Who Is Palestine's King Of Corruption? IT'S FOUNDER!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Yasser Arafat's Treacherous Legacy

Yasser Arafat was not a Palestinian. He was an Egyptian.* He was born in Cairo Egypt, as Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Quadwa al-Hussaeini, of a merchant father from Gaza who shuttled back and forth between the two cities.* His mother was from Jerusalem.* Now you might conclude from his parentage that this could still make him a Palestinian by heritage if not by birth.* But in fact - and this may shock you - there is no cultural, racial or national "Palestinian" identity except that invented by the* PLO.* Palestinians are simply Arabs who have lived for a time in the area generally regarded as Palestine.

Yasser Arafat was the father of modern terrorism. Arafat's PLO pioneered in the use of terror tactics and has been both an inspiration and source of support for many of the terrorist groups that came afterward.* He will go down in history as responsible for countless acts of terrorism not only against Israel but also the United States.

Yasser Arafat was not a Muslim.* He is fully indoctrinated in the culture and ideology of radical communist revolutionaries and enjoyed the support and full backing of the Soviet Bloc. He was a Communist.

Yasser Arafat was a thief. By many investigative news accounts, Arafat stole billions of dollars in aid money meant for the Palestinian people.* While the areas under PLO control have deteriorated precipitously, Arafat stashed away most, if no all, of the monetary aid intended for them.

Yasser Arafat was a pederast. According to Papacea and other authors, it was widely believed that he was a homosexual.* Among other evidence, the Romanians claim they took survelliance videos of Arafat engaged in orgies with his male bodyguards. Moveover, internationally famous Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, who has interviewed many foreign leaders including Arafat, revealed with evident disgust in a 1981 Playboy interview that Arafat had a marked preference for young boys.* Perhaps this is the blackmail Arafat's wife, Sufa, with whom he hadn't lived for years, used to garner herself a multi-million-dollar annual "death benefit." The proceeds of course, flow from his billions in ill-gotten gains.

Many speculate that the cause of his death was AIDS.* Arafat's symptoms included blotchy skin, dementia, a depressed immune system and massive weight loss.* The only other disease indicated by these symptoms, leukemia, was ruled out.* The only ones who can release Arafat's medical records are his family, and they aren't talking.
Yasser Arafat's Treacherous Legacy

Yasser Arafat was not a Palestinian. He was an Egyptian.* He was born in Cairo Egypt, as Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Quadwa al-Hussaeini, of a merchant father from Gaza who shuttled back and forth between the two cities.* His mother was from Jerusalem.* Now you might conclude from his parentage that this could still make him a Palestinian by heritage if not by birth.* But in fact - and this may shock you - there is no cultural, racial or national "Palestinian" identity except that invented by the* PLO.* Palestinians are simply Arabs who have lived for a time in the area generally regarded as Palestine.

Yasser Arafat was the father of modern terrorism. Arafat's PLO pioneered in the use of terror tactics and has been both an inspiration and source of support for many of the terrorist groups that came afterward.* He will go down in history as responsible for countless acts of terrorism not only against Israel but also the United States.

Yasser Arafat was not a Muslim.* He is fully indoctrinated in the culture and ideology of radical communist revolutionaries and enjoyed the support and full backing of the Soviet Bloc. He was a Communist.

Yasser Arafat was a thief. By many investigative news accounts, Arafat stole billions of dollars in aid money meant for the Palestinian people.* While the areas under PLO control have deteriorated precipitously, Arafat stashed away most, if no all, of the monetary aid intended for them.

Yasser Arafat was a pederast. According to Papacea and other authors, it was widely believed that he was a homosexual.* Among other evidence, the Romanians claim they took survelliance videos of Arafat engaged in orgies with his male bodyguards. Moveover, internationally famous Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, who has interviewed many foreign leaders including Arafat, revealed with evident disgust in a 1981 Playboy interview that Arafat had a marked preference for young boys.* Perhaps this is the blackmail Arafat's wife, Sufa, with whom he hadn't lived for years, used to garner herself a multi-million-dollar annual "death benefit." The proceeds of course, flow from his billions in ill-gotten gains.

Many speculate that the cause of his death was AIDS.* Arafat's symptoms included blotchy skin, dementia, a depressed immune system and massive weight loss.* The only other disease indicated by these symptoms, leukemia, was ruled out.* The only ones who can release Arafat's medical records are his family, and they aren't talking.
I've often wondered if the diseased rat found a way to take all that money with him.
I miss Arafat. He was a great leader. He took his Palestinian from the toilet to the sewer, got them massacred over & over again by their own Arb brothers, embezzled their money & then died of AIDS leaving the Palestinians living in ignoarnce & poverty with no hope for a Palestinian State. Let us all join together to wish Hamas the greatest of sucess in their efforts to carry on the Arafat mission.
Yasser Arafat's Treacherous Legacy

Yasser Arafat was not a Palestinian. He was an Egyptian.* He was born in Cairo Egypt, as Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Quadwa al-Hussaeini, of a merchant father from Gaza who shuttled back and forth between the two cities.* His mother was from Jerusalem.* Now you might conclude from his parentage that this could still make him a Palestinian by heritage if not by birth.* But in fact - and this may shock you - there is no cultural, racial or national "Palestinian" identity except that invented by the* PLO.* Palestinians are simply Arabs who have lived for a time in the area generally regarded as Palestine.

Yasser Arafat was the father of modern terrorism. Arafat's PLO pioneered in the use of terror tactics and has been both an inspiration and source of support for many of the terrorist groups that came afterward.* He will go down in history as responsible for countless acts of terrorism not only against Israel but also the United States.

Yasser Arafat was not a Muslim.* He is fully indoctrinated in the culture and ideology of radical communist revolutionaries and enjoyed the support and full backing of the Soviet Bloc. He was a Communist.

Yasser Arafat was a thief. By many investigative news accounts, Arafat stole billions of dollars in aid money meant for the Palestinian people.* While the areas under PLO control have deteriorated precipitously, Arafat stashed away most, if no all, of the monetary aid intended for them.

Yasser Arafat was a pederast. According to Papacea and other authors, it was widely believed that he was a homosexual.* Among other evidence, the Romanians claim they took survelliance videos of Arafat engaged in orgies with his male bodyguards. Moveover, internationally famous Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, who has interviewed many foreign leaders including Arafat, revealed with evident disgust in a 1981 Playboy interview that Arafat had a marked preference for young boys.* Perhaps this is the blackmail Arafat's wife, Sufa, with whom he hadn't lived for years, used to garner herself a multi-million-dollar annual "death benefit." The proceeds of course, flow from his billions in ill-gotten gains.

Many speculate that the cause of his death was AIDS.* Arafat's symptoms included blotchy skin, dementia, a depressed immune system and massive weight loss.* The only other disease indicated by these symptoms, leukemia, was ruled out.* The only ones who can release Arafat's medical records are his family, and they aren't talking.
I've often wondered if the diseased rat found a way to take all that money with him.
The money is with his wife hidden in Swiss bank accounts. Not only will she not set foot in "Palestine" or send a penny of the billions in stolen money to help those "poor, starving, oppressed" Palestinians. She's singing like a canary:

Yasser Arafat’s widow admits Palestinian terror campaign in 2000 was premeditated

Suha Arafat, the wife of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, admitted in a TV interview earlier this month that the Palestinian terror campaign against Israel launched in 2000 was a premeditated act orchestrated by her husband, not a spontaneous “intifada,” or uprising, as many have claimed.

Video: Suha Arafat Admits 2000 War of Terror was Premeditated
Arafat’s widow admits that her husband decided long before Sharon’s visit to Temple Mount that he would launch war of terror against Israel. Sharon’s visit unleashed a wave of intense international condemnations and was widely, yet falsely, believed to have provided the impetus for the war of terror that was waged against the state of Israel.

According to the Foreign Ministry website, during the reign of terror over 1,200 Israelis, most of them civilians, were murdered in buses, on roads, in cafes and restaurants, with tens of thousands more maimed, scarred and bereaved.

“Yasser Arafat had made a decision to launch the Intifada,” Suha told Dubai TV on December 16, in an interview translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“Camp David had failed, and he said to me: ‘You should remain in Paris.’”

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