WHO Says No Need For Masks

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
The idiots are at it again.

These are the same tards packing water for China telling us if you're healthy you don't need to wear a mask. The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

So when our own CDC says it's time to wear a mask the people responsible for this mess say you don't need to.

Time to take over that organization, time to hold China accountable, and time to quit listening to these Communists.

Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....
The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?
Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....
I'd rather catch it now than suffer from it's uglier son 10 years from now.

I'm SOOOOO sick of this hysterical bullshit.

The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?

Buzz off, libtardo

Here's their tweet if you can read.

Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....
I'd rather catch it now than suffer from it's uglier son 10 years from now.

I'm SOOOOO sick of this hysterical bullshit.

I'm sick of it too....but what are you going to do?....I have friends that are acting like this virus doesn't exist...they are taking one hell of a risk.....a healthy 60 year old man climbed into an ambulance under his own power and waved goodbye to his quarantined wife...she called the next morning and was told her husband was in a coma...she can't even go see him....you can be sick of this all you want...but its the doubters that will get this and give it to others....
I'm sick of it too....but what are you going to do?....I have friends that are acting like this virus doesn't exist...they are taking one hell of a risk.....a healthy 60 year old man climbed into an ambulance under his own power and waved goodbye to his quarantined wife...she called the next morning and was told her husband was in a coma...she can't even go see him....you can be sick of this all you want...but its the doubters that will get this and give it to others....

99.5% of us will survive if we ALL get it. It's better if we all get it. When it mutates it will be worse.
The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?

Buzz off, libtardo

Here's their tweet if you can read.

Yeah I've seen that before. It says that CHINA found no transmission. But what you've got here attributes it to the WHO.

So again, the question remains: is the Cult of Ignorance starting a new mythology based on its own inability to read simple English?
What pisses me off about the whole mask thing is that they said that you can use cloth or a bandanna to keep yourself safe.

That is patently false. The other day, a doctor got on the news and said a bandanna will help keep the people around you safe, but it will do nothing to protect you from others with the virus, because the fabric is too porous and won't filter anything as small as a virus. Inside Edition did a segment on it yesterday and said that if you can see light through the fabric, it's not a good filter. They then said that you can better protect yourself by putting papertowels behind the cloth to filter better.

Incidentally, the N95 masks filter down to about 0.3 microns. I did the research, and guess what? Paper towels filter down to the same level. Kleenex filters down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus) as well as holds a static charge which will stop the virus at the kleenex. Me? I fold a paper towel like a surgical mask, then line it with Kleenex and use that for a couple of times. When I come home, I put the mask in the microwave for about 2 min on high to disinfect it. The masks I make are good for 3-4 time uses.
The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?

Buzz off, libtardo

Here's their tweet if you can read.

Yeah I've seen that before. It says that CHINA found no transmission. But what you've got here attributes it to the WHO.

So again, the question remains: is the Cult of Ignorance starting a new mythology based on its own inability to read simple English?

Damn, you're absolutely dense. WHO is basically a card caring Socialist/Communist mouth piece.

So why are you packing water for China? Are you a fucking Communist?
What pisses me off about the whole mask thing is that they said that you can use cloth or a bandanna to keep yourself safe.

That is patently false. The other day, a doctor got on the news and said a bandanna will help keep the people around you safe, but it will do nothing to protect you from others with the virus, because the fabric is too porous and won't filter anything as small as a virus. Inside Edition did a segment on it yesterday and said that if you can see light through the fabric, it's not a good filter. They then said that you can better protect yourself by putting papertowels behind the cloth to filter better.

Incidentally, the N95 masks filter down to about 0.3 microns. I did the research, and guess what? Paper towels filter down to the same level. Kleenex filters down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus) as well as holds a static charge which will stop the virus at the kleenex. Me? I fold a paper towel like a surgical mask, then line it with Kleenex and use that for a couple of times. When I come home, I put the mask in the microwave for about 2 min on high to disinfect it. The masks I make are good for 3-4 time uses.
uh.... you realize that the virus cells aren't just floating around right? They are contained in tiny water droplets. So... yeah
What pisses me off about the whole mask thing is that they said that you can use cloth or a bandanna to keep yourself safe.

That is patently false. The other day, a doctor got on the news and said a bandanna will help keep the people around you safe, but it will do nothing to protect you from others with the virus, because the fabric is too porous and won't filter anything as small as a virus. Inside Edition did a segment on it yesterday and said that if you can see light through the fabric, it's not a good filter. They then said that you can better protect yourself by putting papertowels behind the cloth to filter better.

Incidentally, the N95 masks filter down to about 0.3 microns. I did the research, and guess what? Paper towels filter down to the same level. Kleenex filters down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus) as well as holds a static charge which will stop the virus at the kleenex. Me? I fold a paper towel like a surgical mask, then line it with Kleenex and use that for a couple of times. When I come home, I put the mask in the microwave for about 2 min on high to disinfect it. The masks I make are good for 3-4 time uses.
uh.... you realize that the virus cells aren't just floating around right? They are contained in tiny water droplets. So... yeah

Actually, after the choir the practiced and a whole bunch of them came down with it, the doctors have now shifted over to it being able to stay in the air for up to 2 hours.

The idiots are at it again.

These are the same tards packing water for China telling us if you're healthy you don't need to wear a mask. The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

So when our own CDC says it's time to wear a mask the people responsible for this mess say you don't need to.

Time to take over that organization, time to hold China accountable, and time to quit listening to these Communists.

It is clear. The Democrats and the Chinese are working in concert.

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