Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Right I don't believe any of that. Hamas was voted in to get what is rightfully Palestinians back. I believe they have every right. Israel started this battle with the teens and the ground invasion, searching homes , stealing money and arresting over 400 people, if the cops did that in the US we'd fight back too.

Of course you don't believe it because your another jew like hater GP Hitler who would love to see every Isreali dead.

Isreali is a small country surrounded by enemies. Enemies that have been using those tunnels Hamas built. They fire rockets and mortars from civilian areas. Of course the Isreali's bomb the hell out of em. You can bet Hamas doesn't give shit one about those civilians. Neither should Isreal. Kill em all and let their Allah sort em out works quite well for Hamas.

Hamas was voted in to power because they have made the statement many times they they want all jews dead. The Palestinians voted them in and are getting just what they voted for. Death. You get bet those peace loving Palestinians feel the same way Hamas does.

Always need to bring hitler or holocaust or Nazi up in pro Israel debates. Hitler was not alone in his fear of Jews , no one wanted the Jews. I think we are learning why.

I think we should buy a Iron Dome for Palestine, then we can see what a fake it is.

Those deaths are on Israel's hands, they killed them, they are the aggressors, they are the ones who bombed whole buildings not caring who was in them, the innocent bloodshed in on Israel. Israel has to quit blaming everyone else for their inhuman behavior.

You obviously have you head tucked firmly between your butt cheeks.

Israel dropped leaflets warning of stepped up attacks and requesting them to evacuate.

You sir/madam are retarded.

Palestinians Flee Gaza After Israel Drops Warning Leaflets

What does those have to do with anything, were bombing your house so leave. Israel had no right to enter gaza in the first place to look for those teens, which I suspect was a false flag. They obviously could not get away far enough, even if hurt the hospitals were not safe, nor the schools or un shelters. or even mosques.
Israel knew within 24 hours all three teens were dead; it waited 18 days to release that information. During that time, Israel arrested, and re-arrested hundreds of Hamas members who had nothing to do with the kidnapping/murders. Israel bulldozed dozens of Palestinian homes and made "memorial" plans for creating yet another illegal Jew-only settlement on occupied Arab land. Israel will never voluntarily stop stealing all the land and water of Palestine until it is subjected to the same kind of sanctions that apartheid South Africa experienced a generation ago or the sanctions Iran lives with today.
So asks the paper or record which is always ready to advance the cause of Jewish colonization of Palestine:

"Serving Israel’s aim of lowering civilian deaths, ‘New York Times’ Gaza tally says 15- to 17-year-old’s aren’t children."

What's the cut-off age for determining when Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine murders children?

Does anyone remember the ages of the three West Bank teens whose kidnapping and murders allegedly incited Protective Edge

When 'NYT' tallies Gaza toll, 15-year-old's are men
Its the fault of those parents. You know the ones that voted Hamas into power. Blame them for the civilian deaths. They voted their killers into power.

If Hamas didn't build tunnels, thirty nine of em, lob rockets and send suicide bombesr to Isreal there would be peace.

Those fucking idiots voted Hamas into power. A Hamas who has stated catagorically that their aim is to kill every jew in Isreal. They are getting exactly what they voted for. Death.

Right I don't believe any of that. Hamas was voted in to get what is rightfully Palestinians back. I believe they have every right. Israel started this battle with the teens and the ground invasion, searching homes , stealing money and arresting over 400 people, if the cops did that in the US we'd fight back too.

Of course you don't believe it because your another jew like hater GP Hitler who would love to see every Isreali dead.

Isreali is a small country surrounded by enemies. Enemies that have been using those tunnels Hamas built. They fire rockets and mortars from civilian areas. Of course the Isreali's bomb the hell out of em. You can bet Hamas doesn't give shit one about those civilians. Neither should Isreal. Kill em all and let their Allah sort em out works quite well for Hamas.

Hamas was voted in to power because they have made the statement many times they they want all jews dead. The Palestinians voted them in and are getting just what they voted for. Death. You get bet those peace loving Palestinians feel the same way Hamas does.

OH yes call me a Jew hater like Hitler, no I'd like to see Israel not make so many enemies as their rotten behavior affects the US. When are you jews going to quit hiding behind the words hitler, Nazi and holocaust , to defend your inhuman behavior?
So asks the paper or record which is always ready to advance the cause of Jewish colonization of Palestine:

"Serving Israel’s aim of lowering civilian deaths, ‘New York Times’ Gaza tally says 15- to 17-year-old’s aren’t children."

What's the cut-off age for determining when Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine murders children?

Does anyone remember the ages of the three West Bank teens whose kidnapping and murders allegedly incited Protective Edge

When 'NYT' tallies Gaza toll, 15-year-old's are men

I think YOU'RE responsible for all the Jew hating. :D
So asks the paper or record which is always ready to advance the cause of Jewish colonization of Palestine:

"Serving Israel’s aim of lowering civilian deaths, ‘New York Times’ Gaza tally says 15- to 17-year-old’s aren’t children."

What's the cut-off age for determining when Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine murders children?

Does anyone remember the ages of the three West Bank teens whose kidnapping and murders allegedly incited Protective Edge

When 'NYT' tallies Gaza toll, 15-year-old's are men

I think YOU'RE responsible for all the Jew hating. :D
WHINE to YOUR rabbi.
Maybe you'll get some Gaza beachfront for Hanukkah:eek:
So asks the paper or record which is always ready to advance the cause of Jewish colonization of Palestine:

"Serving Israel’s aim of lowering civilian deaths, ‘New York Times’ Gaza tally says 15- to 17-year-old’s aren’t children."

What's the cut-off age for determining when Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine murders children?

Does anyone remember the ages of the three West Bank teens whose kidnapping and murders allegedly incited Protective Edge

When 'NYT' tallies Gaza toll, 15-year-old's are men

Stop the bullshit nitwit. Stop firing rockets into Israel and if Israel then continues killing Palestinians when they aren't firing rockets or sending over suicide bomber then we'll get on Israel's case. But as long as the suicide bombers and the rockets fly, nobody is going to give a flying fuck about your Gazans!
So asks the paper or record which is always ready to advance the cause of Jewish colonization of Palestine:

"Serving Israel’s aim of lowering civilian deaths, ‘New York Times’ Gaza tally says 15- to 17-year-old’s aren’t children."

What's the cut-off age for determining when Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine murders children?

Does anyone remember the ages of the three West Bank teens whose kidnapping and murders allegedly incited Protective Edge

When 'NYT' tallies Gaza toll, 15-year-old's are men

Stop the bullshit nitwit. Stop firing rockets into Israel and if Israel then continues killing Palestinians when they aren't firing rockets or sending over suicide bomber then we'll get on Israel's case. But as long as the suicide bombers and the rockets fly, nobody is going to give a flying fuck about your Gazans!
Not the retarded simpletons like yourself, Golda, but others are clear on facts like Israel, as an occupying power has no legitimate legal or moral claim to self-defense. Those who aren't kosher cum chuggers noticed how it was Israel that provoked Hamas into firing rockets after the three teen-aged illegal squatters were offed on the West Bank. Remember how your people knew within hours the teens were dead but lied to the world for the next two weeks while working your racist Jewish population in Israel into a blind rage? Remember Operation Brother's Keeper and how lying Jews sent the mothers of the dead teens to the UNHRC to raise international awareness?

Fuck you and your foreskin and your baby killing tribe.
Greedy Jews want all the land of Palestine for THEMSELVES. and they don't care how they get it.
You're just too fucking stupid to care:lol:


CNN Poll: Majority of Americans side with Israel in Gaza fighting ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
From the Clinton News Network, no less.
Stop the bullshit nitwit. Stop firing rockets into Israel and if Israel then continues killing Palestinians when they aren't firing rockets or sending over suicide bomber then we'll get on Israel's case. But as long as the suicide bombers and the rockets fly, nobody is going to give a flying fuck about your Gazans!
Not the retarded simpletons like yourself, Golda, but others are clear on facts like Israel, as an occupying power has no legitimate legal or moral claim to self-defense. Those who aren't kosher cum chuggers noticed how it was Israel that provoked Hamas into firing rockets after the three teen-aged illegal squatters were offed on the West Bank. Remember how your people knew within hours the teens were dead but lied to the world for the next two weeks while working your racist Jewish population in Israel into a blind rage? Remember Operation Brother's Keeper and how lying Jews sent the mothers of the dead teens to the UNHRC to raise international awareness?

Fuck you and your foreskin and your baby killing tribe.
Greedy Jews want all the land of Palestine for THEMSELVES. and they don't care how they get it.
You're just too fucking stupid to care:lol:


CNN Poll: Majority of Americans side with Israel in Gaza fighting ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
From the Clinton News Network, no less.
The same dumb fucks who thought there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
There are now.
What's your next trick?
IS in Tripoli?
Not the retarded simpletons like yourself, Golda, but others are clear on facts like Israel, as an occupying power has no legitimate legal or moral claim to self-defense. Those who aren't kosher cum chuggers noticed how it was Israel that provoked Hamas into firing rockets after the three teen-aged illegal squatters were offed on the West Bank. Remember how your people knew within hours the teens were dead but lied to the world for the next two weeks while working your racist Jewish population in Israel into a blind rage? Remember Operation Brother's Keeper and how lying Jews sent the mothers of the dead teens to the UNHRC to raise international awareness?

Fuck you and your foreskin and your baby killing tribe.
Greedy Jews want all the land of Palestine for THEMSELVES. and they don't care how they get it.
You're just too fucking stupid to care:lol:


CNN Poll: Majority of Americans side with Israel in Gaza fighting ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
From the Clinton News Network, no less.
The same dumb fucks who thought there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
There are now.
What's your next trick?
IS in Tripoli?
It proves your statement false that the masses are on the Gazan's side when they are actually on Israel's side.
Have the Palestinians brought the people who killed those Israeli teens to trial yet? Whats the hold up? Is justice not important to palestinians?
The same dumb fucks who thought there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
There are now.
What's your next trick?
IS in Tripoli?
It proves your statement false that the masses are on the Gazan's side when they are actually on Israel's side.
Masses of Americans, you mean?
The same masses of Americans who believed Iraq harbored al-Qa'ida and WMD in 2003?
Americans are fed a steady diet of Israeli PR and propaganda and that's why they back Israel.

"There is a reason for this enhancement of the PR skills of Israeli spokesmen. Going by what they say, the playbook they are using is a professional, well-researched and confidential study on how to influence the media and public opinion in America and Europe.

"Written by the expert Republican pollster and political strategist Dr Frank Luntz, the study was commissioned five years ago by a group called The Israel Project, with offices in the US and Israel, for use by those 'who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel'.

"Every one of the 112 pages in the booklet is marked 'not for distribution or publication' and it is easy to see why.

"The Luntz report, officially entitled 'The Israel project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary, was leaked almost immediately to Newsweek Online, but its true importance has seldom been appreciated.

"It should be required reading for everybody, especially journalists, interested in any aspect of Israeli policy because of its 'dos and don'ts' for Israeli spokesmen."

Israel-Gaza conflict: The secret report that helps Israelis to hide facts - Comment - Voices - The Independent
The same dumb fucks who thought there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
There are now.
What's your next trick?
IS in Tripoli?
It proves your statement false that the masses are on the Gazan's side when they are actually on Israel's side.
Masses of Americans, you mean?
The same masses of Americans who believed Iraq harbored al-Qa'ida and WMD in 2003?
Americans are fed a steady diet of Israeli PR and propaganda and that's why they back Israel.

"There is a reason for this enhancement of the PR skills of Israeli spokesmen. Going by what they say, the playbook they are using is a professional, well-researched and confidential study on how to influence the media and public opinion in America and Europe.

"Written by the expert Republican pollster and political strategist Dr Frank Luntz, the study was commissioned five years ago by a group called The Israel Project, with offices in the US and Israel, for use by those 'who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel'.

"Every one of the 112 pages in the booklet is marked 'not for distribution or publication' and it is easy to see why.

"The Luntz report, officially entitled 'The Israel project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary, was leaked almost immediately to Newsweek Online, but its true importance has seldom been appreciated.

"It should be required reading for everybody, especially journalists, interested in any aspect of Israeli policy because of its 'dos and don'ts' for Israeli spokesmen."

Israel-Gaza conflict: The secret report that helps Israelis to hide facts - Comment - Voices - The Independent

Your right, those polls are null and void. I love when reading about WWII, its the Germans killed so many Jews, not so many Jews died in WWII. Small differences in the wording makes a huge difference in meaning.
Yanno, Penelope - if you'd just make your posts in actual English, it'd be easier to figure out what you're lying about.

Are you a dyslexic?
It proves your statement false that the masses are on the Gazan's side when they are actually on Israel's side.
Masses of Americans, you mean?
The same masses of Americans who believed Iraq harbored al-Qa'ida and WMD in 2003?
Americans are fed a steady diet of Israeli PR and propaganda and that's why they back Israel.

"There is a reason for this enhancement of the PR skills of Israeli spokesmen. Going by what they say, the playbook they are using is a professional, well-researched and confidential study on how to influence the media and public opinion in America and Europe.

"Written by the expert Republican pollster and political strategist Dr Frank Luntz, the study was commissioned five years ago by a group called The Israel Project, with offices in the US and Israel, for use by those 'who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel'.

"Every one of the 112 pages in the booklet is marked 'not for distribution or publication' and it is easy to see why.

"The Luntz report, officially entitled 'The Israel project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary, was leaked almost immediately to Newsweek Online, but its true importance has seldom been appreciated.

"It should be required reading for everybody, especially journalists, interested in any aspect of Israeli policy because of its 'dos and don'ts' for Israeli spokesmen."

Israel-Gaza conflict: The secret report that helps Israelis to hide facts - Comment - Voices - The Independent

Your right, those polls are null and void. I love when reading about WWII, its the Germans killed so many Jews, not so many Jews died in WWII. Small differences in the wording makes a huge difference in meaning.
Had the US remained neutral in World War I, I suspect World War II would never have happened. President Wilson should have stuck with "Peace without Victory."

Maybe the same slogan would apply in Palestine today?
Thanks, coward georgie, for acknowledging that you've been attempting to wage a propaganda war against Israel. Admittedly, your efforts are about as effective as HAMAS rocket fire is at murdering Israelis....

It seems your life just hasn't been very effective since that fateful day when you deserted......
Yanno, Penelope - if you'd just make your posts in actual English, it'd be easier to figure out what you're lying about.

Are you a dyslexic?
No but you must be.

The German killed 200 Jews is not the same as

200 Jews died in the WWII.

I notice it all the time in the writings of the Jewish WWII story, when we know most of them died due to starvation and disease.
Yanno, Penelope - if you'd just make your posts in actual English, it'd be easier to figure out what you're lying about.

Are you a dyslexic?
No but you must be.

The German killed 200 Jews is not the same as

200 Jews died in the WWII.

I notice it all the time in the writings of the Jewish WWII story, when we know most of them died due to starvation and disease.

Then you are even more stupid than I thought.

At least, if not more that, 6,000,000 jews were murdered by the Nazi regime (1933-1945). End of story. It is historical fact.

I refuse to deal with Jew-haters like you anymore. You fucking idiots sprout out of the woodwork and you are not worth the time of day.

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