Who is more religious, Donald Trump or Pete Buttigieg?

Who is more religious, Donald Trump or Pete Buttigieg?

  • Donald Trump

  • Pete Buttigieg

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Alright sorry to U2Edge's post. I'm probably going to head out. I'll say good ol' Pete I hadn't even seen before this thread. Hopefully he gets a "divorce" LOL! Ya let's hope moral behavior and works cause everybody to celebrate the Church etc.
is it important?

It is to me and others who equate religious belief with good moral behavior and integrity. It certainly tends to be important to conservatives and Republicans who on average have deeper faith and are more religious than Democrats.
....I don't believe in god and I have good, moral behavior/etc

Maybe you do, but most Americans would prefer a President that believes in God. Most Americans believe in God and tend to vote for candidates that believe in God. That's why there are no Atheist in the House Of Representatives, Senate or White House. We have IN GOD WE TRUST printed on are money.

Pete Buttigieg doesnt belive in God, if he did he wouldn't be a butt budy.

In the Episcopalian Church, it is ok to have a butt buddy.
Neither. Trump has no particular interest in religion. Nor has he indicated any opinion on gays.

Buttplug has no religion. He is an abomination to Christianity. His interest in religion is superficial at best.

WRONG! Pete Buttigieg is a member of the Episcopalian Church and is a congregant at the Cathedral Of St. James in downtown South Bend Indiana. Pete Buttigieg got married at the Cathedral of St. James last summer. I don't see anything that Buttigieg has done that would make him and abomination to Christianity. He is a veteran of the United States Navy serving 8 years. He served in the war in Afghanistan. He is far ahead of Trump in terms of living a Christian life of service.

Thats a devil church that doesnt go by scripture


Says Who?
This is sort of universally Protestant actually in Europe too, they seem to be going Neo-Pagan. They could probably go by the fall of Orthodoxy in Russia for inspiration. Did his guy-wife survive the dance?
is it important?

It is to me and others who equate religious belief with good moral behavior and integrity. It certainly tends to be important to conservatives and Republicans who on average have deeper faith and are more religious than Democrats.

"It is to me and others who equate religious belief with good moral behavior and integrity."

I would never make that connection.

My moral behavior and integrity is EASILY as good as any religious persons.

And LOTS of religious people still believe "something should be done about IMMORAL homosexuals"....Hating gays because their god tells them to is NOT "good moral behavior"

Lots of Christians have no problem with Homosexuality. Look up the Episcopalians.

And your point would be what? That you get to dictate what is and isn't religiously correct based on the "lots of Christians" you've determined to be correct? The Episcopalians now speak for all Christians, because you like what they say?

Expressing the fact that many Christians have different views about homosexuality and that there are many Christian churches that find nothing wrong with homosexuality is important and should be mentioned. That's not dictating to anyone. Its a fact that Pete Buttigieg is a Christian, a Episcopalian in particular.
You can read all about him right here: Pete Buttigieg - Wikipedia

Pete Buttigieg is currently the Mayor of South Bend IN and is a veteran of the Navy, 8 years service. He is also a veteran of the war in Afghanistan. He is currently a candidate to become the next President of the United States.
He has zero chance of winning.

His chances are not high, but I'd say he has a better chance than Donald Trump of being in the White House on January 21, 2021.
You lead an interested fantasy life.

Nope, it comes down to Donald Trump's average approval rating of the past 2.5 years as measured by GALLUP, 40%. That is the lowest of any President that has ever served in office. Were talking about the average of multiple polls taken, not is low or his highest rating in any one poll taken by Gallup. Typically a President needs close to 50% approval to be re-elected. The highest Trump has ever been is 45%. His average is 40%. The President with the next lowest average, had an average of 45%.

Then there is the fact that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. Trump is less popular now than he was in 2016. Over 90% of the time, the winner of the popular vote is the winner of the electoral college. Also, no sitting President has ever been re-elected without winning the popular vote.

Finally, there is the tiny margin Trump won the states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Trump will get slaughtered in these states in 2020. Without those states, he can't be re-elected President.

So this is no fantasy, but an accurate analysis of Trumps chances in 2020, which are not good.
So you pick a nobody to back.

What's going to be your excuse when he's not even nominated? Homophobia?

And please answer my question. Are you a Christian?

Yes I'm Christian. Also my preferred candidate is actually Joe Biden, although I would probably place Pete Buttigieg in second.
WRONG! Pete Buttigieg is a member of the Episcopalian Church and is a congregant at the Cathedral Of St. James in downtown South Bend Indiana. Pete Buttigieg got married at the Cathedral of St. James last summer. I don't see anything that Buttigieg has done that would make him and abomination to Christianity. He is a veteran of the United States Navy serving 8 years. He served in the war in Afghanistan. He is far ahead of Trump in terms of living a Christian life of service.

You mean aside from engaging in homosexual behavior, which the Bible calls an abomination?

Oh, wait, let me guess. You want to use the Bible to condemn Trump, but then think it's wrong when it's applied to people you like, right?

You know nothing about either of them personally. You also clearly know very little about religious morality, however much you want to pretend you're qualified to address the subject. If you did, you would know that presuming to judge the state of someone else's soul and relationship with God is the sin of hubris.

The Episcopalian Church and other Christian Denominations do not find anything about homosexuality that is incompatible with Christianity. Jesus Christ went against many teachings of the Old Testament.

Americans are called on to make a judgement about the various candidates every time we decide who to vote in as the next President.

Amazingly enough, the Episcopalian Church speaks for itself, and no one else. This is also the case with any other denomination. There is a reason why there is more than one denomination out there, and it is precisely because people disagree on how to serve God. So why are you citing me the beliefs of a church I have already rejected as the best interpretation of God's will as though it's supposed to mean something to me?

Jesus Christ did not "go against the teachings of the Old Testament". I value YOUR pronouncements on the Bible and God's will even less than I do the Episcopalians.

Americans are called to make judgements about who would make the best President. They are never called on to judge the state of anyone's soul. Maybe you should stop talking long enough to make better judgements on the words you read and their meanings.

Because you stated or suggested wrongly that being Christian meant one is against Buttigieg and his homosexuality. I simply informed everyone of the fact that the Episcopalian Church, a Christian Church, sees nothing wrong with homosexuality.

I never mentioned the word soul in this thread. Plenty of Jesus's teachings were in conflict with the old testament like a EYE FOR AN EYE vs. TURN THE OTHER CHEAK. How about the poor women who was about to be stoned to death for adultery and yet was saved by Jesus who told everyone "he who is without sin cast the first stone".

I stated that the Bible calls homosexual behavior an abomination, and it does. Which still doesn't answer the question of why you're citing the Episco-frigging-palians to me as though they're the final word on something.

You don't have to use the word "soul" for that to be what you're talking about, dumbass. See the rest of my post that you jumped past in your rush to start typing your continuing sermon on "How to worship God according to someone who's opinion matters to no one". Come back and talk to me when you're responding to my actual words, rather than the bits and pieces you want to latch onto, because you aren't worthy of any further answer until then.

That's your interpretation of scripture. No offense, but I would say the clergy of the Episcopalian church collectively might know more about scripture than you as in individual do.

I decide what I'm talking about, not you.
In the Episcopalian Church, it is ok to have a butt buddy
Churches don't matter. Not one bit. ONLY SCRIPTURE.

ALWAYS go to the source.

That's why I axed you what does "religious" (in your title) even mean?

But what scripture means to you, may mean something different to someone else. Meaning can often get lost when things are translated, especially when working with older languages.

The Episcopalians do strongly value scripture. They find nothing wrong with being homosexual after their extensive study of scripture.
Yeesh you guys are going to start having Common Prayer Book jokes soon. What is this? I think that Episcopalians and their hierarchy and there middlegrounding, Homosexual, that's fine. I only got room in my blackheart for One robed homosexual which is Cynthia Bolbach, whos denomination only sang from the bible Psalm Psalter for 300 years, whom had no Bishops to prevent the demagoguery, whom John Knox said one man and God make a Majority, and Has unqualified support for gay marriage. Their total history is the Holy Spirit and community Bible interpretation and there should anybody stand Above the Moderator of the United States Presbyterian Church more Correct and driven with " “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’a]'>[a]E)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-23767E"> 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’b]'>[b]?F)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-23768F"> 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”"
Yes I'm Christian. Also my preferred candidate is actually Joe Biden, although I would probably place Pete Buttigieg in second
"By their fruits you shall know them."

John the Baptist says no.

You don't speak for John the Baptist.
I QUOTED HIM. You don't listen to John the Baptist.

It seems important to you to "normalize" Buttplug's sins as "Christian" behaviour. Why is that?
is it important?

It is to me and others who equate religious belief with good moral behavior and integrity. It certainly tends to be important to conservatives and Republicans who on average have deeper faith and are more religious than Democrats.
....I don't believe in god and I have good, moral behavior/etc

Maybe you do, but most Americans would prefer a President that believes in God. Most Americans believe in God and tend to vote for candidates that believe in God. That's why there are no Atheist in the House Of Representatives, Senate or White House. We have IN GOD WE TRUST printed on are money.

Pete Buttigieg doesnt belive in God, if he did he wouldn't be a butt budy.

In the Episcopalian Church, it is ok to have a butt buddy.

It's not a Christian Church. What part of scripture don't you get?

Who is more religious, Donald Trump or Pete Buttigieg?

Since I have a pretty good idea of how trump lives; lies, cheats, cons people, stiffs his creditors, insults the dead, pisses on the constitution, insults soldiers, cheats at golf, grabs pussy....

it's pretty obvious that Buttigieg, even if he was an atheist, would be more religious than trump.
Trump doesn't pretend to be a religious leader. Buttplug imagines himself as the nation's pastor with his boyfriend's shit smeared on his thighs.

Sure he does. At one time he was a Democrat that was pro-choice. He pretends all this time. Trump is currently pretending to be the President of the country. Its rare when he actually functions in that role.

Buttigieg has never stated he was a pastor or religious leader.
Ummm...Trump IS President.

It was in all the papers.

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