who honestly doesn't believe in evolution?

Do you believe evolution is real?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 84.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 16.0%

  • Total voters
1. I watched it, nothing but conjecture bullshit.
2. Then claims he's a Roman Catholic.
3. Come on,......:cool:
4. Humans will not be a monkey made.
5. Humans are the very image of God.
6. Some humans want to mock God by making outlandish claims, how we actually came from apes, gorillas, monkeys, but prove it, I still have not seen any proof, and I am sure its not out there.


So your refutation to reproducible evidence that shows beyond any doubt that one of our chromosomes looks like the fusion of two ape chromosomes is "nothing but conjecture". Which part is conjecture exactly? How else do you explain our chromosome #2? I'd be interested in YOUR conjecture as to WHY it has these odd end pieces in the middle, and two middle pieces.

You then go on to state opinions with no factual basis. So once again the evolution side shows reproducible evidence, and the religious side sticks their fingers in their ears, yells "THATS NOT TRUE" and provides.... NOTHING.

See the trend yet?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I watched it, nothing but conjecture bullshit.
2. Then claims he's a Roman Catholic.
3. Come on,......:cool:
4. Humans will not be a monkey made.
5. Humans are the very image of God.
6. Some humans want to mock God by making outlandish claims, how we actually came from apes, gorillas, monkeys, but prove it, I still have not seen any proof, and I am sure its not out there.


Why do you bother to enter into a "discussion"? You do not discuss. You preach dogma. No one will be swayed by dogmatic nonsense. If you hope to convince you need to support your claims with facts. Just robotically claiming that man has not evolved from lesser developed beings because he is in the image of your fantasy god is the weakest possible argument. Evolution has been proven. Your god has not.

1. My side of the arguement is dogma.
2. The way I see it, your side of the arguement is monkeyman.
3. I have read your evidence, and still see no proof.
4. On the other hand, I listen to God all the time, and he hears me.
5. When you tune in and tune out to monkeyman, then you might could understand.
6. But unless you get called and or chosen by God, you are pretty much a hamster on a endless loop.


I'll go you one better. My side of the argument claims that our species greatest grandmother/grandfather was a chemical compound with no other life like quality than the ability to replicate.

Your thinking proccess is much more like the ape than you want to believe. We cannot teach the ape to talk because they are not interested enough in communicating with us to make the effort to learn and use our language. They do make primitive sounds as do you. They just seem to be satisfied being uneducated creatures. I am less critical of them than you because their retardation of the next level is a much greater leap than the one afforded to you. You keep asking what is the "missing link". It is all around us. It is you. Hopefully you have noticed that I have not been rude or overly unkind in this post. I don't hate the ape for not evolving fast enough. I don't hate you for the same reason. I do feel it is unfortunate for the human species that we have to carry your water on into the future and look for a day that your sub set of our species can come up to speed.
Even if it came down to simply, "Who is more believable?" Those that push the supernatural or those that offer scientific evidence. I would still believe sciences, simply because they present so much evidence. Way beyond, "Gawd did it".

What is the evidence for evolution?

This is why Republicans don't get scientists:



Holy shit, you're like a broken record..

Again, polling a few thousand scientist in the country doesn't speak for the rest.

Simple. Polls mean nothing.

The poll is actually from a subset of scientists and not all scientists to begin with. But Rdean won't post that information.

Because they left out university professors and teachers. Many scientists teach. The number of Republican scientists are undoubtedly, much, much less.

Why does this rile Republicans? I'm, well, pardon the word, "mystified". Republicans aren't into education. The majority don't believe in evolution. Why does it bother them that so few scientists want to be Republicans? I would think Republicans would be happy.
That's exactly what I was saying. But Cecille knew that. She isn't here to discuss anything. She basically is here to toss out insults since she is, apparently, some sort of rage-a-haulic who gets off on that kind of behavior.

That being the case, don't expect any sort of logical discussion out of her. It's not that she is incapable of such a conversation, it's just that she is not interested in it.

Did I say that out loud?

That is NOT what you said, so don't sit there and pretend that I am somehow able to read your peabrain and interpret some completely different meaning from your words than they present. And don't try to blame ME because you can't make yourself understood in English. It is, presumably, your mother tongue. If you can't communicate in it, is it really all that surprising that people are less inclined to respect anything you say?

By all means, though, feel free to move on to having a mutual butt-sniffing session with Hick. I recognize how important feeling lofty and superior is in both your lives, and that actual debate with free-thinking people doesn't achieve that goal for either of you.

That's it. Let the rage fester..........

Don't forget the constant need to remind herself how superior she is.
That is NOT what you said, so don't sit there and pretend that I am somehow able to read your peabrain and interpret some completely different meaning from your words than they present. And don't try to blame ME because you can't make yourself understood in English. It is, presumably, your mother tongue. If you can't communicate in it, is it really all that surprising that people are less inclined to respect anything you say?

By all means, though, feel free to move on to having a mutual butt-sniffing session with Hick. I recognize how important feeling lofty and superior is in both your lives, and that actual debate with free-thinking people doesn't achieve that goal for either of you.

That's it. Let the rage fester..........

Don't forget the constant need to remind herself how superior she is.

Yeah, she apparently decided to desert this thread. Perhaps it became no fun for her, when her M.O. was pointed out.

Anyways, once you realize that the anti-evos will never be honest on this issue, it all becomes much easier.
Sorry bout that,

1. Those who can't,.... teach,........ *shit*.
2. Thats about the size of it.......*its shit*.
3. Those upity educated folks, who are lost, only hope is to teach this *shit*.
4. Atleast they can get a paycheck,..so its not all bad, *for them*.
5. Unless you get broken, you can never get fixed.
6. Problem with those who want to say humans are slime based monkeys, is, its unprovable, its genetically impossible, and its degrading to humans,, also gives slime a bad name,..compared to some of you.:lol:

Chess your attempts to be funny just come off as the ramblings of a drug addict.
Sorry bout that,

1. Those who can't,.... teach,........ *shit*.
2. Thats about the size of it.......*its shit*.
3. Those upity educated folks, who are lost, only hope is to teach this *shit*.
4. Atleast they can get a paycheck,..so its not all bad, *for them*.
5. Unless you get broken, you can never get fixed.
6. Problem with those who want to say humans are slime based monkeys, is, its unprovable, its genetically impossible, and its degrading to humans,, also gives slime a bad name,..compared to some of you.:lol:


You have gone from support of creation to the nonsense of a child with no focus.

Your steady descent into pre-pubescent blathering surely at least proves the theory of devolution. :lol:
Sorry bout that,

1. Those who can't,.... teach,........ *shit*.
2. Thats about the size of it.......*its shit*.
3. Those upity educated folks, who are lost, only hope is to teach this *shit*.
4. Atleast they can get a paycheck,..so its not all bad, *for them*.
5. Unless you get broken, you can never get fixed.
6. Problem with those who want to say humans are slime based monkeys, is, its unprovable, its genetically impossible, and its degrading to humans,, also gives slime a bad name,..compared to some of you.:lol:


So your response to me asking how you can possibly explain the reproducible chromosomal proof is to avoid the topic and go off into immaturity. The phrease "if you can't do, teach" does not apply to higher education. I suspect you have no such education, which is why you didn't realize that, and why you seem almost jealous of those who do. Most top tier university professors "teach" AND "do", with extensive research and publications. In graduate school, only the best "doers" can teach at all. You won't see someone teaching law or medicine who doesn't know the practice inside and out.

So let's recap: you have no reproducible evidence for your claims. You disregard or ignore all reproducible evidence for evolution, claiming it somehow doesn't count yet providing no actual refutation as to why. Then when all else fails, you resort to immaturity.

Let me know if you have any questions, or if you'd like to actually discuss this topic.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well I have listened to your evidence, but sorry I am not convinced.
2. What can I say, I just don't buy into it at all.
3. I am sure you believe in it, and thats fine with me, but I won't support it, because I don't believe in it.
4. If you can lay down your head at night thinking about how your kin to slime and monkeys, and can go to sleep doing so.
5. Then fine, you do that, you lower your expectations on life and the after life, but historically, the smartest scientists on earth always knew that their had to be a *Master Designer*.
6. You can reject that if you want, but I tend to agree with them.

Sorry bout that,

1. Well I have listened to your evidence, but sorry I am not convinced.
2. What can I say, I just don't buy into it at all.
3. I am sure you believe in it, and thats fine with me, but I won't support it, because I don't believe in it.
4. If you can lay down your head at night thinking about how your kin to slime and monkeys, and can go to sleep doing so.
5. Then fine, you do that, you lower your expectations on life and the after life, but historically, the smartest scientists on earth always knew that their had to be a *Master Designer*.
6. You can reject that if you want, but I tend to agree with them.


It is clear that this poster is an imposter as a source of any intelligent information. It is somewhere between 8 and 12 years old and already indoctrinated into Christian fudimentalism. It must be only home and sunday schooled to have such a suffocated education. It resorts to childish jibberish because it is a child. First language.."whatever it was told".
Sorry bout that,

1. Well I have listened to your evidence, but sorry I am not convinced.
2. What can I say, I just don't buy into it at all.
3. I am sure you believe in it, and thats fine with me, but I won't support it, because I don't believe in it.
4. If you can lay down your head at night thinking about how your kin to slime and monkeys, and can go to sleep doing so.
5. Then fine, you do that, you lower your expectations on life and the after life, but historically, the smartest scientists on earth always knew that their had to be a *Master Designer*.
6. You can reject that if you want, but I tend to agree with them.


No one is interested in trying to convince you people of anything. We know your mind is made up.

We are just pointing out that when you say "there is no evidence of evolution" it's not true.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Well I have listened to your evidence, but sorry I am not convinced.
2. What can I say, I just don't buy into it at all.
3. I am sure you believe in it, and thats fine with me, but I won't support it, because I don't believe in it.
4. If you can lay down your head at night thinking about how your kin to slime and monkeys, and can go to sleep doing so.
5. Then fine, you do that, you lower your expectations on life and the after life, but historically, the smartest scientists on earth always knew that their had to be a *Master Designer*.
6. You can reject that if you want, but I tend to agree with them.


It is clear that this poster is an imposter as a source of any intelligent information. It is somewhere between 8 and 12 years old and already indoctrinated into Christian fudimentalism. It must be only home and sunday schooled to have such a suffocated education. It resorts to childish jibberish because it is a child. First language.."whatever it was told".

1. You must be falling back on your heels, seeing all you want to do is make this a personal attack thread.
2. Why is it you keep slipping to this form of posting?
3. Whether I'm 8 or 80, I still don't believe, so why don't you convince me.
4. You can not, so you go on attack, you need to grow up my friend.
5. You have little respect for yourself, and less for others, *sucks to be you*, but you do think your ancestors are slime after all, so I completely understand you, you have my condolences

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Well I have listened to your evidence, but sorry I am not convinced.
2. What can I say, I just don't buy into it at all.
3. I am sure you believe in it, and thats fine with me, but I won't support it, because I don't believe in it.
4. If you can lay down your head at night thinking about how your kin to slime and monkeys, and can go to sleep doing so.
5. Then fine, you do that, you lower your expectations on life and the after life, but historically, the smartest scientists on earth always knew that their had to be a *Master Designer*.
6. You can reject that if you want, but I tend to agree with them.


No one is interested in trying to convince you people of anything. We know your mind is made up.

We are just pointing out that when you say "there is no evidence of evolution" it's not true.

1. So you actually believe you came from a pool of slime eh?
2. Thats fine with me, but thats your road to travel, just because I don't want to follow you, doesn't make me a bad guy does it?

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Well I have listened to your evidence, but sorry I am not convinced.
2. What can I say, I just don't buy into it at all.
3. I am sure you believe in it, and thats fine with me, but I won't support it, because I don't believe in it.
4. If you can lay down your head at night thinking about how your kin to slime and monkeys, and can go to sleep doing so.
5. Then fine, you do that, you lower your expectations on life and the after life, but historically, the smartest scientists on earth always knew that their had to be a *Master Designer*.
6. You can reject that if you want, but I tend to agree with them.


It is clear that this poster is an imposter as a source of any intelligent information. It is somewhere between 8 and 12 years old and already indoctrinated into Christian fudimentalism. It must be only home and sunday schooled to have such a suffocated education. It resorts to childish jibberish because it is a child. First language.."whatever it was told".

1. You must be falling back on your heels, seeing all you want to do is make this a personal attack thread.
2. Why is it you keep slipping to this form of posting?
3. Whether I'm 8 or 80, I still don't believe, so why don't you convince me.
4. You can not, so you go on attack, you need to grow up my friend.
5. You have little respect for yourself, and less for others, *sucks to be you*, but you do think your ancestors are slime after all, so I completely understand you, you have my condolences


Falling asleep reading your juvenile posts is more like it. You have not been attacked. Quit your sobbing. The replies you present are tediously repetitive in form and content showing the debating skills of a young child.

It is your posts that stand no chance of delivering any substance to gain ground in this argument.

The sad part is that you are the only representative of the side you take. Arguing facts with uneducated children is pointless.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well I have listened to your evidence, but sorry I am not convinced.
2. What can I say, I just don't buy into it at all.
3. I am sure you believe in it, and thats fine with me, but I won't support it, because I don't believe in it.
4. If you can lay down your head at night thinking about how your kin to slime and monkeys, and can go to sleep doing so.
5. Then fine, you do that, you lower your expectations on life and the after life, but historically, the smartest scientists on earth always knew that their had to be a *Master Designer*.
6. You can reject that if you want, but I tend to agree with them.


Any infant can choose not to understand or be convinced of a complex topic. The question is: why? I ask for refutation to the evidence, and you simply say "I am not convinced". Do you disagree with the evidence presented? Do you believe it is made up? Or do you agree that our chromosome appears to be two ape chromosomes fused together?
So who doesn't believe in evolution? Not abiogenesis, but evolution.

I find it really hard to grasp that some people don't believe in evolution, which is proven, and I think many of those who question "evolution" are actually questioning abiogenesis:

Abiogenesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do believe in Evolution, However proven? I think that might go a bit far. There is certainly a lot of Evidence for it, but to say it has been proven when we still lack the Missing link is a stretch IMO.

Just to be fair.

However I have to agree that Creationist are well. Out of their minds. lol
Sorry bout that,

So who doesn't believe in evolution? Not abiogenesis, but evolution.

I find it really hard to grasp that some people don't believe in evolution, which is proven, and I think many of those who question "evolution" are actually questioning abiogenesis:

Abiogenesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do believe in Evolution, However proven? I think that might go a bit far. There is certainly a lot of Evidence for it, but to say it has been proven when we still lack the Missing link is a stretch IMO.

Just to be fair.

However I have to agree that Creationist are well. Out of their minds. lol

1. Yes we Christains are out of our minds and in Gods mind.
2. Gods mind is above our minds, and holds promise of better things to come.
3. The mind of slime, offers little, so, *good luck with that*,...

1. So you actually believe you came from a pool of slime eh?

No. Abiogenesis is a completely separate theory from evolution. This basically backs up my earlier statement; you are so ignorant of this topic, you can't even discuss it rationally.

2. Thats fine with me, but thats your road to travel, just because I don't want to follow you, doesn't make me a bad guy does it?

No shit Sherlock, that's why I said no one here is interested in trying to convince you. I am only interested in pointing out you choose to remain perpetually ignorant on this issue. That's your choice, but don't kid yourself that you are offering any sort of reasonable criticism of evolution.
Sorry bout that,

1. So you actually believe you came from a pool of slime eh?

No. Abiogenesis is a completely separate theory from evolution. This basically backs up my earlier statement; you are so ignorant of this topic, you can't even discuss it rationally.

2. Thats fine with me, but thats your road to travel, just because I don't want to follow you, doesn't make me a bad guy does it?

No shit Sherlock, that's why I said no one here is interested in trying to convince you. I am only interested in pointing out you choose to remain perpetually ignorant on this issue. That's your choice, but don't kid yourself that you are offering any sort of reasonable criticism of evolution.

1. If I don't believe in evolution, how and why would I study it?
2. Same goes with you and God, you have no belief in God, so you don't study God.
3. What we have here is a *Mexican Standoff*.


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