Who is confident there candidate is going to win...

I am...

  • ...confident

    Votes: 23 67.6%
  • ...not confident

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • ...candidate-free, already a winner!

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • ...other

    Votes: 2 5.9%

  • Total voters

I have no idea who's going to win so I can't say I'm confident in my candidate. But if I had to pick I think Trump is going to win based on these factors:

- Huge following and excitement at his rallies versus Biden's low key rallies.
- IMO Most Americans don't want another lock down. Joe is on record saying he will lock it down.
- The Dems will vote for Biden not because they love or even like him, but because they hate Trump.
- Trump's social media following is far bigger than Biden's.
- Trump will pick up more minority voters this time.
Based on votes? I'm supremely confident.
BAsed on votes? TRump ALREADY and you know it----------typically the dems take the lead in early voting with the republicans taking over election day---------but this year, the republicans have closed the gap in large part so come tomorrow----------when republicans mostly vote-------------Trump will take the lead. So of course, the dems already know this and have already planned riots and violence.
I'm nervous as hell. Polls show legal weed running at a tossup down here.
Be happy. You will see normalization in your lifetime and live in a freeman state. I live in Tennessee. It is every cops god, given right here, to bust you for a joint and have it pinned to every record on you there is for the rest of your life, even if you were on your own property bothering nobody. Then they get a cookie for suppressing your freedom and keeping you under the thumb of "tha man". Had I grown up during prohibition, I would not have approved that either.
Although I was confident Romney would beat the meat puppet faggot in 2012, I'm more optimistic about Trump this time around because he is actually an opposition candidate to elite globalist collectivism. He's a patriot first, has delivered results, and inspires a positive perspective of the country.

We haven't had one since Reagan.
I'm nervous as hell. Polls show legal weed running at a tossup down here.
Be happy. You will see normalization in your lifetime and live in a freeman state. I live in Tennessee. It is every cops god, given right here, to bust you for a joint and have it pinned to every record on you there is for the rest of your life, even if you were on your own property bothering nobody. Then they get a cookie for suppressing your freedom and keeping you under the thumb of "tha man". Had I grown up during prohibition, I would not have approved that either.

If stinkweed is that important to you, move to a state where it's legal.
incredible, the worst performing candidate since hillary has a chance to win - not confident but trump has made so many enemies they'll just ignore biden and vote for biden anyway.

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