"Who would benefit from an investigation of the Biden's?"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Maloney hammers Sondland on changing testimony — and extracts key concession

Who indeed?

If the "investigation" were done honestly and without a pre-conceived and pre-ordained conclusion, AND, if the senior Mr. Biden is not a complete lying hack and his son not a pathetic profiteer - all of which Democrats apparently believe, THEN THE INVESTIGATION WOULD ULTIMATELY REDOUND TO THE BENEFIT OF "SLEEPY JOE" BIDEN!

And certainly, with several months to go before any meaningful votes are cast in any primary, the "investigation" could be complete and reported by the Ukrainian authorities before the breathtaking events in Iowa, 2020.

So why isn't anyone calling on the Democrats, asking why THEY ASSUME that an investigation of the Biden's will ultimately benefit Donald J.Trump? This can only be true if the Biden's are dirty. And this unspoken assumption underlies THEIR WHOLE CASE against Trump! In fact, if Trump were WRONG and the Biden's are CLEAN, then Trump would end up with mountains of egg all over his face, for pushing an investigation that proved Sleepy Joe to be without fault.

But the President has better "intel" than the man in the street, and he obviously believes such an investigation would, at the very least, embarrass Biden. Still, why do the Pub's allow this presumption of Biden's guilt (by the DEMOCRATS!) to pass without even mentioning it?
Maloney hammers Sondland on changing testimony — and extracts key concession

Who indeed?

If the "investigation" were done honestly and without a pre-conceived and pre-ordained conclusion, AND, if the senior Mr. Biden is not a complete lying hack and his son not a pathetic profiteer - all of which Democrats apparently believe, THEN THE INVESTIGATION WOULD ULTIMATELY REDOUND TO THE BENEFIT OF "SLEEPY JOE" BIDEN!

And certainly, with several months to go before any meaningful votes are cast in any primary, the "investigation" could be complete and reported by the Ukrainian authorities before the breathtaking events in Iowa, 2020.

So why isn't anyone calling on the Democrats, asking why THEY ASSUME that an investigation of the Biden's will ultimately benefit Donald J.Trump? This can only be true if the Biden's are dirty. And this unspoken assumption underlies THEIR WHOLE CASE against Trump! In fact, if Trump were WRONG and the Biden's are CLEAN, then Trump would end up with mountains of egg all over his face, for pushing an investigation that proved Sleepy Joe to be without fault.

But the President has better "intel" than the man in the street, and he obviously believes such an investigation would, at the very least, embarrass Biden. Still, why do the Pub's allow this presumption of Biden's guilt (by the DEMOCRATS!) to pass without even mentioning it?

the big question is who benefits if we dont???\

Let's get over this thing that Trump fears Biden politically. Trump probably dreams about running against that nincompoop but he knows Biden has no chance of becoming the nominee. So it really makes no sense for Trump to kick a man when he's down. Biden will go away as soon as the people turn on him and that's starting to happen right now. When the Biden shakedown artists finally get investigated and charged, it will all be about their corruption which is making the US look like assholes on the international stage, and only then will justice finally be served.
Who benefits from an investigation of Whitewater?
Whitewater was a real estate deal where the Clintons lost 30K and we had to investigate it to find out if the Clintons did something dishonest to help them lose money. That`s a textbook witch hunt. That`s not quite the same as Trump`s bribery scheme. Do you have any other stupid questions?
Who benefits from an investigation of Whitewater?
Whitewater was a real estate deal where the Clintons lost 30K and we had to investigate it to find out if the Clintons did something dishonest to help them lose money. That`s a textbook witch hunt. That`s not quite the same as Trump`s bribery scheme. Do you have any other stupid questions?
The Clintons avoided prosecution in Whitewater while many others didn’t and that ‘witch hunt’ was directed by Clinton’s AG, Reno.
Who benefits from an investigation of Whitewater?
Whitewater was a real estate deal where the Clintons lost 30K and we had to investigate it to find out if the Clintons did something dishonest to help them lose money. That`s a textbook witch hunt. That`s not quite the same as Trump`s bribery scheme. Do you have any other stupid questions?
The Clintons avoided prosecution in Whitewater while many others didn’t and that ‘witch hunt’ was directed by Clinton’s AG, Reno.
Janet Reno appointed a special prosecutor "at Clinton`s request".
Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia
It is not about Biden.
Biden is collateral damage.
The State Department is the target -

The State Department, Barack Obama and a Soros Backed Group created the Anti-Corruption Bureau in Ukraine.
Which was anything but.
Democrats certainly benefited from the Nixon/Watergate investigation and they didn't have to lift a finger. A red diaper baby who hated Nixon and his protege brought down the Nixon administration with fake news and a phantom "informant" who's identity they kept secret until he died. Democrats are still using the old Watergate playbook without much success.
Who benefits from an investigation of Whitewater?
Whitewater was a real estate deal where the Clintons lost 30K and we had to investigate it to find out if the Clintons did something dishonest to help them lose money. That`s a textbook witch hunt. That`s not quite the same as Trump`s bribery scheme. Do you have any other stupid questions?
The Clintons avoided prosecution in Whitewater while many others didn’t and that ‘witch hunt’ was directed by Clinton’s AG, Reno.
Janet Reno appointed a special prosecutor "at Clinton`s request".
Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia
Right. What’s your point? That Biden should be asking for an investigation into his ostensible conflict of interest? That would be mighty magnanimous.
Maloney hammers Sondland on changing testimony — and extracts key concession

Who indeed?

If the "investigation" were done honestly and without a pre-conceived and pre-ordained conclusion, AND, if the senior Mr. Biden is not a complete lying hack and his son not a pathetic profiteer - all of which Democrats apparently believe, THEN THE INVESTIGATION WOULD ULTIMATELY REDOUND TO THE BENEFIT OF "SLEEPY JOE" BIDEN!

And certainly, with several months to go before any meaningful votes are cast in any primary, the "investigation" could be complete and reported by the Ukrainian authorities before the breathtaking events in Iowa, 2020.

So why isn't anyone calling on the Democrats, asking why THEY ASSUME that an investigation of the Biden's will ultimately benefit Donald J.Trump? This can only be true if the Biden's are dirty. And this unspoken assumption underlies THEIR WHOLE CASE against Trump! In fact, if Trump were WRONG and the Biden's are CLEAN, then Trump would end up with mountains of egg all over his face, for pushing an investigation that proved Sleepy Joe to be without fault.

But the President has better "intel" than the man in the street, and he obviously believes such an investigation would, at the very least, embarrass Biden. Still, why do the Pub's allow this presumption of Biden's guilt (by the DEMOCRATS!) to pass without even mentioning it?

Well first off, the investigation wasn't actually of "the bidens".

It was an investigation of a Ukraine gas company by the Ukraine government.

There was no "investigation of the Bidens".

That doesn't stop the ridiculous left-wing portraying it as such.

Further who stands to benefit the most, is the Ukraine people who are living with a corrupt gas company they have to buy from.

The public of the Ukraine stands to benefit far more than anyone in the US.
Maloney hammers Sondland on changing testimony — and extracts key concession

Who indeed?

If the "investigation" were done honestly and without a pre-conceived and pre-ordained conclusion, AND, if the senior Mr. Biden is not a complete lying hack and his son not a pathetic profiteer - all of which Democrats apparently believe, THEN THE INVESTIGATION WOULD ULTIMATELY REDOUND TO THE BENEFIT OF "SLEEPY JOE" BIDEN!

And certainly, with several months to go before any meaningful votes are cast in any primary, the "investigation" could be complete and reported by the Ukrainian authorities before the breathtaking events in Iowa, 2020.

So why isn't anyone calling on the Democrats, asking why THEY ASSUME that an investigation of the Biden's will ultimately benefit Donald J.Trump? This can only be true if the Biden's are dirty. And this unspoken assumption underlies THEIR WHOLE CASE against Trump! In fact, if Trump were WRONG and the Biden's are CLEAN, then Trump would end up with mountains of egg all over his face, for pushing an investigation that proved Sleepy Joe to be without fault.

But the President has better "intel" than the man in the street, and he obviously believes such an investigation would, at the very least, embarrass Biden. Still, why do the Pub's allow this presumption of Biden's guilt (by the DEMOCRATS!) to pass without even mentioning it?

Well first off, the investigation wasn't actually of "the bidens".

It was an investigation of a Ukraine gas company by the Ukraine government.

There was no "investigation of the Bidens".

That doesn't stop the ridiculous left-wing portraying it as such.

Further who stands to benefit the most, is the Ukraine people who are living with a corrupt gas company they have to buy from.

The public of the Ukraine stands to benefit far more than anyone in the US.
$80K/month to H. Biden is beneficial to an American.

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