Who's not "Racist"?

Nice try, but the majority of racists exist in the Republican party. Try to dress it up anyway you want and point fingers....but the fact is that all those defending it here have not been able to post a single link where a lefty has made an unprovoked racist comment, but those on the right have and continue to make them. It's not the same, unless you are in denial.

You remain an idiot. There is no cure. I think perhaps you must be a racist, you dwell on racism.

Oooh.....you really can't handle the truth, can you. Really makes you angry....I can see the fire coming out of your nostrils. But, like most right-wingers, all you can do is hurl insults....you are never able to post a link to back up your nonsense.

Is calling someone a cave chimp racist? Yes or no?

Only if it refers to the person's race. Calling someone like Willow a moron is not racist....just fact.
"Cave chimp" in the context used does refer to the person's race (skin color).

If you say so. I've never heard that phrase used. But still........that is still "one person" ......go check this out:

USMB Racist Hall of Shame!!!
Another one that can't handle the truth? Pointing out the obvious doesn't make one a partisan hack....defending the obvious makes you more of a partisan hack.

I don't defend anything you partisan idiot.
Oh, and thanks for proving my other point...that conservatives are the first ones to hurl insults. And I know it is hard for you to figure it out, but you are here in this very forum defending the fact that Republicans are not more racist.

OBVIOUSLY there are racist dumbfucks on the right. Just as obviously there are racist dumb fucks on the left. That you want to pretend otherwise doesn't mean I'm defending anyone.
Apparently you haven't read all my posts. I agreed that there are racist people on both sides, but the majority are Republican. Not all Republicans are racist, but almost all racits are Republican. You even have your #1 Presidential candidate and his followers as proof.

So, besides being a partisan, we have now also determined that you are dishonest, and stupid.
You must be a real treasure to Trump. He loves the "uneducated" - and all you can do is hurl insults because you can't disprove what you are trying to disprove.

I always have a good day. Even when people in denial like you, try to ruin it. People like you don't bother me....they are inconsequential.

LOL you are ridiculous. What does Trump have to do with this thread? And this entire thread was nothing but one giant insult aimed at conservatives, so your bullshit about "I never start the insults " is just that, bullshit.

Grow up

How old are you? Cause you sound like an 11 year old having a tantrum.

I posted a link with my OP.....it wasn't fabricated. The fact that so many conservatives had to voice their ugly comments at a young black girl just because she is going to Harvard is just more proof of the hate that exists in your party. And why bring up Trump? Because he is your #1 Candidate.....and he represents the most vile hate and ugliness there could ever be....and he has tons of supporters who don't think he's racist comments and insults are bad. That alone should tell you something.....but since you are in such deep denial, you can't even see it.

So, go ahead and go have your hissy fit and meltdown somewhere else. Nobody invited you into this thread.

Really? You pick and choose who enters your threads? Wow! Such power.

Is that how you interpreted my comment? No wonder you have such anger....you misunderstand everything that is said.

I didn't send anyone a "personal invitation" to come to this thread....so if you don't like it, you don't have to be here.

There....does that make it clearer for you? How does that comment indicate that I have power and I choose who comes into my threads?

I'll wait for you to explain it.
well, Mertex is dismissed as a partisan hack.

Another one that can't handle the truth? Pointing out the obvious doesn't make one a partisan hack....defending the obvious makes you more of a partisan hack.

I don't defend anything you partisan idiot.
Oh, and thanks for proving my other point...that conservatives are the first ones to hurl insults. And I know it is hard for you to figure it out, but you are here in this very forum defending the fact that Republicans are not more racist.

OBVIOUSLY there are racist dumbfucks on the right. Just as obviously there are racist dumb fucks on the left. That you want to pretend otherwise doesn't mean I'm defending anyone.
Apparently you haven't read all my posts. I agreed that there are racist people on both sides, but the majority are Republican. Not all Republicans are racist, but almost all racits are Republican. You even have your #1 Presidential candidate and his followers as proof.

So, besides being a partisan, we have now also determined that you are dishonest, and stupid.
You must be a real treasure to Trump. He loves the "uneducated" - and all you can do is hurl insults because you can't disprove what you are trying to disprove.

I always have a good day. Even when people in denial like you, try to ruin it. People like you don't bother me....they are inconsequential.

LOL you are ridiculous. What does Trump have to do with this thread? And this entire thread was nothing but one giant insult aimed at conservatives, so your bullshit about "I never start the insults " is just that, bullshit.

Grow up

Quote! Not all Republicans are racist, but almost all racits are Republican. You even have your #1 Presidential candidate and his followers as proof.

You remain an idiot.

Again.....you are unable to refute it....so all you can do is hurl insults. Poor Willow.
I don't defend anything you partisan idiot.
Oh, and thanks for proving my other point...that conservatives are the first ones to hurl insults. And I know it is hard for you to figure it out, but you are here in this very forum defending the fact that Republicans are not more racist.

OBVIOUSLY there are racist dumbfucks on the right. Just as obviously there are racist dumb fucks on the left. That you want to pretend otherwise doesn't mean I'm defending anyone.
Apparently you haven't read all my posts. I agreed that there are racist people on both sides, but the majority are Republican. Not all Republicans are racist, but almost all racits are Republican. You even have your #1 Presidential candidate and his followers as proof.

So, besides being a partisan, we have now also determined that you are dishonest, and stupid.
You must be a real treasure to Trump. He loves the "uneducated" - and all you can do is hurl insults because you can't disprove what you are trying to disprove.

I always have a good day. Even when people in denial like you, try to ruin it. People like you don't bother me....they are inconsequential.

LOL you are ridiculous. What does Trump have to do with this thread? And this entire thread was nothing but one giant insult aimed at conservatives, so your bullshit about "I never start the insults " is just that, bullshit.

Grow up

How old are you? Cause you sound like an 11 year old having a tantrum.

I posted a link with my OP.....it wasn't fabricated. The fact that so many conservatives had to voice their ugly comments at a young black girl just because she is going to Harvard is just more proof of the hate that exists in your party. And why bring up Trump? Because he is your #1 Candidate.....and he represents the most vile hate and ugliness there could ever be....and he has tons of supporters who don't think he's racist comments and insults are bad. That alone should tell you something.....but since you are in such deep denial, you can't even see it.

So, go ahead and go have your hissy fit and meltdown somewhere else. Nobody invited you into this thread.

Really? You pick and choose who enters your threads? Wow! Such power.

Is that how you interpreted my comment? No wonder you have such anger....you misunderstand everything that is said.

I didn't send anyone a "personal invitation" to come to this thread....so if you don't like it, you don't have to be here.

There....does that make it clearer for you? How does that comment indicate that I have power and I choose who comes into my threads?

I'll wait for you to explain it.

So because he disagrees with you you leave an invitation for him to exit the thread, how sly.

So, go ahead and go have your hissy fit and meltdown somewhere else. Nobody invited you into this thread.
Oh, and thanks for proving my other point...that conservatives are the first ones to hurl insults. And I know it is hard for you to figure it out, but you are here in this very forum defending the fact that Republicans are not more racist.

Apparently you haven't read all my posts. I agreed that there are racist people on both sides, but the majority are Republican. Not all Republicans are racist, but almost all racits are Republican. You even have your #1 Presidential candidate and his followers as proof.

You must be a real treasure to Trump. He loves the "uneducated" - and all you can do is hurl insults because you can't disprove what you are trying to disprove.

I always have a good day. Even when people in denial like you, try to ruin it. People like you don't bother me....they are inconsequential.

LOL you are ridiculous. What does Trump have to do with this thread? And this entire thread was nothing but one giant insult aimed at conservatives, so your bullshit about "I never start the insults " is just that, bullshit.

Grow up

How old are you? Cause you sound like an 11 year old having a tantrum.

I posted a link with my OP.....it wasn't fabricated. The fact that so many conservatives had to voice their ugly comments at a young black girl just because she is going to Harvard is just more proof of the hate that exists in your party. And why bring up Trump? Because he is your #1 Candidate.....and he represents the most vile hate and ugliness there could ever be....and he has tons of supporters who don't think he's racist comments and insults are bad. That alone should tell you something.....but since you are in such deep denial, you can't even see it.

So, go ahead and go have your hissy fit and meltdown somewhere else. Nobody invited you into this thread.

Really? You pick and choose who enters your threads? Wow! Such power.

Is that how you interpreted my comment? No wonder you have such anger....you misunderstand everything that is said.

I didn't send anyone a "personal invitation" to come to this thread....so if you don't like it, you don't have to be here.

There....does that make it clearer for you? How does that comment indicate that I have power and I choose who comes into my threads?

I'll wait for you to explain it.

So because he disagrees with you you leave an invitation for him to exit the thread, how sly.

You really are dense, aren't you? Anybody that doesn't like my thread doesn't have to be here. I don't force anyone to be here....especially you, since you aren't able to contribute anything of substance.

So, you couldn't prove that my comment indicated that I had power and I choose who comes into my thread.....why am I not surprised. Poor Willow.

So, go ahead and go have your hissy fit and meltdown somewhere else. Nobody invited you into this thread.

That still doesn't prove that I have power and choose who comes into my thread.

If he is having a hissy fit and meltdown....he needs to go somewhere where it is restful and quiet....certainly not where he is being agitated by facts.
You remain an idiot. There is no cure. I think perhaps you must be a racist, you dwell on racism.

Oooh.....you really can't handle the truth, can you. Really makes you angry....I can see the fire coming out of your nostrils. But, like most right-wingers, all you can do is hurl insults....you are never able to post a link to back up your nonsense.

Is calling someone a cave chimp racist? Yes or no?

Only if it refers to the person's race. Calling someone like Willow a moron is not racist....just fact.
"Cave chimp" in the context used does refer to the person's race (skin color).

If you say so. I've never heard that phrase used. But still........that is still "one person" ......go check this out:

USMB Racist Hall of Shame!!!
If I say so....... Are you giving him the benefit of a doubt? In post # 239 you seem to agree that cave chimp is racist. Now you seem to be walking it back.
It has taken over 200 posts to this thread for you to even come close to admitting that "cave chimp" is racist. Perhaps you give those on the left a benefit of a doubt with their racism which you do not give to the right. Want to see racism on the left.... go to youtube and look up some of Al Sharpton's rants about Jews.

So, go ahead and go have your hissy fit and meltdown somewhere else. Nobody invited you into this thread.

That still doesn't prove that I have power and choose who comes into my thread.

If he is having a hissy fit and meltdown....he needs to go somewhere where it is restful and quiet....certainly not where he is being agitated by facts.

Poor mer Tex. Thwarted again. The hissy fit is yours because no one buys you broad rushing Republicans as racists. But hey! If that low level thinking floats your boat and makes you happy who are we to interfere.
Oooh.....you really can't handle the truth, can you. Really makes you angry....I can see the fire coming out of your nostrils. But, like most right-wingers, all you can do is hurl insults....you are never able to post a link to back up your nonsense.

Is calling someone a cave chimp racist? Yes or no?

Only if it refers to the person's race. Calling someone like Willow a moron is not racist....just fact.
"Cave chimp" in the context used does refer to the person's race (skin color).

If you say so. I've never heard that phrase used. But still........that is still "one person" ......go check this out:

USMB Racist Hall of Shame!!!
If I say so....... Are you giving him the benefit of a doubt? In post # 239 you seem to agree that cave chimp is racist. Now you seem to be walking it back.
It has taken over 200 posts to this thread for you to even come close to admitting that "cave chimp" is racist. Perhaps you give those on the left a benefit of a doubt with their racism which you do not give to the right. Want to see racism on the left.... go to youtube and look up some of Al Sharpton's rants about Jews.

In post #239....I didn't agree that it was a racist remark...I just agreed that if you insist it is I won't argue about it. I have never heard that comment and don't understand how it relates to race or the color of one's skin. To me cave chimp just means a monkey that doesn't get out much....kept isolated in a cave. How does that relate to anyone's race?

And, no, I don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt. You and poor Willow seem to have selective vision...you only see what you want to see. I have made it clear that I know there are racist people on the left. What is obvious is that there are "more" racist people on the right....especially when it comes to blacks. You name one poster on this Forum and one celebrity....when there are far more on the right that fit the bill.

The OP was just a sample of the racist hatred that exists in the Republican party. If you find an article that displays the same type of racial hatred from the left....be sure and let us know.
So you guys cant post a racist remark unprovoked from a lefty huh?
you have made plenty of them so maybe you should not bring it up....like the one you did in your first post...
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).

I've seen plenty of provoking going his way, and I can understand getting tired of it and firing back....but the links I provided weren't not even directed at members of this forum. They were unprovoked comments coming from the person's own hatred for blacks. There's a big difference there.
And I see Asclepias doing his share of the provoking. Who is to say who was provoked first? Everyone can make the claim that their racist actions were provoked.
I am to say. Again please point out what was racist about my post if you can.
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).

I've seen plenty of provoking going his way, and I can understand getting tired of it and firing back....but the links I provided weren't not even directed at members of this forum. They were unprovoked comments coming from the person's own hatred for blacks. There's a big difference there.
And I see Asclepias doing his share of the provoking. Who is to say who was provoked first? Everyone can make the claim that their racist actions were provoked.

It's easy to see who is doing the provoking. All you have to do is go to the first response a member has made to another member. I don't initiate insults and name-calling, but the ones that do will always hide under the claim that I did it to them....ignoring the fact that they're the ones that started it. And lately, you can see all the butt hurt and anger...many conservatives on this Forum can't debate....all they know how to do is fire back with names and insults.
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
Hard to take claims of racism from the left very seriously given their own racism.

Here's a hint you idiots. People are assholes, people make up ALL positions of the political spectrum, so assholes will exist on the left, on the right, in the middle , and well everywhere.

Nice try, but the majority of racists exist in the Republican party. Try to dress it up anyway you want and point fingers....but the fact is that all those defending it here have not been able to post a single link where a lefty has made an unprovoked racist comment, but those on the right have and continue to make them. It's not the same, unless you are in denial.

You remain an idiot. There is no cure. I think perhaps you must be a racist, you dwell on racism.

Oooh.....you really can't handle the truth, can you. Really makes you angry....I can see the fire coming out of your nostrils. But, like most right-wingers, all you can do is hurl insults....you are never able to post a link to back up your nonsense.

Is calling someone a cave chimp racist? Yes or no?
What is a cave chimp and who called someone a cave chimp?
I'm surprised you asked the pertinent question that indicates a little intellect. A cave chimp is a racist white person that obviously has a larger than normal percentage of neaderthal DNA. I call cave chimps by name all the time.
Nice try, but the majority of racists exist in the Republican party. Try to dress it up anyway you want and point fingers....but the fact is that all those defending it here have not been able to post a single link where a lefty has made an unprovoked racist comment, but those on the right have and continue to make them. It's not the same, unless you are in denial.

You remain an idiot. There is no cure. I think perhaps you must be a racist, you dwell on racism.

Oooh.....you really can't handle the truth, can you. Really makes you angry....I can see the fire coming out of your nostrils. But, like most right-wingers, all you can do is hurl insults....you are never able to post a link to back up your nonsense.

Is calling someone a cave chimp racist? Yes or no?

Only if it refers to the person's race. Calling someone like Willow a moron is not racist....just fact.
"Cave chimp" in the context used does refer to the person's race (skin color).
Who told you that?
Oooh.....you really can't handle the truth, can you. Really makes you angry....I can see the fire coming out of your nostrils. But, like most right-wingers, all you can do is hurl insults....you are never able to post a link to back up your nonsense.

Is calling someone a cave chimp racist? Yes or no?

Only if it refers to the person's race. Calling someone like Willow a moron is not racist....just fact.
"Cave chimp" in the context used does refer to the person's race (skin color).

If you say so. I've never heard that phrase used. But still........that is still "one person" ......go check this out:

USMB Racist Hall of Shame!!!
If I say so....... Are you giving him the benefit of a doubt? In post # 239 you seem to agree that cave chimp is racist. Now you seem to be walking it back.
It has taken over 200 posts to this thread for you to even come close to admitting that "cave chimp" is racist. Perhaps you give those on the left a benefit of a doubt with their racism which you do not give to the right. Want to see racism on the left.... go to youtube and look up some of Al Sharpton's rants about Jews.
If its racist why cant you point out whats racist about it?
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).

I've seen plenty of provoking going his way, and I can understand getting tired of it and firing back....but the links I provided weren't not even directed at members of this forum. They were unprovoked comments coming from the person's own hatred for blacks. There's a big difference there.
And I see Asclepias doing his share of the provoking. Who is to say who was provoked first? Everyone can make the claim that their racist actions were provoked.

It's easy to see who is doing the provoking. All you have to do is go to the first response a member has made to another member. I don't initiate insults and name-calling, but the ones that do will always hide under the claim that I did it to them....ignoring the fact that they're the ones that started it. And lately, you can see all the butt hurt and anger...many conservatives on this Forum can't debate....all they know how to do is fire back with names and insults.
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
and i have said a few times here that YOU said you only use that term when responding to a blatant racist.....in post no 2 you said cave chimps responding to a non racist post....did you or did you not?.....so apparently you use it without responding to a racist....am i right?.....i have the music ready to go in case you want to dance again....
I've seen plenty of provoking going his way, and I can understand getting tired of it and firing back....but the links I provided weren't not even directed at members of this forum. They were unprovoked comments coming from the person's own hatred for blacks. There's a big difference there.
And I see Asclepias doing his share of the provoking. Who is to say who was provoked first? Everyone can make the claim that their racist actions were provoked.

It's easy to see who is doing the provoking. All you have to do is go to the first response a member has made to another member. I don't initiate insults and name-calling, but the ones that do will always hide under the claim that I did it to them....ignoring the fact that they're the ones that started it. And lately, you can see all the butt hurt and anger...many conservatives on this Forum can't debate....all they know how to do is fire back with names and insults.
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
and i have said a few times here that YOU said you only use that term when responding to a blatant racist.....in post no 2 you said cave chimps responding to a non racist post....did you or did you not?.....so apparently you use it without responding to a racist....am i right?.....i have the music ready to go in case you want to dance again....
You've claimed a number of things but when pressed to provide evidence you always deflect. if i said i only use that term in response to a blatant racist you should be able to quote me saying that. We all have seen you repeatedly fail to do so. Go ahead and dodge the task I have set for you. i know thats all you can do. :laugh:
I've seen plenty of provoking going his way, and I can understand getting tired of it and firing back....but the links I provided weren't not even directed at members of this forum. They were unprovoked comments coming from the person's own hatred for blacks. There's a big difference there.
And I see Asclepias doing his share of the provoking. Who is to say who was provoked first? Everyone can make the claim that their racist actions were provoked.

It's easy to see who is doing the provoking. All you have to do is go to the first response a member has made to another member. I don't initiate insults and name-calling, but the ones that do will always hide under the claim that I did it to them....ignoring the fact that they're the ones that started it. And lately, you can see all the butt hurt and anger...many conservatives on this Forum can't debate....all they know how to do is fire back with names and insults.
Then by your own definition, post #2 is unprovoked racism. But that has already been pointed out.
Claiming its racism does nothing to prove its racism. i've asked repeatedly for someone to explain their rationale for why its racist and so far everyone seem to be too timid to do so. Whats up with the deflections?
and i have said a few times here that YOU said you only use that term when responding to a blatant racist.....in post no 2 you said cave chimps responding to a non racist post....did you or did you not?.....so apparently you use it without responding to a racist....am i right?.....i have the music ready to go in case you want to dance again....
speaking off music


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