Who Will Be the Leader of Democrats Now?

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
Obama doesn't count, as he is a lame duck.

Will Democrats double-down and pick someone farther left than Hillary, or will they begin to moderate their party?
They have no bench at all. The only names that come to mind, who aren't also 90 years old, are:

Jim Webb
Harold Ford jr
Julian Castro

That's about it.
Since Democrats are aimlessly walking around blocking interstates, they seem in need of a true effectual leader. Sorry, Soros is too old.
Good question. Everybody's crazy old uncle, Joe Biden, doesn't pack the gear. Bill Clinton might be indicted in the Clinton foundation investigation if the "Justice Dept" does their job and ditto Hillary. Barry Hussein loves to campaign but Americans refuted his policies. Donna Brazile needs to update her resume after she was fired by MSNBC. Al Gore doesn't have the fire in his gut. Maybe democrats will embrace socialism and welcome back rich socialist hypocrite Bernie Sanders.
Obama doescorpoa lame duck.

Will Democrats double-down and pick someone farther left than Hillary, or will they begin to moderate their party?

Don't forget what happened to Republicans in the GOP primaries. Are they going to move to the center and help trump bring jobs back home?
CNN's Van Jones, who in the spirit of disunity has coined the phrase 'whitelash'? Maybe columnist, Charles Blow could be his V.P.

Nahhh, those dogs won't hunt.

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