Who's Who in the Bible

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
I don't usually do religion but some of you may want to discuss this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TZo08ZlRg]Who's Who in the Bible: Basic Anglo-Israel-Identity Message - YouTube[/ame]
Beats out American Idol in the ratings...
‘The Bible’ tops ‘American Idol’ in Nielsen ratings
Tuesday, March 5, 2013 - In the latest television ratings, the Bible is hot and aspiring pop stars are not.
The History network’s first installment of the miniseries “The Bible” aired twice Sunday, for a total audience of 14.8 million people — topping both of last week’s episodes of “American Idol.” “The Bible,” produced by the husband-and-wife team of “Survivor” creator Mark Burnett and actress Roma Downey (“Touched By an Angel”), will air in four more installments concluding March 31, Easter Sunday.

“The Bible” appears to be a hit along the lines of History’s “Hatfields & McCoys” miniseries last spring. Mostly due to curiosity about the series, History’s website had its most visited day ever on Sunday, said Nancy Dubuc, president of entertainment and media for the A&E networks.

“Clearly, the passion for this project has resonated with our viewers and across the nation,” Ms. Dubuc said. “We are thrilled, and the story is only just beginning.” Meanwhile, both of last week’s episodes of “American Idol” had the smallest audiences — 13.3 million viewers on on Wednesday, 12.6 million Thursday — since the series joined Fox’s regular schedule more than a decade ago, the Nielsen company said.

Read more: 'The Bible' tops 'American Idol' in Nielsen ratings - Washington Times
I don't usually do religion but some of you may want to discuss this.

Who's Who in the Bible: Basic Anglo-Israel-Identity Message - YouTube
Hey, waddaya know! I heard ol' Peterbreath Pet Peters preach at St Peters in Petersburg, Va. on St Peters Day during St Peters Fiesta in 1956. Another of them Jew hatin' sonsabitches.

Really? Where does he say that?
LaPorte Church of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He's just a bigot pretending to be a Christian: the 'doctrine' he preaches is heretical.

Look up 'British Israelism' and 'Christian Identity': that should tell you all about it.

The 'we are the Ten Lost Tribes and the Jews are only Judah' is pure crap. It's another one of those "theories" dreamed up by Victorians with too much time on their hands .......true science has completely debunked this idiocy, but the Luddite fear and anger against Science runs very strong among the 'true belivers' (Hoffer's definition)

This kind of "theology" is strictly for the crowd who can 'prove' their beliefs are fact (LOL!)
Right here in the site's 'mission statement': it's part of their "doctrine" which is NO PART of mainstream Christian teachings (so far as I'm aware, having asked numerous pastors of many denominations as well as lay leaders in various Churches):

http://www.sfaw.org/about.html <- Web page for their 'online ministry'......

&#8226;We believe that there exists today a people chosen by God who are the physical seed of Abraham, Genesis 17:1-6, and that this people is to be a light to the world and a force against evil. Likewise, we believe that there exists today a people described in the Scripture as anti-Christs, 1 John 2:22, who are children of darkness, hindering the Kingdom of Christ, while outwardly appearing righteous, Matthew 23. Thus, we believe that there exists today a struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness. "

It's ALL in the interpretation. They insist that 'Anglo-Saxons' (Aryans) are the *physical* descendants of Abraham in the writing above.......and c&#8226;We believe that there exists today a people chosen by God who are the physical seed of Abraham, Genesis 17:1-6, and that this people is to be a light to the world and a force against evil. Likewise, we believe that there exists today a people described in the Scripture as anti-Christs, 1 John 2:22, who are children of darkness, hindering the Kingdom of Christ, while outwardly appearing righteous, Matthew 23. Thus, we believe that there exists today a struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness.

It's all in the interpretation. They insist that "Anglo-Saxons" are the people who are the physical descendants of Abraham - and can't you guess who is that other "people" in the writing above???
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Right here in the site's 'mission statement': it's part of their "doctrine" which is NO PART of mainstream Christian teachings (so far as I'm aware, having asked numerous pastors of many denominations as well as lay leaders in various Churches):

Untitled Document <- Web page for their 'online ministry'......

•We believe that there exists today a people chosen by God who are the physical seed of Abraham, Genesis 17:1-6, and that this people is to be a light to the world and a force against evil. Likewise, we believe that there exists today a people described in the Scripture as anti-Christs, 1 John 2:22, who are children of darkness, hindering the Kingdom of Christ, while outwardly appearing righteous, Matthew 23. Thus, we believe that there exists today a struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness. "

It's ALL in the interpretation. They insist that 'Anglo-Saxons' (Aryans) are the *physical* descendants of Abraham in the writing above.......and c•We believe that there exists today a people chosen by God who are the physical seed of Abraham, Genesis 17:1-6, and that this people is to be a light to the world and a force against evil. Likewise, we believe that there exists today a people described in the Scripture as anti-Christs, 1 John 2:22, who are children of darkness, hindering the Kingdom of Christ, while outwardly appearing righteous, Matthew 23. Thus, we believe that there exists today a struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness.

It's all in the interpretation. They insist that "Anglo-Saxons" are the people who are the physical descendants of Abraham - and can't you guess who is that other "people" in the writing above???

You are putting words in his mouth he did not say.The only place Anglo Saxon comes up is in describing the audience of this particular Ministry. It seems to be a Mainstream Christian Ministry. I have heard a lot of Christians speak about multiple Anti Christs and Anti Christ types, and certainly nothing unusual in this Church speaking about Christians being in a spiritual battle. I am in a Beth Moore Bible Study on The Book of Daniel right now, and we are discussing how each generation has an Anti Christ. Not that I believe all being taught in this Bible Study, I do not, but the ideas in my bible study are simply one view of End Times Eshaetology, one view of many, as the author of the bible study herself points out as she urges us to read about other views, too.
Right here in the site's 'mission statement': it's part of their "doctrine" which is NO PART of mainstream Christian teachings (so far as I'm aware, having asked numerous pastors of many denominations as well as lay leaders in various Churches):

Untitled Document <- Web page for their 'online ministry'......

•We believe that there exists today a people chosen by God who are the physical seed of Abraham, Genesis 17:1-6, and that this people is to be a light to the world and a force against evil. Likewise, we believe that there exists today a people described in the Scripture as anti-Christs, 1 John 2:22, who are children of darkness, hindering the Kingdom of Christ, while outwardly appearing righteous, Matthew 23. Thus, we believe that there exists today a struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness. "

It's ALL in the interpretation. They insist that 'Anglo-Saxons' (Aryans) are the *physical* descendants of Abraham in the writing above.......and c•We believe that there exists today a people chosen by God who are the physical seed of Abraham, Genesis 17:1-6, and that this people is to be a light to the world and a force against evil. Likewise, we believe that there exists today a people described in the Scripture as anti-Christs, 1 John 2:22, who are children of darkness, hindering the Kingdom of Christ, while outwardly appearing righteous, Matthew 23. Thus, we believe that there exists today a struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness.

It's all in the interpretation. They insist that "Anglo-Saxons" are the people who are the physical descendants of Abraham - and can't you guess who is that other "people" in the writing above???

You are putting words in his mouth he did not say.The only place Anglo Saxon comes up is in describing the audience of this particular Ministry. It seems to be a Mainstream Christian Ministry. I have heard a lot of Christians speak about multiple Anti Christs and Anti Christ types, and certainly nothing unusual in this Church speaking about Christians being in a spiritual battle. I am in a Beth Moore Bible Study on The Book of Daniel right now, and we are discussing how each generation has an Anti Christ. Not that I believe all being taught in this Bible Study, I do not, but the ideas in my bible study are simply one view of End Times Eshaetology, one view of many, as the author of the bible study herself points out as she urges us to read about other views, too.

I might be wrong in not being more concerned about some of the things I am seeing, people buying guns, growing mistrust of government. But empires destroy themselves, often from inside. There is no reason I can see that is something we in the US are going to avoid. When it comes, I will see it as God's Justice.
Anglo-saxons, like countless other people, are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. So are the Native Americans and countless other people. In these last days, All of the House of Israel will be gathered from the four corners of the earth. And any who lack direct descendancy from Israel will be adopted and grafted into the House of Israel.

The problems he runs into is 1) His conclusion that since he is a member of the House of Israel (if he is) that means he is saved and somehow better than others (which is completely untrue. Being chosen doesn't mean you're better. It just means you are called to serve). 2) That there are people who are evil simply because of their lineage. (The scriptures are clear that those who are not naturally born of the House of Israel can and will be joined with Israel in the last day through adoption.
Anglo-saxons, like countless other people, are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. So are the Native Americans and countless other people. In these last days, All of the House of Israel will be gathered from the four corners of the earth. And any who lack direct descendancy from Israel will be adopted and grafted into the House of Israel.

The problems he runs into is 1) His conclusion that since he is a member of the House of Israel (if he is) that means he is saved and somehow better than others (which is completely untrue. Being chosen doesn't mean you're better. It just means you are called to serve). 2) That there are people who are evil simply because of their lineage. (The scriptures are clear that those who are not naturally born of the House of Israel can and will be joined with Israel in the last day through adoption.

That was *exactly* my point, Avatar. "Who is who" has NEVER been so important to the LORD as 'how one lives' - and I am certain that is true no matter *which* religion one may be........

The whole idea that 'lineage' is of great importance is countered by many Christian Scriptures - as it ALSO is by Jewish Scripture (Book of Ruth!).
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0Vjv-eEUTw]What Happened To The 12 Tribes Of Israel? - YouTube[/ame]
I don't usually do religion but some of you may want to discuss this.

Who's Who in the Bible: Basic Anglo-Israel-Identity Message - YouTube
Hey, waddaya know! I heard ol' Peterbreath Pet Peters preach at St Peters in Petersburg, Va. on St Peters Day during St Peters Fiesta in 1956. Another of them Jew hatin' sonsabitches.

Really? Where does he say that?
You Pali supporters navigate to hate sites like flies to shit.
The video is a crock. But 'tis only to be expected from people desiring to prove that the Jews are not the Jews and they are.

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