Whom Are Truly "Native" Americans?

Anyone born in The United States of America.

The concrete question is who was the first human being who came to the continent America - when, from where and how? This is an interesting question for all mankind - not only for US-Americans.

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These are Indo-Aryans from the Afanasyevo culture. Inde people, creators of technical civilization, solar superrace
The concrete question is who was the first human being who came to the continent America - when, from where and how? This is an interesting question for all mankind - not only for US-Americans.

This is known. There were 2 waves, 1 wave was obviously Eskimo, and the second Indo-Aryan. The first inhabitants of America were savage hunters. The second wave left the Babylonian Ziggurats, High Religion and so on.

This is known. There were 2 waves, 1 wave was obviously Eskimo, and the second Indo-Aryan. The first inhabitants of America were savage hunters. The second wave left the Babylonian Ziggurats, High Religion and so on.

This is the so called Clovis-hypothese, isn't it? But I heard it exist much older relicts. And with Indians or Persians (if Aryans had existed at all and are not only mystic people) has your picture here nothing to do.
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The Medians founded Sumer and Babylon, which is where the Akkadians derived their culture and mythology from. The oldest highly developed culture. They built ziggurats just like the American Indians.

Americans are part of the Indo-Aryan peoples, the first engineers, the fathers of technical civilization and the first liberators from slavery.

Children of the sky and the heavenly Bull Bell.
The Persians were Semites, not Aryans. The Aryans there were the Medians

Dareios I (~500 BC): "I am Darius, the great king [...], a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, who has an Aryan descent."

This expression - mystic or not - plays for sure not any role in the year 10,000 BC and earlier. And your picture shows nothing in this context.
Dareios I (~500 BC): "I am Darius, the great king [...], a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, who has an Aryan descent."

This expression - mystic or not - plays for sure not any role in the year 10,000 BC and earlier. And your picture shows nothing in this context.
Perhaps Darius was of Aryan origin, but the Persians were Semites, they still adhere to this. These are modern parses.
The Medians founded Sumer and Babylon, which is where the Akkadians derived their culture and mythology from. The oldest highly developed culture. They built ziggurats just like the American Indians.

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Medians existed in Persia from he year 675-550 BC.
The oldest civilisation in Sumer are younger than 5000 BC. (7000 years ago)
Babylon is 2000 years younger than Sumer.

So all this cultures are much too young for the Clovis-hypothese - and this hypothese is under fire because it looks like Red Indians are partially much older and Red Indians are much more different.
Perhaps Darius was of Aryan origin, but the Persians were Semites, they still adhere to this. These are modern parses.

This is totally unimportant in this context - even if Aryans had existed at all and had not only been a mystic expression. "Aryans" means only "the pure". Sounds not really like a word for real people. Also the word "English" comes not from the expression "Angel" but from a word for a tribe of German fishermen.
With the Clovis First theory having been nearly universally debunked; the question remains... Who got here first?

The Cerutti mastodon site pushes humanoid occupation of North America back, an eon, or so.
Very interesting to say the least. As this discovery upsets most current assumption of human migration patterns.

I am!

I was born here. More than half of my life is over. I am Native American.

To put any other race based spin on the definition is RACIST

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