t be politicians and media celebrities living in gated communities who will pay the price; it will be the law-abiding citizens in underserved neighborhoods struggling to get ahead who will pay."
Why Are So Many Americans in Prison?
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In a similar vein of "who's side are they on", I have I thread in "General Discussion" on reducing personal purchases from China and it amazes me how many on the left support China.

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
I agree 100%. I deleted that post. Didn't want to derail a well written thread on a very important and interesting topic with an off topic first post. :redface:
In a similar vein of "who's side are they on", I have I thread in "General Discussion" on reducing personal purchases from China and it amazes me how many on the left support China.

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
I agree 100%. I deleted that post. Didn't want to derail a well written thread on a very important topic with an off topic first post. :redface:

Never worry about that....I'm always fine with any post.

November's election will tell whether America continues or is to be consigned to the ash heap of history.
They want criminals out of prison, or at least to be able to vote for 'em in prison.
You are an inveterate liar.

The liar is you..

For the millionth time Democrats are letting illegals to vote in local elections from California to Illinois

Its called the overton rule.

Make something abnormal to normal, like gay marriage
Its called the overton rule.
The Overton Rule states that entry of any molecule into a cell is governed by its lipid solubility.

Come again you needle dick?

The Overton Window is an approach to identifying the ideas that define the spectrum of acceptability of governmental policies. Politicians can only act within the acceptable range. Shifting the Overton Window involves proponents of policies outside the window persuading the public to expand the window.

Wikipedia › wiki › Overton_window
Overton window - Wikipedia
They entice illegal aliens into the country, and then the President tells 'em to go and vote.
I see you are perpetuating the same lie on a new thread. Sad.

The transcript.

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential
in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election.

What magic?
I know my shit

Of course you know what you're talking about ... you used the word "rule" like this is set in stone ... clever ...

Now you've been called on that, it quickly changes to "window" ... and this is conjecture based on conjecture ... can't even use standard distribution ... add that factor in and all this says is politicians speak to only 95% of the voters ... if that ... okay, no duh ...

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