Who's not "Racist"?

Sadly it's an example of the typical left wing bigoted attempt to keep the racist pot simmering. There is a lot of hatred out there on the left especially directed at Fox. There is no evidence offered that Fox decided to shut down comments because of racism. Like most of the junk offered by the left these days the post relies on some unknown blog site in this case called "the reverb press" and some unknown editorialist named Paul Philips.
Sadly it's an example of the typical left wing bigoted attempt to keep the racist pot simmering. There is a lot of hatred out there on the left especially directed at Fox. There is no evidence offered that Fox decided to shut down comments because of racism. Like most of the junk offered by the left these days the post relies on some unknown blog site in this case called "the reverb press" and some unknown editorialist named Paul Philips.

Fox News Shuts Down Comments On Malia Obama Post When They Realize How Racist Their Readers Are (VIDEO)
A resident of Soweto, when moved to Wisconsin, would be a podiatrist. Bernie Sanders has more in common with a Chinese paddy farmer than a dachshund has in common with a poodle.

Race and racism are political constructs. Useful to those with political agendas, but not really much use beyond that.
A resident of Soweto, when moved to Wisconsin, would be a podiatrist. Bernie Sanders has more in common with a Chinese paddy farmer than a dachshund has in common with a poodle.

Race and racism are political constructs. Useful to those with political agendas, but not really much use beyond that.

Remember when joe Biden told the African Americans that Republicans would put them back in chains? That's a classical liberal and M e r t e x is no different. It is called race baiting.
And I see Asclepias doing his share of the provoking. Who is to say who was provoked first? Everyone can make the claim that their racist actions were provoked.

It's easy to see who is doing the provoking. All you have to do is go to the first response a member has made to another member. I don't initiate insults and name-calling, but the ones that do will always hide under the claim that I did it to them....ignoring the fact that they're the ones that started it. And lately, you can see all the butt hurt and anger...many conservatives on this Forum can't debate....all they know how to do is fire back with names and insults.
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
and i have said a few times here that YOU said you only use that term when responding to a blatant racist.....in post no 2 you said cave chimps responding to a non racist post....did you or did you not?.....so apparently you use it without responding to a racist....am i right?.....i have the music ready to go in case you want to dance again....
You've claimed a number of things but when pressed to provide evidence you always deflect. if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that. We all have seen you repeatedly fail to do so. Go ahead and dodge the task I have set for you. i know thats all you can do. :laugh:
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
It's easy to see who is doing the provoking. All you have to do is go to the first response a member has made to another member. I don't initiate insults and name-calling, but the ones that do will always hide under the claim that I did it to them....ignoring the fact that they're the ones that started it. And lately, you can see all the butt hurt and anger...many conservatives on this Forum can't debate....all they know how to do is fire back with names and insults.
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
and i have said a few times here that YOU said you only use that term when responding to a blatant racist.....in post no 2 you said cave chimps responding to a non racist post....did you or did you not?.....so apparently you use it without responding to a racist....am i right?.....i have the music ready to go in case you want to dance again....
You've claimed a number of things but when pressed to provide evidence you always deflect. if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that. We all have seen you repeatedly fail to do so. Go ahead and dodge the task I have set for you. i know thats all you can do. :laugh:
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).

I've seen plenty of provoking going his way, and I can understand getting tired of it and firing back....but the links I provided weren't not even directed at members of this forum. They were unprovoked comments coming from the person's own hatred for blacks. There's a big difference there.
And I see Asclepias doing his share of the provoking. Who is to say who was provoked first? Everyone can make the claim that their racist actions were provoked.

It's easy to see who is doing the provoking. All you have to do is go to the first response a member has made to another member. I don't initiate insults and name-calling, but the ones that do will always hide under the claim that I did it to them....ignoring the fact that they're the ones that started it. And lately, you can see all the butt hurt and anger...many conservatives on this Forum can't debate....all they know how to do is fire back with names and insults.
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
just like we don't need to explain ****** as being racist, we don't need to explain that cave chimp as racist...... well, not unless you are really stupid. I don't believe you are stupid. Once again you are being intentionally obtuse.
I've seen plenty of provoking going his way, and I can understand getting tired of it and firing back....but the links I provided weren't not even directed at members of this forum. They were unprovoked comments coming from the person's own hatred for blacks. There's a big difference there.
And I see Asclepias doing his share of the provoking. Who is to say who was provoked first? Everyone can make the claim that their racist actions were provoked.

It's easy to see who is doing the provoking. All you have to do is go to the first response a member has made to another member. I don't initiate insults and name-calling, but the ones that do will always hide under the claim that I did it to them....ignoring the fact that they're the ones that started it. And lately, you can see all the butt hurt and anger...many conservatives on this Forum can't debate....all they know how to do is fire back with names and insults.
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
just like we don't need to explain ****** as being racist, we don't need to explain that cave chimp as racist...... well, not unless you are really stupid. I don't believe you are stupid. Once again you are being intentionally obtuse.
Yes you do need to explain why you think its racist. Do you think you know my mind better than i do? i think your issue is that you were too dumb to ask what it meant and now youre embarrassed that you pulled out your jump to conclusions mat and fell on your ass.
Is this Asclepias person still trying to pretend that calling people cave chimps wasn't meant to be a racist insult? LOL
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
and i have said a few times here that YOU said you only use that term when responding to a blatant racist.....in post no 2 you said cave chimps responding to a non racist post....did you or did you not?.....so apparently you use it without responding to a racist....am i right?.....i have the music ready to go in case you want to dance again....
You've claimed a number of things but when pressed to provide evidence you always deflect. if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that. We all have seen you repeatedly fail to do so. Go ahead and dodge the task I have set for you. i know thats all you can do. :laugh:
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
asclepias yes or no.....did you tell me in this thread that you only call White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA cave chimps?....
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
and i have said a few times here that YOU said you only use that term when responding to a blatant racist.....in post no 2 you said cave chimps responding to a non racist post....did you or did you not?.....so apparently you use it without responding to a racist....am i right?.....i have the music ready to go in case you want to dance again....
You've claimed a number of things but when pressed to provide evidence you always deflect. if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that. We all have seen you repeatedly fail to do so. Go ahead and dodge the task I have set for you. i know thats all you can do. :laugh:
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
asclepias yes or no.....did you tell me in this thread that you only call White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA cave chimps?....
HD please post proof of your claim that i said i only call people cave chimps in response to blatant racism.
Is this Asclepias person still trying to pretend that calling people cave chimps wasn't meant to be a racist insult? LOL
he is also "claiming" he never uses that term unless,he is responding to a blatant racist.....but yet will not answer who was the racist he was responding too in his first post here..post no 2...the reason why?....because he is full of shit......
Is this Asclepias person still trying to pretend that calling people cave chimps wasn't meant to be a racist insult? LOL
he is also "claiming" he never uses that term unless,he is responding to a blatant racist.....but yet will not answer who was the racist he was responding too in his first post here..post no 2...the reason why?....because he is full of shit......
Where did i make the claim you are saying i made? :laugh:
and i have said a few times here that YOU said you only use that term when responding to a blatant racist.....in post no 2 you said cave chimps responding to a non racist post....did you or did you not?.....so apparently you use it without responding to a racist....am i right?.....i have the music ready to go in case you want to dance again....
You've claimed a number of things but when pressed to provide evidence you always deflect. if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that. We all have seen you repeatedly fail to do so. Go ahead and dodge the task I have set for you. i know thats all you can do. :laugh:
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
asclepias yes or no.....did you tell me in this thread that you only call White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA cave chimps?....
HD please post proof of your claim that i said i only call people cave chimps in response to blatant racism.
do you have short term memory problems?...if you do see a doctor....this right here is a quote from you....post no 68...."White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps"......white racists like tank who say blatantly racist.....and here is your screen shot

You've claimed a number of things but when pressed to provide evidence you always deflect. if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that. We all have seen you repeatedly fail to do so. Go ahead and dodge the task I have set for you. i know thats all you can do. :laugh:
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
asclepias yes or no.....did you tell me in this thread that you only call White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA cave chimps?....
HD please post proof of your claim that i said i only call people cave chimps in response to blatant racism.
do you have short term memory problems?...if you do see a doctor....this right here is a quote from you....post no 68...."White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps"......white racists like tank who say blatantly racist.....and here is your screen shot

View attachment 73875

That's gonna leave a mark.
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
asclepias yes or no.....did you tell me in this thread that you only call White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA cave chimps?....
HD please post proof of your claim that i said i only call people cave chimps in response to blatant racism.
do you have short term memory problems?...if you do see a doctor....this right here is a quote from you....post no 68...."White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps"......white racists like tank who say blatantly racist.....and here is your screen shot

View attachment 73875

That's gonna leave a mark.
it will just lead to yet another dance....watch....
You've claimed a number of things but when pressed to provide evidence you always deflect. if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that. We all have seen you repeatedly fail to do so. Go ahead and dodge the task I have set for you. i know thats all you can do. :laugh:
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
asclepias yes or no.....did you tell me in this thread that you only call White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA cave chimps?....
HD please post proof of your claim that i said i only call people cave chimps in response to blatant racism.
do you have short term memory problems?...if you do see a doctor....this right here is a quote from you....post no 68...."White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps"......white racists like tank who say blatantly racist.....and here is your screen shot

View attachment 73875

Post #68 says nothing even close to your claim. You claimed i said i only call people cave chimps in response to racism. Why cant you post a link to that?
if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that.
on geezus.....are you know saying you never said that?....you did it right here in this thread....you just like to argue.....like joe said....you are mr obtuse....here let me turn some music on so you can dance.....
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
asclepias yes or no.....did you tell me in this thread that you only call White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA cave chimps?....
HD please post proof of your claim that i said i only call people cave chimps in response to blatant racism.
do you have short term memory problems?...if you do see a doctor....this right here is a quote from you....post no 68...."White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps"......white racists like tank who say blatantly racist.....and here is your screen shot

View attachment 73875

That's gonna leave a mark.
It only leaves marks on those that cant read like you. You let HD make you look like the fool he is.
So why dont you quote or link to it instead of stalling?
asclepias yes or no.....did you tell me in this thread that you only call White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA cave chimps?....
HD please post proof of your claim that i said i only call people cave chimps in response to blatant racism.
do you have short term memory problems?...if you do see a doctor....this right here is a quote from you....post no 68...."White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps"......white racists like tank who say blatantly racist.....and here is your screen shot

View attachment 73875

That's gonna leave a mark.
it will just lead to yet another dance....watch....
I dont want to dance with you. I just want you to post proof of your claim that I said i only call people cave chimps in response to racism.

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