Who Is To Blame

Who has been figting all year long about cuts in spending and refuse to reform Medicare and Social Security?
Who has refused to raise revenue when it is historically provable we had a better economy with higher taxes?
Go ahead raise taxes, whats stopping the Oman?

You just want the other side to doit.

Pussies, make my day, you raise taxes, i dare you.
Both Republican and Democrat spending started the mess, followed by the Tea Party directly causing the issue to be attached to our debt limit.

I agree with your fist part. Both parties have spent too much.
The tea party wants spending cuts.
S&P warned that the cuts need to be at least 4 Trillion.
They caved to the 2 Trillion in cuts that Dems wanted. It is not enough in cuts.
S&P wants to see long term fixes and both parties have settled for short term fixes.

The fact that the Tea Party decided to directly attach this issue to the vote on raising our debt ceiling had a direct impact on why we had our credit downgraded. If we just raised our debt ceiling like we have countless times before without the fanfare that the Tea Party caused we would still have a AAA rating today. Thats just a fact.

But we did increase our debt ceiling....
Are yoiu saying it was the fanfare that allowed S and P to take notice?

I disagree.....just raising the debt ceiling and not promising cuts (or raising revenue) would have had the same affect..

S&P was watching...even if the media wasnt...it is what S&P does.
Who has refused to raise revenue when it is historically provable we had a better economy with higher taxes?

A better economy with higher taxes???

Boy are you out to fucking lunch.

What exactly do you think raising taxes in this fragile economy will do?

Make folks go out and hire?? Mayby expand their business???

Nope. Don't think so. They will be to busy paying those higher taxes.
It will bring in revenue.

You know Bucks to pay off our debt.

They have had this tax rate for years and have not created the jobs you claim they will create.

You have been proven wrong by history.
Both Republican and Democrat spending started the mess, followed by the Tea Party directly causing the issue to be attached to our debt limit.

I agree with your fist part. Both parties have spent too much.
The tea party wants spending cuts.
S&P warned that the cuts need to be at least 4 Trillion.
They caved to the 2 Trillion in cuts that Dems wanted. It is not enough in cuts.
S&P wants to see long term fixes and both parties have settled for short term fixes.

The fact that the Tea Party decided to directly attach this issue to the vote on raising our debt ceiling had a direct impact on why we had our credit downgraded. If we just raised our debt ceiling like we have countless times before without the fanfare that the Tea Party caused we would still have a AAA rating today. Thats just a fact.

I guess you think just routinely raising the debt limit without anyone contesting it will make us more financially secure? The downgrade should be a wake-up call for us to get our house in order before we reach the point of no return. Maybe we should be thanking S&P for waking us up. Some people (politicians) are unable to do what's right unless they are forced to. Then they blame someone else tor the problem they, themselves, have created.
The "Tea Party" is to blame for demanding that spending STOP and that both Republicans AND Democrats STOP the madness?? Wow, talk about shear craziness! A balanced budget amendment, like most states now have, is the ONLY answer to the craziness.
I agree with your fist part. Both parties have spent too much.
The tea party wants spending cuts.
S&P warned that the cuts need to be at least 4 Trillion.
They caved to the 2 Trillion in cuts that Dems wanted. It is not enough in cuts.
S&P wants to see long term fixes and both parties have settled for short term fixes.

The fact that the Tea Party decided to directly attach this issue to the vote on raising our debt ceiling had a direct impact on why we had our credit downgraded. If we just raised our debt ceiling like we have countless times before without the fanfare that the Tea Party caused we would still have a AAA rating today. Thats just a fact.

But we did increase our debt ceiling....
Are yoiu saying it was the fanfare that allowed S and P to take notice?

I disagree.....just raising the debt ceiling and not promising cuts (or raising revenue) would have had the same affect..

S&P was watching...even if the media wasnt...it is what S&P does.

Yes, it was the increased attention that caused the downgrade. You honestly believe that if the debt ceiling was raised without the attention like it has always been done, that S&P would have downgraded our credit? I really don't think so.
I agree with your fist part. Both parties have spent too much.
The tea party wants spending cuts.
S&P warned that the cuts need to be at least 4 Trillion.
They caved to the 2 Trillion in cuts that Dems wanted. It is not enough in cuts.
S&P wants to see long term fixes and both parties have settled for short term fixes.

The fact that the Tea Party decided to directly attach this issue to the vote on raising our debt ceiling had a direct impact on why we had our credit downgraded. If we just raised our debt ceiling like we have countless times before without the fanfare that the Tea Party caused we would still have a AAA rating today. Thats just a fact.

No it isnt. But have another glass

Thanks for the well thought out response.
Both Republican and Democrat spending started the mess, followed by the Tea Party directly causing the issue to be attached to our debt limit.

I agree with your fist part. Both parties have spent too much.
The tea party wants spending cuts.
S&P warned that the cuts need to be at least 4 Trillion.
They caved to the 2 Trillion in cuts that Dems wanted. It is not enough in cuts.
S&P wants to see long term fixes and both parties have settled for short term fixes.

The fact that the Tea Party decided to directly attach this issue to the vote on raising our debt ceiling had a direct impact on why we had our credit downgraded. If we just raised our debt ceiling like we have countless times before without the fanfare that the Tea Party caused we would still have a AAA rating today. Thats just a fact.

The debt is so high that getting the limit raised should be very public, and messy. Hopefully it will encourage more people to do the right thing rather simply raising it without question.

Asking for the debt limit to be raised should be treated the same as it used to be like to ask for welfare, embarrassing.
I agree with your fist part. Both parties have spent too much.
The tea party wants spending cuts.
S&P warned that the cuts need to be at least 4 Trillion.
They caved to the 2 Trillion in cuts that Dems wanted. It is not enough in cuts.
S&P wants to see long term fixes and both parties have settled for short term fixes.

The fact that the Tea Party decided to directly attach this issue to the vote on raising our debt ceiling had a direct impact on why we had our credit downgraded. If we just raised our debt ceiling like we have countless times before without the fanfare that the Tea Party caused we would still have a AAA rating today. Thats just a fact.

I guess you think just routinely raising the debt limit without anyone contesting it will make us more financially secure? The downgrade should be a wake-up call for us to get our house in order before we reach the point of no return. Maybe we should be thanking S&P for waking us up. Some people (politicians) are unable to do what's right unless they are forced to. Then they blame someone else tor the problem they, themselves, have created.

I never said that just raising the debt limit over and over was a smart financial idea, but that doesn't change the fact that the actions of the Tea Party (whether you like what they did or disagree with it) directly caused our credit to be downgraded.
The fact that the Tea Party decided to directly attach this issue to the vote on raising our debt ceiling had a direct impact on why we had our credit downgraded. If we just raised our debt ceiling like we have countless times before without the fanfare that the Tea Party caused we would still have a AAA rating today. Thats just a fact.

No it isnt. But have another glass

Thanks for the well thought out response.

The drivel that your posting is ignorant and does not require nor deserve an intelligent response.
Tax cuts and deregulation are to blame along with spending

Looking for the cause of the downgrade?

FDR's 'Second Bill of Rights.'

Promised everyone everything.

The Second Bill of Rights was a list of rights proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the then President of the United States, during his State of the Union Address on January 11, 1944. In his address Roosevelt suggested that the nation had come to recognize, and should now implement, a second "bill of rights". Roosevelt's argument was that the "political rights" guaranteed by the constitution and the Bill of Rights had "proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness." Roosevelt's remedy was to declare an "economic bill of rights" which would guarantee:

Employment, with a living wage,
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies,
Medical care,
Education, and,
Social security

This bill of rights held a number of parallels with the programme of the New Deal. It also reflected some elements of the 1936 Soviet Constitution, which guaranteed to the Soviet citizens the right to work, rest and leisure, health protection, care in old age and sickness, housing, education, and cultural benefits.
Second Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The S & P pretty much said "no, you don't."
Ask the White House whose to blame.
They are still looking for scapegoats and failing to lead.
But, Obie is looking forward to speaking tonite at two fundraisers. He's creating jobs for chefs, waiters, and table setters. Recovery is on the way!

I thought the jobs would come, as long as we didn't raise taxes?!?! That's what the TPers have been saying, but as we can see, the real professionals don't think much of their economic theories. If the TPers were right, why were we downgraded? The professionals are telling us that amateur hour is over. We have to go to a special committee because the TPers didn't realized they'd won, when they could have had 3-4 trillion in cuts for 1 trillion in revenue enhancements!!! No serious economist will tell you we're going to be able to get out of this on cuts alone.

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